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Micah Jan 2013
These besieged walls
Cry tears of blood and pain
Lives, like lights, fade
As butterflies get crushed by the rain.

Hungry stomachs run amok
Ostracized by civilization
They consume what they find
Eat dog or child, reach satiation.

Jaunt, weak and orphaned
Zrano staggers along
Fed by hunger, he still runs
On these bloodied streets all alone.

“Zrano!” the old man cries
“I’m hungry and starving my child
Give me some of your flesh
That I may feed myself tonight”.

Zrano replied “No! My old man
I got to run,
Lily, she’s waiting for me now
We have to catch up on a lot of fun”
Zrano went to that place
Where he’d first seen Lily
A faint white bloom, in the swamps of gloom
He’d brought her water, loved her truly.

Unlike his city
Zrano stayed sane
This was his secret
To not let a flower die in vain

Sanity was his survival
Love was his vital tool
Innocently he loved a flower
While the world thought he was a Fool.
Inspired By The Siege Of Leningrad. They would eat dogs in that one year of war. I went a step further and put in cannibalism.
Micah Dec 2012
Little brown eyes,
Skipping tiles,
Weathered shoes,
Lips to the flute,
Tattered clothes,
But heaven's notes,
A telling smile,
Without guile,
Carefree life,
Passes by,

Spoilt child,
Unruly, wild,
Sad brown eyes,
Linking unknown ties,
Beautiful house,
Without home,
A heavy sigh,
But lonely night,
He cries,
Tears not dried,

Two lives,
So apart,
Broken hearts,
Fate stares,
Destiny tears,
Colour from black,
Music from notes,
Ocean from tears,
Q from U,

*But I guess they always knew.
Micah Dec 2012
It’s been three years since that wretched accident
It all started as little flame
Which swallowed you without a trace

The ambulances arrived as the fires blazed
And on and on the red lights and sirens blared

Before one glimpse of you I could see
They ripped you away from me
Pulled me back as I ran toward you
As over your head they put a white sheet new

I paused as they closed the doors and drove away
You just couldn’t be dead
I just knew
It couldn’t be true

The pure agony, I felt it
The raw pain, I dealt with
It ripped my heart away
The tears flowed Finding no reason to stop

I was the only one who knew my life
The only one who knew how I survived

Even with each passing year of sorrow
My love for you grew on
I guess you knew
I guess you saw that I still loved you

So you came back to me
You came back!!!
Back to life and
Back to my life
Like a ray of light
You swallowed the darkness inside

Now all I can seeis you
I don't know if your return is really true
Now you are by my side every time

But I don’t care as long as
You are here
As long as
You are near

You dance beside our bed like you always did
While I lay listening
To the rustle of your clothes
The* ******* of your earrings

And I sleep peacefully today
Knowing totally in a way
That some day I’ll be with you
ONE DAY I’ll dance with you …
Micah Dec 2012
There’ll be times you feel all alone
No one will know what you are going through
Life will seem meaningless
But there is hope for you

I see you tears, your broken heart
You cry out for help, beneath your silence
Still try to cover it with a smile
Fear not my child; I won’t abandon you to the violence

Your life is precious to me
I’ll look after you as you sleep
I love you my pearl and nothing ever can change that
Listen to my voice precious, feel this love so deep

Keep hope my sparrow
I’ll nurse your broken wing
Once again you’ll fly high
Once again, in these meadows, your sweet voice will sing.
Micah Dec 2012
A rainy august day,* twenty years ago,
He’d come home, asked for her hand,
Promised her father, that he'd never leave her side.

He hadn’t wanted to go, held her tight,
But his nation needed him, needed him to fight,
He made her promise, to never allow tears in her eyes.

They made the full moon their anniversary,
Every fortnight, at midnight was their time,
A ritual that kept them together, forever tied.

Barefoot, at night, she looked at the sky,
He was guarding a military camp, but he saw it too,
That one moment, distances were gone, she was by his side.

Blanket draped and nursing a coffee, she waited at the porch
For the man she loyally and eternally loved,
Had a picture of him, that she would hold close to her heart,
She’d feel him tickle her, make her laugh so hard,
His voice would whisper to her, as his hands caressed her hair,
He'd kiss her forehead and she'd sleep in the arms of a man who wasn't there.

There was blood on his shoes, bodies by his side,
Sometimes when it became too much, he'd sob quietly into the night,
He wanted to be in her arms, feel her warmth again,
He wanted to escape the hate around him and love her once more,
When he couldn't sleep, when nightmares invaded his dreams,
He’d take out her prized ribbon; he’d sleep imagining that she was near.

The moon still gives them hope, something for the future,
Every fortnight, they look toward the mediator of their love,
Cool white rays of light; they remove the darkness of their night.

— The End —