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I gave her
  the moon,
she handed me
  the stars
    and together
  our love
    created a
      *perfect universe

Sweetest temptation
One I adore
Angel from heaven
I love you more

Skin soft as satin
Eyes like a gem
Lips sweet like candy
Kiss me again

A heart that is caring
A soul that will fill
Laughter for sharing
Warmth from the chill

Beautiful mornings
Magical nights
Springtime in winter
Every delight

Shooting stars shimmer
When you’re with me
Waves sing harmonic
Out on the sea

Leaves change their colors
Snow on the ground
Loving each other
No ones around

Now until ever
Far past the end
My love keeps growing
To you I send

Fantasies fashion
From up above
Forever my darling
You I will love
Good morning Beautiful
I watch your pupils waltz across the room
I feel the scatter of stars as your eyes catch mine
I smell your cologne as you pull me into your universe
I hear nothing but the breaths you take, that collide with my neck in embrace

I want nothing but your everything

I want you to capture my soul through my lips
I want you to feel the burn of my smile as you pull me with you
I want you to smell the musky rose I chose to wear for tonight
I want you to hear my every emotion when I say goodbye

Thank you for the dance.
I think we're stuck in a perpetual, comfortable, beautiful state of
"I don't know".
What we have is a gorgeous free fall,
A comfortable conundrum of
Messy kisses,
Confused hands,
Very good acting.
We've gotten so wonderful at pretending;
At turning ourselves inside out for each other to find new places to explore.
But, somehow, I love how beautiful I've let this mess become.
I love the unsaid words,
I love this little universe we've built for ourselves.
I love our little "I don't know".
We've made something so incomprehensible even I can't find the words for us.
But, I've made it home, I suppose.
And I'd miss it if it went away.
-I love our little enigma.

Some call me romantic
But I don’t think that’s true
I just write down these feelings
I have inside for you

I have no formal training
No poetry degree
Just a pen and paper
I keep in front of me

So when I think about you
Which happens all the time
I scribble out some phrases
That often seem to rhyme

Perhaps they look like verses
They’re kept in groups of four
And filled with my affection
For someone I adore

And yes some are poetic
Though that is not my plan
I just want you forever
I want to be your man

Okay…they sound romantic
And maybe I am too
But it’s not really all that hard
To write down I love you

Perpetual waves flowing of
sea foam chanted melodies
gather below a yawning horizon
awaiting daybreak embraces

Our footprints trace sandcastle desires
as pomegranate brushstrokes
on feathery laced clouds
drift silently upon a new dawn

Hand in hand we stroll along
a cool cursive shoreline,
past seashell mosaics created neath
last night’s opalescent moon

As softly salted breezes run
wispy fingers through your hair
I kiss you, now awash in a sunrise glow
*slowly drowning in your love
Good morning Beautiful

What happens when
the leaves leave,

do the trees cry

ingrained tears,
ringlets of sorrow
counting the years
until comes tomorrow

when leaving
is what happens again

do the leaves cry

If your kisses were music,

I’d forever be their harmony

Clear mountain streams rush
in waterfall seduction
flowing desires upon perfect *******,
shimmering on dewdrop shoulders,
saturating lips embraced,
glistening skin bared to a bashful sky
neath aquamarine dreams
where we bathe
drenched in the cascading love
*of one another
This is a repost
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