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May 2015 · 343
lunayue2001 May 2015
You're hurting; That much I can tell.
What do you think I am?
Stupid? Unobservant?
A forgetful (af) Calixte that can't remember French Scripts?

So why do you still smile like it's nothing?
Like it's not your problem, it doesn't affect you at all?
You're an idiot, you, for putting up with all this.
Stop.  If it's bothering you, say something about it.  
Explode, for all I care.
Emotions shouldn't be locked away.

Look, I know I've stepped out of line.
I know it's not my place to do this.  
But you don't need to be strong all the time.
You have multiple shoulders to lean on, you know?
Yeah?  So make use of them, *******.
Wahhhh it's terrible~~~
pls don't **** me ahhhh
May 2015 · 308
lunayue2001 May 2015
The time will never come,
where I greet myself at my door,
in my mirror,
with a smile and a welcome.

Because the smile is fake,
the welcome is too hearty,
almost sickeningly sweet.
I inwardly cringe as I laugh, a cheery, false tone.

I can’t give my heart back; I don’t have one
not anymore.
But there was a time,
where everything was real.

So I will sit down
and remember those times.
Those times where my grins were genuine,
the times when I still enjoyed talking,
the times when I was still alive.
*Alternate ending: "The times when I was still me"*
ahhhhh I ended up submitting something I wrote for an English assignment because I liked the theme so much
-This is kind of similar to Derek Walcott's "Love After Love" because part of the assignment was to imitate a poem of your choosing out of all the one's we've read and that's the one I chose heh
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Falling Falling Snow
lunayue2001 Apr 2015
My tears are falling like the snow;
No, don't go
That's what I want to say, but I can't.
I can't.
I can only hope that the snow hides me,
conceals me, shelters me.
I can only wish for the cold flakes
to bury our past,
never to be dug out again.
I can only let the falling, falling snow
help me forget and wash away
the sweet words,
the loving embraces,
the passionate kisses.
After all, it's for the best.
*Isn't it?
Inspired by the song "Falling Falling Snow" by Kagamine ***
Gah I can't write.  Sorry

— The End —