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FallenInTorment Oct 2017
I am a magnet for misery, among self hate and reckless stupidity. With no one to love or be loved by. Pain and sorrow buried within me. Disguised as something I am not and will never be. It hurts to be human, so I’ll swallow your pills and absorb your words as my mind continues to fall apart. No one can hear my silent screams echoing into the distance, as the walls tumble down around me. Pounding on the glass that never breaks, falling but never hitting a ground surface, I am stuck in my head. The pain is too deep, always on the edge to resurface. Hurting is part of being human. Some will rise above it, and others devoured by their depression.
FallenInTorment Jan 2016
I don't see you struggling.
I'm watching you conquer.
I don't see your weakness, I feel your strength.
Don't let them judge you, make them respect you.
Don't let yourself get down, push yourself higher.
Your children are your cubs so protect them like a lioness,
**** what people say, because you're blowing us all away.
FallenInTorment Aug 2015
You can fake your angelic perfection, but id rather fight my demons. Where i stand i am stronger, but feel free to kneel.
This world has gone to hell and dragging me along. You want me to light this fire, but ill be damed if i go down. Dont try to shake what youre not worthy to break. Drown me in your flames, and bury me in these ashes, but i can hold my ground. Either way you lose, and i will be higher than you.
FallenInTorment May 2015
Hiding in your bedroom praying they wont find you. feeling like a freak but the pain feels too good  holding out on hope. working your way to the bottom. all of what is left may as well be gone.
if i could climb my way to heaven without being guilty i would look to the father and ask how it should be. but when i open my eyes this hell it arrives. crying in the corner talking to the shadows asking them to save you praying god will **** you. nothing is there. you're all but forgotten your body is dead and your mind is numb. decisions are stupid but you're not the only one. if you breathe one more day that's another they hate. A crime they create becomes one we commit. you're already free while another tries to escape.
FallenInTorment Aug 2014
Your subtle hints, and grieving eyes distract me from my priorities, your desperate jokes, and hurting heart, how I wish I could touch you. Breath against your skin. I wish only to hold you, and make you smile again. You fear death, while I fear life. Your heart seems hollow, and mine is frail. I'd promise to revive you, If you make this real.
FallenInTorment Jun 2014
Dear Daughter,*
You were inside me.
I felt you kick.
I felt your heart beat.
I sang to you.
You became my only friend.
You supported me, kept me from hurting myself.
You were the only one I could trust to love me.
You came from my body.
I see your smile.
I hear your heartbeat.
I sing to you.
Your needs are all I concern myself with.
I care for you.
I hold you while you cry.
I kiss you, and cuddle you.
I will never let you hurt the way I have.
I will always love you, and never judge you.
You can trust me, because I can trust you.
You can love me, because I will always love you.
You can hate me, but it won't make a difference.
You are a part of me, because I felt you grow inside me.
You are my daughter, my world.
I will stay strong for you.
I will hold on to you.
Forever, you are my little girl.
FallenInTorment Jun 2014
I can disguise myself as love.
I will befriend you.
I most definitely will weaken you.
I will make you cry.
I will break you, shattering your beating *****.
I can ******* over.
I can force myself deeply within you.
I will darken your mind, and betray you.
I will destroy your soul, and torture you.
I will misguide you.
I can worsen you.
I am an infection.
I will cause you confliction.
I will control you, inflict you.
I am your depression.*
I am the cause of your suffering.
I can make you want to die.
I will crush you, beating you down.
I can curse you, providing false hope.
I am a ******* lie.
I can make your life a living hell, make you miserable.
*I probably will **** you.
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