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Nov 2016 · 425
Till' death do us apart
Faith K Nov 2016
Though it bruised my outside, it sensationalized my insides
It made me feel like he loved me so much that he would take a bullet for me and point one to my
Temple, my body is a temple for him to, like a baby, get your hands on it and rip it apart
Intentionally, he wraps his hands around my neck, spits in my face, and calls me stupid but I let him
Feel around the room when he’s around, he is
Darkness is the brightest thing I see, I have learned to live without the light
Lampshade aimed right over my head when I wake up, he told me if I loved there will be no
Beating heart, hurt I felt when I cradled him one night, his toes like honoring angels carrying him wherever he saw
Fit right in-between my wedding vowels to death do us
Apart from the dresser, you open up and find a key, use it when you see
Fit right down below the wooded floor joints there lay freedom
Where I lay when I say the wrong thing
I scratch the floor while I’m down there, **** some time while he’s killing
Me, so gullible, I just wanted to do what I saw
Fit there, aren’t the divorce papers, no we don’t believe in that
Even when he is beating you until your pulse is black and blue
Even when you’re so scared to eat but you still don’t know the next time he’ll feed you
Even when his joy comes from watching you struggle to escape his grip
Even when your eyes are tired of closing, because that’s where
Love is the baby that you lost
Love is how he cried and didn’t eat for a week
Love is the cold bathroom tile where you lay staring at your still-born-baby for a week
Love is do I get help
Love is I am your only help
Now get off the floor, stop your crying
You’re too weak to go
Anywhere? Is that better than here?
Divorce? Of course not
Till’ death do us apart, right?
This poem is dedicated to anyone in a abusive relationship or household, don't let anyone put their hands on you and think it's okay. Get help
Jul 2016 · 314
Hello Beautiful
Faith K Jul 2016
Hello there beautiful, you are so beautiful. The first thing that I see are those sparkling big brown eyes. Then those beauty marks placed in excellence. Your smile, gosh your smile, it makes my day better. When I stare, I see your teeth, white as the pearls around your neck, peek through your chocolate colored lips. When your cheeks rise to your eyes. I begin to melt inside like ice cream in July. It takes me to a-get-away, where I am granted and guaranteed safety. I can smell the pain you endure. But don’t be afraid, little brown skin girl, to let it go. You can cry on my shoulder whenever I am not crying on yours. Those who hurt you, will soon feel how strong you are and how little they mean to you. One day they’ll see how big your pain grew. One day they’ll know how it feels to reap what you sew. One day, they will dream of what it’s like to have people like you in their lives. And what it’s like to have a love such one as you in their dreams. One day, you and I will grow wings. Today beautiful, today.
To anyone feels insecure...
You ARE Beautiful
Jul 2016 · 617
An Understanding
Faith K Jul 2016
My favorite color is clear
I always admired plastic wrap
Even when you put it over black, you still know it’s black because you can see through
For so long I wanted you to see through me and every time I told you I was okay, you saw around me
I never liked the smell of your favorite perfume
It reminded me of every Saturday night you came home with a different man
And they told you how much the loved your scent
Every Sunday morning you sprayed it on like God didn’t know what it smelt like
You asked me how you looked, like saving your soul was a Fashion Show
I couldn’t apologize enough for feeling ungrateful for being here
It wasn’t my fault you had to lay there lifeless while they lusted over your body
Each night reminding you of the night I was conceived
And tell your sister, whenever she’s not penetrating her skin with needles,
That I want my body right next to her daughters
So we can play hide and go seek in the graveyard and sing each other to sleep at dark
Like we used to do when both you and your sister were pasted out in your high place
Isabella, we killed her, and now I’m going to join her. They were her last words, make mine too,
“Don’t wake me, I’m finally sleeping in my sanity”
This poem is dedicated anyone who has ever attempted suicide or had family members that committed suicide. Remember, you're the only one who can save you so that you can save others. God Bless

— The End —