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5.5k · Oct 2014
Faith Wiggins Oct 2014
Lost flower child gone with the wind
as she floats
No one knows where she's going
..not even her
But still she flows with the wind
not knowing where it's
going to end
original by me
980 · Oct 2014
No Angle
Faith Wiggins Oct 2014
The outlook in the stars feeling like i'm about to fall in
a shaddered pile of unforgiveness with uncivilized species known
as humans

Drowning in sorrow the guilt is hard to swalllow
the awakening dawn has come to begin and repeat till sin

This is just the beginning..the beginning of the ending
you smile in my face tell me its going to be ok

But you lied left me wondering in my thoughts is this what it's sought out
to be cause you think it ought to be

You're no angle that I would be
You're no angle that I thought would be
You're not the typical angle that I see
You're No Angle
original by me
464 · Oct 2014
Faith Wiggins Oct 2014
Leave me deceeded me,tell me that you loved me
Shoved me into the act of feeling welcomed but i'm
unsettled at night of the heriffic at the sight that i've
seen I can't call you mean cause that's obseen but for
a fact your true self bottled up inside trying to hide
but only I can see it...all ***** but for others they see pure,
a "golden child" they say we should put her on  a pedastool
but...they're BLIND but when they see the "golden child"
unwind she'll be GONE they all will be GONE the "golden child"
is no longer goldeen but blant like a dry tounge left out in the sun they will be left with no words but obsured through her words because they were BLIND
but now they see the "golden child" unwinded and she's GONE
they're all GONE
#uncover original by me
333 · Aug 2016
The Fog
Faith Wiggins Aug 2016
People get lost in me
You better paddle faster
Before this turns into a disaster
I'm the fog
Decreasing at a steady pace
You call this a race
I'm catching up to you
I'm the fog
Made up of the water you're in
I cover the sky waiting to descend
on the people who face me
I'm the fog
I've warned you
But you're disarmed
Know this isn't a storm
I'm  the fog
original by me
331 · Dec 2014
Faith Wiggins Dec 2014
Petals fall from her eyes
    She always sees her flaws
   She is what no one wants
 She is the Rotten Rose

original by me
243 · Aug 2016
Are You Clueless
Faith Wiggins Aug 2016
Are you clueless...because you can't take a hint
Probably because I don't give off that vibe
I sacrifice others feelings before mine
"It's only a matter of time",I say to myself
"That what"?,"That who"?, That he or she takes a hint

But they don't realize or even try to sympathize
I tear myself up inside,ruining my self-worth
Saying I'm just a person of "Use",No one wants to actually be true friends anymore
I avoid people, afraid of being that person of "Use" again
Then I meet someone,and the same story plays over and over,where does it end
"Why can't I take control",you may be wondering,well I'm asking myself that too

See the battle isn't with those "Users" as you can see by now
Its with me...No strength,no determination,I just wish life was a vacation
I've held that knife to the vein of my wrist...that pill to the tip of my lips
But I'm just a coward too scared to sip or slit the problems away
I might as well stay and face another day of this ****** life

I just want to be able to smile,and actually enjoy being alive
That's all I ask,but no I had to be born in a house where abuse is alive
In a world where my race isn't accepted
In a society where only skinny is allowed
In a community where I have to follow the guidelines of the "American Life"

All I see is labels and more labels
Can't I express myself without the world having to "Understand" me
Hell, I don't understand myself let along you knowing me
I'm just a number in your system, a person hidden in your files
Again I still try to smile, while I get piled and tempted to just end it

But..then again,you still might not be able to comprehend this
I don't express this,but you can see the grief,weighing heavy on me
I've felt like this since I was Five,and I've accepted of whats' become of life

My past is future,my future is my past,my present should be changing
But, I'm steady hanging on, one little mishap, I might just have to shoot a cap
For you all to take hint
original by me

— The End —