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406 · Oct 2011
Faith Melton Oct 2011
Tired, exhausted
But we don't need sleep.
Silence keeps us awake
Minutes turn to hours
the hours to days
Time seems useless
Our goals becoming futher
We work harder
Tear ourselves apart
To finish what we started
Nothing ever seems to go right
We don't give up
Even in our worn out staggering
We continue in our labor
Only to please ourselves
404 · Oct 2011
Faith Melton Oct 2011
Did they tell you I'm leaving today?
I see you in my rearveiw mirror.
Did you realize your mistake?
I know tears are rolling down your face.

Did they tell you I'm a wreck?
I saw you messaged me.
Did you just realize you loved me?
You know it's too late.

Did they tell you that you lost your chance?
You're begging me to come back.
Did you know I hate goodbyes?
You said it everytime.

Did you realize it was just for today?
I told you how I felt.
Did they already tell you?
You should have believed them all along.
395 · Oct 2011
You had it
Faith Melton Oct 2011
You didn't fit in,
It wasn't something you could ever do.
You never were good at
Putting up walls.
Or mending them.
But you always held your head high.
You'd rather create distance
Then keep communication.
You knew you could always do better.
But why did you light it up?
Why'd you let it all burn down?
You know you had it all
Cause in my eyes you were perfect,
Til' you met him.
You let him get the best of you,
He didn't think you were worth it
I do, I'd take a bullet for you,
I'd take a whole round.
Honestly, you're my best friend.
I admire so many things in you.
Why'd you let him get you down?
When we know you had it all
Before he came around?
377 · Oct 2011
Faith Melton Oct 2011
I always wonder what feelings you have for me
Mine are quite obvious it seems.
Everyone knows, but it doesn't feel like you do.
I try so hard, just to make little observations
To see if you're trying to show
Just a little emotion for me

Can't you just tell me?
I want to know if you're mine...
I want to know if you and me exist
But I have my fears
Will you say no?
355 · Oct 2011
Still Dreaming
Faith Melton Oct 2011
I'll let you in,
If you'll trade that heart of gold
So it can be mine to hold.
Lock and key,
I'll be your inspiration
If you'll be my melody.

You're my dream in reality.
My sanctuary dressed in light.
You're the only one I believe in
I wont break this memory apart
It was love from the start.

— The End —