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69 · Mar 2018
If I Were A Boy
juliette Mar 2018
If I were a boy, things would be better
It would be easier, it would be easier
Because i feel different
If i were a boy
I wouldn’t have to explain
How I really feel
That i am a boy
I was just born in a female’s body
If i were a boy
My life would be better
I wouldn’t have the anxiety i do now
Having to come out
To all my friends and family
Having to say
“Mum, dad, friends
I have to tell you something”
If i were a boy
This wouldn’t be as hard
They would ask if i was okay
I would say yes but also no
I would have to make
A sentence that works for how i feel
If i were a boy
I wouldn’t have to do this
I wouldn’t have to say
“I don’t feel like a girl
I want to be a boy
I feel like a boy
I am not a girl”
I wouldn’t have
To deal with unacceptance
I wouldn’t have to hear
“No you’re a girl”
“How do you feel like a boy?”
“That’s impossible”
If i were a boy
Oh i wish i was a boy…
lol hi my name is colby and uhhh all the two poems here are for my english class ok thanks bye <3
juliette Mar 2018
This home had a mom a dad and two kids
It was nice, so very nice
Family vacations, going out to dinner
Everyone was something they’re now not
yeah , they were all happy
I say were for many reasons
I say were because now they’re not
It all happened so quickly
First it was arguing
Then yelling and cursing it didn’t get better
Everyone said “don’t worry
Everything will work out!
Family argues but that's normal!”
Why is arguing normal?
The youngest one, the daughter,
Understood nothing
She was afraid and worried
What happened to the family?
The family that went on vacations
Every summer off of school
The family that went out
Out to dinner
letting the kids choose where
The family that always took
At least ten photos to have
So everyone could keep one
What happened to the family?
It happened one night
Two siblings staying together
In one room, the older
Holding the younger
Covering the poor angel’s ears
She was so young
She shouldn’t hear this yelling
That’s when they both heard it
The yelling stopped
Was everything going to be okay now?
No it wasn’t okay
They could hear only one word
It echoed through the house
The younger didn’t understand it
But the older did, and it was bad.
Divorce, noun,
the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court
Sometimes, when you close your eyes
You can see the happiness that once
Filled the house
The happiness that blossomed
Two children a boy and a girl
But after the happiness
You can see the sadness
All the yelling and screaming
All the tears and cries
The feeling of emptiness
Where the youngest child
Locks herself in her room
Listing to music on high
She can’t handle the silence
Goes on the internet
All the time
She can’t handle being alone
Cries alone in her room
She doesn’t want to show weakness
She’s lived a hard life
But so has her brother and parents
She feels at fault for the breaking
The breaking of this family
She wants to fix it
But she knows she can’t
She can’t she can’t she can’t
And this was the story of a family
That once was whole, but now is empty

— The End —