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Nov 2014 · 370
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Moments too dark to see.
Moments to hard to breathe.
Forced to make a decision.
For an answer you are wishing.
Take this agony,
Set me free.
Need a moment to cry,
Can't watch him die.
No longer can I be so strong.
Please God, don't let me be wrong.
If I could, I'd take his pain.
His tears like rain.
Show me the way,
Show me he'll be okay.
Lost so much, so many.
My own tears, aplenty.
Images in my head, echoing.
But my tragedy is legend.
Birth to present,
Its never been pleasant.
I need to find the answers.
To show him his life matters.
Moments I am blind,
Answers I can't find.
Moments too hard to breathe,
Moments I wish his pain would leave.
Nov 2014 · 362
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Savor those moments too, they are so few.
Love a little more, unlock and open those doors.
Free yourself from the grim reality all around you.
Let those wings reach for the heavens above.
Untie those self imposing bonds you long ago wove.
Breathe in the serenity that you've called upon.
Shake free of the pain and just move on.
Give this moment it's glory.
Each one it's own memorable story.
Soul deep, you shall wish to stay, within its bliss.
Sweet, silent as the rain droplet bestows a rose a kiss.
Rainbow colored images flashing behind closed eyes.
Your perfect dream, wished upon stars, slowly dies.
Giving way to half formed, tempting new desires.
Peel away the long dead layers.
Emerge from your dark past.
Escape the curse, now broken, ages ago cast.
Choose to live in this moment.
Making this your fondest memory yet.
Nov 2014 · 345
Fake It
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Stepping in, stepping back.
You play the fool.
Always you fall, you crack.
Dance the dance, you're just a tool.
Back and forth, same tune.
Never ending revolution.
To the pain we are not immune.
Never a solution.
Close your eyes, fake it.
Smile back, fake it.
Keep dancing, fake it.
Keep crawling, fake it.
Knowing it will always be the same.
Knowing it will never change.
Shake your head, what a shame.
Call it as you see it, strange.
Point the finger, toss the blame.
Keep it in, don't let them see.
Ever growing sense of pain.
Let me go, set me free.
Nov 2014 · 342
Be Gone
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Ignored, betrayed, forgotten...
Lonely, broken, rotten.
Her path of misery and pain,
Shadowed by eternal rain.
Reaching deep
Her hope to keep.
Process begun
By the maternal one...
What has burrowed to the core?
A disease one cannot ignore.
Take these chains off,
Standing, she's had enough.
Shed her tattered skin,
Cast aside all sin.
Wings purged of darkness,
Piercing through shoulders skin.
Break the curse,
Time to play the next verse.
Given a moment's immortal clarity,
Baring oneself, wearily.
Head thrown back,
Waiting for the next attack.
Shake loose the bonds,
Yesterday's tears now gone.
Face the dawn,
Burning rays withdrawn.
Fly little one,
With next breath be gone.
Nov 2014 · 311
So Close
Faellin Angel Nov 2014

I close my eyes in hope,
I breathe just to cope.
Asking for help is not possible,
When it's not understandable.
I wake each morn with a weak desire,
Fall to pieces every twilight, no inner fire,
No reason to pray, I'm alone.
Not one being listening, none.
Inner strength is caving,
I'm not looking for a hero or saving.
Taking a deep breath,
I wait my turn for death.
Too many reasons to stay,
Pulled too many directions each day.
Slowly falling apart,
Remorse shadows the heart.
Brilliant pain envelopes me whole,
Shattering my weary soul.
Release me from my mortal bond, free me,
Let me rise with wings and flee.
Find what is so close, I'm blind,
So Close yet I cannot find.
Nov 2014 · 330
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Sometimes the sky just isn't as blue,
The sun isn't as bright for you.
Sometimes the days fade to night,
And most things just don't feel right.
You feel the wind dance all around you,
You dry the tears, none too few.
Will the moon to light your shadows,
But even rainbows
Fade away leaving us facing the moment.
Words are hollow, not what they meant.
Eyes see what the soul hid.
A weak smile the dark will forbid.
Shattered pieces cannot heal,
Your soul no longer real.
Whispers dancing nimbly within,
Tell a tale of foretold sin.
Weak willed and a strange destiny,
Finding peace, heavenly.
Nov 2014 · 281
Shadowed One
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
You look at me and think you know me.
You open dark eyes and still don't see.
Listen with ears too deaf to hear.
Feel with a heart that will no longer care.
Kiss with lips that no longer taste.
Stumble forward with eager haste.
Say goodbye little one, say goodbye.
Take a deep breath and no longer cry.
Whispers from the Shadowed One,
This living dance of death now done.
Nov 2014 · 253
Fly Free
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Ignored, betrayed, forgotten...
Lonely, broken, rotten.
Her path of misery and pain,
Shadowed by eternal rain.
Reaching deep
Her hope to keep.
Process begun
By the maternal one...
What has burrowed to the core?
A disease one cannot ignore.
Take these chains off,
Standing, she's had enough.
She'd her tattered skin,
Cast aside all sin.
Wings purged of darkness,
Piercing through shoulders skin.
Break the curse,
Time to play the next verse.
Given a moment's immortal clarity,
Baring oneself, wearily.
Head thrown back,
Waiting for the next attack.
Shake loose the bonds,
Yesterday's tears now gone.
Face the dawn,
Burning rays withdrawn.
Fly little one,
With next breath be gone.
Nov 2014 · 291
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Can't seem to leave this haunting past behind,
To anything good I've been blind.
Many moments of absolute denial and failure,
Countdown to how many I can endure.
Broken and shattered beyond repair,
In this moment I face my greatest fear.
Please forgive me,
No sudden clarity do I see.
Shall I walk alone in the darkness,
Waiting, craving deaths kiss...
Please forgive me,
I never meant to hurt you see.
I forgot that there was once someone,
Down this shadowed path I've run.
Please forgive me,
No salvation I foresee.
Demons of my chosen concocted poison,
Injected, inhaled, and now I've lost all reason.
Please forgive me,
At my breaking point, I'm ready.
One last moment of ease,
Now these inner demons I release.
Please forgive me,
I now fly free.
Cut out the pain, accept deaths dance,
Coming down from my inner chemical romance.
Please forgive me,
I long ago lost who I am meant to be.
I open my eyes and with new sight,
I see I finally lost the fight.
The ones I've left behind to carry my burden,
Now pick up the pieces left by what fate begun.
Nov 2014 · 273
Burned Bridges
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
So many times I walked away.
I just couldn't stay.
I've left behind so many,
I've burned bridges aplenty.
I've walked a broken, lonely road,
With each mile my sorrows grow.
Once in a blue moon,
I promise this one I'm keeping.
I'm unlike any you've ever known,
My secrets I've finally shown.
Will you accept me, understand me,
Or will you turn and flee.
I cannot change me
I'm strangely different see.
Normal on the outside,
Shadowed despair on the inside.
My past molded this form, this spirit,
Designed with flaw by all I hear it.
Destiny dealt such a cruel hand,
With broken wings I still stand.
Pity not this shattered being,
For my time is fleeting.
Nov 2014 · 483
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Slipping through moment’s unseen,
Caressing the inky darkness.
Shedding the skin,
Now unclean.
We kiss the madness.
Bathe the mind,
stripped to bone,
We love to hate, such malice.
Abandon the bitter soul,  
Awaiting our fate,
Embracing our given affinity,
Breaking, no longer whole.
Now you lie broken-hearted,
You’re all alone.
Accepting our forsaken enemy,
With fractured mind parted.
Shattered soul without hope,
given over to the chaos.
Search for a godless ruin,
In which we cope,
In which we wither in pain,
As they pray for us.
Release your mortal shell.
Fallen, betrayed, you are slain.
Nov 2014 · 264
We Fly
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Brought screaming into a blinding world,
From nothing, Into a painful life we are hurled.
Dancing through the days of light,
Sleeping through the darkness of night.
Each moment passing in the blink of an eye.
We learn to live, love, learn, and lie.
Seeking that one thing to make us whole,
Trying to find our destined roles.
Not once able to stop the cycle,
Fighting a lifelong battle.
Suddenly we reach our final moments,
With no time left, we reminisce.
With one last breath,
We are lost unto death.
Nov 2014 · 328
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
She takes a breath, she is alive.
She dances within the bright light
From moment to moment, trying to survive.
She's always feared the endless night.
With nowhere to run,
With nowhere to hide.
Only one chance to see the sun.
Only allowed one mistake, she died.
From the shadowed darkness he sprang.
Feeling forsaken, she takes one last breath.
Alone she is bled dry, by the sharpness of fang.
He is giving her everlasting death.
She's left behind her old life,
Given no choice at her destiny,
She now dances with the nightlife.
She stands mad with certainty.
Unblinking, she buries the stake,
She takes back her lost freedom.
The undead now dead, she is awake.
Screaming furious banshee she has become.
Nov 2014 · 386
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
I want to be something I could never be,
Something that will never happen see.
I’m sick, so sick of this life,
So full of nothing but strife.
Can’t see the good for all the pain,
No matter what is said, all in vain.
Dragged through existence,
Dead end life sentence.
Never such a thing as a real friend…
All fake or straight up pretend.
SO *******!!
Just so sick of this afflicting spirit,
When have I ever been able to bear it?
Living in my own black shadow,
Mortal beings become so shallow.
Narcissistic cruel natures,
Pain crippling lurid creatures.
Shove ‘em all together,
Lock ‘em up, let ‘em out never.
All their sins forever ******,
So now inside I am forever dead…
So *******!!
Nov 2014 · 264
My Madness
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
I am broken and torn.
Left here on the cold floor...
Blood pouring from my inner wounds.
Killer thoughts like bloodhounds,
Ready to bring it all down,
All I see is red when I stand here...
****, it is so not fair.
Leave me be
Before you see
What holds me together
In my dark place I wither.
Useless from being so alone,
One day I will be gone,
Do I accept these things
Things, pain brings.
Swallow my pain
Staring at my mirrored insanity
Grinning oh so wicked
I am so sickened.
Black with disease
All I do is beg please
Turn your back and walk away
You do it every **** day.
As long as I am here
You do not care.
Throw me away
No longer play
With my shriveled heart
Which falls apart
slides through
Your hands, its true...
I died that day
So far away.
Will I ever return?
Or will my soul yearn
For what I cannot ever
No never ever
Be, whats so deep inside of me.
Locked so tight
My wings will one day take flight
You will have your fight
My pain  is my might...
Over and over I stumble
My chest rumbles
Its all the same
I am the one to blame.
Why do I do this???
Did I miss...
Something along the way?
What can I say...
Here we go again
Do this, it must be a sin...
Save me
From me
I lost touch
With so much
I seem to not be able to get enough
Is it b/c I am so ****** tough?
I am sick of this
Stupid ignorant b/s.
Lead me on
Let the fun begone...
I am done...
Before I come undone.
Nov 2014 · 415
Inner Coldness
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Let me go before I die,
All I can do is hurt and cry.
I am so tired of all this pain,
You make me go insane.
I think I wont miss you,
Yet I know I will too.
I know I love you
And want you...
And it is time to move on,
I will be so long gone.
The tears will not stop flowing til I am free
Free with him to be...
Can you see it hurts me
Hurts with you, I cant be.
I scream so silently
Holding back violently
Passionate thoughts.
Love is all I have sought.
Is it here with you?
Or did we lose that too?
I give up everything for you
I do all you ask me to do...
Each time it rips apart
A small peice of my beating heart.
I am no longer human
Something not quite demon,
Monsterous inside
Its dark and it does hide.
It seeks ultimate release
Or my pain will not cease.
I take all this to keep you
From hurting too.
And now I see,
The one to end all pain wont be me.
I hurt you, him, or me.
And I have two lil ones that see
And feel my pain.
Will it all be in vain?
I beg it to all end,
To the blackness please send.
If the demon I hold
Gets too bold
It will wreak havoc on everything,
A sight to behold among other things.
The blood will flow,
His starvation will only grow.
I keep him at bay,
With all I have each day...
And now my will has worn thin,
Will this be the end?
Let me go free,
Or all will see,
What I really am inside,
Will you hide?
The destruction will befall
You, me and all...
What I need you cannot be,
Please stand back and see.
Either be that man for me
Or just let me be... Free!
Nov 2014 · 272
My Darker Demons
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
I have fought ****** battles,
Thought of humans as my cattle.
Tasted of such delights,
Seen morbid and hellish sights.
But nothing in all my thousands of years,
Has ever brought me this close to tears.
Your beauty shines so bright,
It takes away my keen sight.
Your delicious smell calls me from far away,
Your makes me unbeating heart  sway.
Please tell me that you will be mine,
Asking you should be the sign.
Your dark looks unnerve me
So badly see...
I've never met a man,
Who so easily can...
Bring me to my knees,
Want to forever please...
Undo years of pure hatred,
We have to be fated,
To walk this world for millions of years...
I'll shed limitless tears
Until I have you in my embrace,
Able to kiss your exotic face.
Share my world of gore,
I am so sure,
That with you I can be
What I use to see..
Tame and mild,
Surely not this wild.
I want you to teach me,
Help me be free.
Free from my darker demons,
Bloodthirsty Demons.
Nov 2014 · 218
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
People don't realize that in a a brief moment,
All can be gone w/o a word or hint.
One day your fine,
The next your crying.
Be grateful for life, love, and time.
Life is crazy w/o reason or rhyme.
Everything you cherish,
Could instantly perish.
With all hold dear,
My only fear,
I'll lose never knowing,
Or never even showing.
Mothers, fathers
Sons and daughters,
Even sisters
And Brothers...
Gone without a last word...
Such a savage world.
To give us such
Then take so much.
No matter how much you scream,
Wish, hope, or dream...
Its gone, their gone,
Everything eventually comes undone.
To all who have lost,
At such high costs...
I share my pain,
So much like drops of rain.
Nov 2014 · 311
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
People dont realize that in a a brief moment,
All can be gone w/o a word or hint.
One day your fine,
The next your cryin.
Be grateful for life, love, and time.
Life is crazy w/o reason or rhyme.
Everything you cherish,
Could instantly perish.
With all hold dear,
My only fear,
I'll lose never knowing,
Or never even showing.
Mothers, fathers
Sons and daugters,
Even sisters
And Brothers...
Gone without a last word...
Such a savage world.
To give us such
Then take so much.
No matter how much you scream,
Wish, hope, or dream...
Its gone, their gone,
Everything eventually comes undone.
To all who have lost,
At such high costs...
I share my pain,
So much like drops of rain.
Nov 2014 · 197
Being Me
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Do you ever stop to wonder,
Who you are for sure?
Just letting the days go by,
Living your life like a lie.
Its just so hard being me,
I feel as if nobody's free, including me.
Always moving, always hurting, dying inside.
Just wanting someone by my side.
It's just so hard to make a friend,
Just to give them up in the end.
People living to hurt, living to succeed.
What do you possibly need?
Time flies by as I grow older
Somehow I get bolder.
This song in my head,
demands me so much more.
My heart gets a little more torn.
It's just so hard being me
Am I the only one not totally free?
Always living one more day on the outside,
Dying inside, wanting you by my side.
God gets a little closer each time.
Lifes' it's own crime.Crying more,
smiling less, dying more.
My life's a story written lore.
Living this life over and over.
Is its own hell,
why don't you come right over,
Be my friend, my lover,
Your life may be over.
Just being me is not fair,
Why can't you share?
Always living one more day one the outside,
Wanting only you by my side.
Nov 2014 · 255
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
I live so very lonely within these caged walls,
Self infliction, dark demonic calls.
My innermost turmoil shining brightly for all to see,
My animalistic instincts, as always, cry for me to flee.
I've lost this moment, forgotten the devious why,
I only know that in this current life, I live through the lie.
Breathless, engulfing pain radiating,
This one among many, emotionally frustrating.
I answered the relentless call,
And once more I begun the cycle, I fall.
Reckless moments echoing within all,
Here again, once again fall.
Each life's patterns all the same,
Only this time different, with no one but me to blame.
Searching blindly eternally and I know it's true,
So many others like me, yet I'm one of very few.
My empathy soaking in the pain,
Taking in the anger and I'm no longer sane.
The broken, reflective fragments of endless time,
I piece together just don't rhyme.
I always answer the call.
I always know I'll fall.
Can't change what the fates saw,
In agony, I beat against the impenetrable wall.
This cycle one of so very many,
Leaving me always broken and empty.
No one to blame,
And no one to shame.
My own inner hell,
My fault, I fell.
Nov 2014 · 340
Why You
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Why do you make me hate you?
Why do you turn away?
Why are the looks of affection so few?
Why do we fight everyday?
Time after time you hurt me.
I am tired of hurting,
Can't you see?
Tired of crying.
Yes you care, but very little.
It shows in everything.
My heart so brittle.
Tired of feeling like I'm going insane.
Chaotic feelings, thoughts, all astir.
My head so full, so heavy,
Reminds me of a tilt-a-whirl.
Why cant you just love me?
Why did it have to be you?
Why can't I walk away?
B/c I am so in love with you,
But the hate grows, day after day,
No guilt, no remorse, only hate anymore.
Did I drive you to do it?
As I drove myself insane, no more.
Goodbye, or live w/ it.
I don't know if I can get better,
Don't know if you even care,
My cheeks cant get wetter...
All of this I can no longer bare.
Got to do something,
Can't think of anything.
I'm losing my heart.
Why did I push you,
Guilt with pain crushing my heart.
Do you know I love you?
Do you care enough to fix my heart?
Help me I'm drowning,
Can't breath, I need you.
Drowning in the tears I'm crying.
Do you care enough to save me and you?
Nov 2014 · 267
My Children
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
I hope my children grow up
Knowing what all I gave up
So they could be healthy
Could be loved and happy
And I hope they make something
Of themselves, when I am nothing
I would die for them
Commit any sin
I will love them no matter who they are
or what they become, or how far
they travel, they will come back
I will love them, no matter what they lack
My son, I hope will be strong
My daughter smart, and they both live long
I would willingly go to hell
My soul I would sell
Just to love them
And be with them.
Most any mother
or father
Knows the truth in what I say
and feels what I feel each day.
Children as you grow older
And get so much bolder
Remember what we give
And try to live
Each day to the fullest
Do only your best
And know everything has a place
And you can never replace
Each moment, there gone in a blink
We are standing on the brink
Of this life and we gave ours
For yours....
Nov 2014 · 408
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Giving in, giving up,
When does this all stop?
Giving you one more day,
Telling you I'll stay.
Giving you the best part of me,
Maybe one day you'll stop and see.
Giving you two,
When you never knew.
Giving you trust and love,
When all you do is push and shove.
Giving in, giving up,
We're never going to make it to the top.
I give and give,
When I barely live.
You take and take,
Forgetting each mistake.
One day I won't be here,
Will you even care?
I give, I love, I give, I stay.
Giving you everything, everyday.
Forgiving you for it all,
Forgetting never the pain of it all.
My heart broken, bleeding,
You stand there greedily feeding.
Giving you each drop.
Knowing you'll never stop.
Nov 2014 · 220
After All this Time
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
There are times I look back and see
Everything that's been done to me.
Everything that's been said,
Or everything I have read.
So much in so little time,
To hurt this way must be a crime.
From the moment I met you,
You tore my world in two.
I cried more tears over just you,
Then everyone I knew.
You took everything from me,
And still, you don't see,
That it's slowly killing me.
You just couldn't let me be.
After all this time, I still love you,
Once again, I am slowly learning to trust in you.
Countless times you threw me out,
Took my child, and turned me inside out.
She cried for me,
Because she loved me.
I was her only mother,
You couldn't even be a good father.
I walked alone,
Thinking of everything you have done.
Nov 2014 · 410
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
(chorus) I guess it's hopeless,
And I'll always feel helpless.
When your with me,
Can you see?
What you do to me???

With you I feel helpless,
And I can't help this,
I know it has to be this way.
This love, growing day after day.
I'd feel as if I'd die,
If you ever said goodbye.
It's agony you see...
What you do to me...
My love will never falter,
I'll take it to the alter.
I'm lost to you,
Helpless to it too.
Just don't ever leave me.
I'll never give you a reason to flee.
I'll never do you wrong,
This is where you belong.
I was so alone before you,
It was cold and black too.
(chorus 2 x's)
More like song lyrics...
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
All her life she's been promised things,
Now it's too late and she's not staying.
She's leaving on a one way ticket, see.
And it seems to me...
Sh just wanted love, friendships, to be needed.
But all warnings went unheeded.
She's giving everything up on hope,
It's like climbing a rope.
Don't look down,
She'll never be found...
Momma never loved her,
Where's daddy? Totally unaware.
She'd do anything.
Her life is momentarily ending.
She never really belonged,
Her life prolonged.
Is there really someone like her?
Unaware of their power?
Love doesn't exist,
Never could resist.
All her fantasy's,
Her final romantasy...
At what cost?
She just wanted love, to be loved.
For now she's unloved.
Nov 2014 · 312
One Day
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Feelings that I should not feel,
People telling me I should just deal.
This endless cycle twisting in my mind.
Can no one be truly kind?
One day I may have the courage I seek,
One day I may not be so weak.
Everyone telling me its wrong not right,
One day I will not runand hide, I'll fight.
One day I will stand up and face my fears,
Someday no more hurt and blinding tears.
Can someone just love me?
One day free the me I see...
The me hiding inside,
The chaotic thoughts put aside
One day can you hold me?
The unending thoughts of suicide.
Admitting that yes, I lied.
That self mutilation is what tried.
Knowing you couldn't love me, I cried.
You said the hateful hurting words,
And yes it was he who you drove me towards.
No longer depend on a man,
On my own two feet I shall stand.
Love me or leave me,
Or it'll wind up bad see.
One day I'll either fight,
Or take the blade, I just might.
Nov 2014 · 318
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Words have the power to start or stop a war,
They affect all living creatures to their very core.
Simple words can end life,
Or miracles big as giving life.
They tell us the history of our forefathers,
Make us pick up weapons against our brothers.
Words make us burn with love or hate,
Has the power to twist all fate.
Three little words combine us forever,
I love you… or forever sever.
What words will we choose?
How much power will we use?
Time passes faster each day,
That is the price we pay.
Watching our world fall away,
What will be left after today?
Nothing left for our children,
Nothing left for them to defend.
Our words of mine, ours, more,
Abused this land, the very core.
Irreversible, unstoppable, widespread,
The words we did, we said…
Gone, is the word that’s left.
Dead, dying, decay, and death.
Which word will we use in the end?
Too late, all over, nothing more, can’t rescind.
Will we call for the religious word we all know?
God, Jesus, Buddha, will he show?
Words make stories, music, and prayers.
Calm or ease all our fears.
Words make up this world, or whats left,
Our life will change and forever shift.
We will be gone, left behind, alone,
All but words dead and gone.
Nov 2014 · 320
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
I may not be perfect
I may not be terrific.
Sorry but I am me
and I will always be.
You never see me,
You look past, see.
Years of need,
You didn't heed.
I love you, its true
but your cruel.
My tears have begun to fade,
After an entire decade.
My heart begins to die,
Like always though I will get by.
I stand and watch you
Inside I need you.
But you don't want me,
Your happy see
As long as I am here,
You will not fear.
I cannot walk away
Our kids have the say.
Both parents they want,
But both parents are naught.
As I amto you nothing,
I am their everything.
I am mom and dad,
Yes that's sad...
Twenty four seven, day or night...
I am the one who brings the light.
All needs always met,
Love and kindness can't forget.
We are together,
He is alone forever.
He chose his path,
He can do the math.
Some say at least he is there...
Just wish he took the time to care.
To me having been free
Always cold and hungry
I can see their view
Wish they'd see mine too.
So we three,
Two kids and me
Long for a place
Some kind of space
Within the shielded heart.
Where we are never apart.
That though is a pathetic and dead dream...
To stand by and only watch it may seem.
Nov 2014 · 275
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Walk with me into the land of the dead,
Desolation and agony not too far ahead.
Shadows and darkness no matter where you stand,
Nothing here but forgotten memories, understand?
Chaos filled within, among all else,
Lies spilled, I must confess.
Right or wrong, ultimate desperation,
Doom, mayhem, and impending destruction.
Our future, our near tomorrow,
Bloodshed, misery, and sorrow.
What little of life is left,
Is but a temporary gift.
Open your blind eyes,
Shed the pretty lies.
For here everyone dies,
Nothing but silent cries.
Where is the hope of yesterday?
It's sad but true, what's left to say...
Turn your back on the truth,
All about is your proof.
Deny it if you will,
Bottom line, its the final deal.
Our world is quickly fading,
While we sit by degrading.
Mankind will perish,
If this life we do not cherish.
What's left is but ticking time,
But so many are deaf and blind.
Nov 2014 · 311
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Twisted delusions, nightmare illusions.
Siren's song of death, spoken with voluptuous breath.
Entice you with looks of come hither, make you a tasty dinner.
Follow me into a deep dark hole, Where I will swallow your soul.
I inhale you inside me, Bring you to life within me.
Deep within me you stir, ****** pleasures incur.
Seed is sown, runic bones of fate are thrown.
Your death is foreseen, Your soul serene.
Make you a child of mine, And then crush your spine.
Taste of blood, flesh and death, Putrid and rotting on my breath.
I am the siren of men, Welcome to my dark deadly den.
Nov 2014 · 427
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
A flame to burning bridges.
Pain, pushing me over the edges.
Sight blinded by rage.
Another hopeless war waged.
Taketh this black hate.
Only Death's dark taste will sate.
Welcome the sinners into this hell.
From heavens gates I fell.
Wingless angel, barren of light.
Plucked free of inner fight.
Lay down my weapons.
Wait for the reapings.
Twisting in true denial.
Breeding malice, nasty and vile.
Final step into oblivion.
Time like distance lost to countless eons.
Nov 2014 · 317
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Look into these dark eyes.
Soul tortured and broken, dies.
My last shred of innocence bled dry.
The sweet memories once lies.
Fading faster with each breath.
With the sun on the horizon, I see my immanent death.
Frozen in fear, one's deepest desires now clear.
A burning within. Another life gone once again.
Nov 2014 · 655
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Take what Death's Hand hath given unto me, for I am immortal see.
I taste of life's sweet elixir, for I am the dark trickster.
I dance between shadows like lightning, my fanged smile beyond frightening.
My kiss will deliver you from untimely death, as you take one last breath.
What I take from you, you in turn will steal from another anew.
The circle of life in any shape or form, as predictable as weather's storm.
Nov 2014 · 320
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Her mother is lost to her forever,
And she’ll never find her way back.
Her father’s dying from a disease,
In which he can’t see.
And all she ever wanted was the love,
Love she can only receive from God.
She’s running away,
She’s lost and far away.
His brother is dark, suicidal,
His sister will be found dead, it’s entitled.
His parents are in a world of their own,
He’s scared and all alone.
And all he ever wanted was the strength, the courage,
The courage to go on, courage from God, escape his cage.
To save his family, to save himself,
But there’s nothing left.
Her friends are all pregnant, wasted, dead and gone,
Her boyfriend won’t leave her alone.
Her parents are on her for grades,
Teachers for homework, high expectations in spades.
All she ever wanted was blessed peace,
Peace from it all, peace from God alone, make it cease.
He, who receives them all,
When they at their end, when they fall.
Someone who will cast no blame,
They don’t want to be alone in their pain.
No one listens, no one understands,
Their souls in shattered strands.
They are broken, feeling as if no one cares,
Lost, lonely, desperate with their fears.
Together we stand, together we feel
Together we will live, together we will deal.
Together we will die, together we will mourn.
Together we are reborn.
Nov 2014 · 294
Going Home
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
She is giving up on hope,
She's lost and in need of a hero.
She's always been unable to cope,
Inside, deep down, she burns, losing her soul.
She dances precariously with life,
Balanced on the very edge.
The pain cuts deep, the sharp edge of the knife,
Twisting to cut to the core, releasing the rage.
She's making up the reasons,
She's ready to fly.
Guess she's done,
Justifying the lie.
They fear the bitter one,
Momma never loved her,
Daddy shows the wrong kind of affection.
It grows, this anger...
Just wanted acceptance, protection.
She's packing her bags for the heavens above,
Not looking back, she's gone.
Just needed a hero, needed love.
Become one with the sun,
Let it burn away all the pain.
She's going home, she's free,
Nothing to lose, nothing to gain.
Empty skies, as far as the eye can see.
© Copyright
Nov 2014 · 307
The Soldier
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
He goes by most rules,
No matter how cruel.
He lives his life for others,
Standing beside his brothers.
Taking so many chances,
With his life he dances.
On the swords fine edge,
On the cliffs sheer ledge.
One small mistake, one slip,
And the enemy empties his clip.
His honor, bravery, and determination,
Is what saves some poor nation.
One foot after the other,
Not really sure if he will take another.
He will not turn his back,
His silent courage never lacks.
For me, you, our neighbor,
They are our hero, our savior.
Doing a job I cannot,
Our freedom they bought.
His blood flooding the ground,
Their manhood earned or found.
To them I am so grateful,
So many are truly thankful.
I know no truer hero,
Soldier, no higher path to follow.
These shining knights who do us proud,
We shout thank you out loud.
Your lives you lie down for us,
Not just because you must.
You choose this life of hard work and pain,
Not many return the same, unbroken, or sane.
© Copyright
Nov 2014 · 593
Eternal Shapeshifter
Faellin Angel Nov 2014
Never to see the white light.
Mask of desperation and doom,
Cursed since the womb.
Locked in a soulless battle,
Will I feed upon mortal cattle?
Fangs sharp points intrude,
I find they have become crude.
Wallow in this plight of misery,
One with shadow and mystery.
Falling gracefully to bended knees,
My sanity, crumbling flees.
Bound to this immortal life of pain,
My existence to all a bane.
Calling out to any who may hear,
Desperate that some life is near.
Save me from my restless torment,
Years I have endured, yet dormant.
Face the greatest fiery threat to my kind,
My weakness now I see as a sign.
Delicious warm life sustaining nectar,
Once mankind’s greatest protector.
Gained mortality only a whisper,
Granted because I am a shifter.
Lulled to my death,
Taking this last breath.
My entrance to any heaven forbidden,
My immediate hell-bound doom now unhidden.
This unchosen descent not willingly made,
Still the demise will be the same, will not fade.
Forgetting these decades
Multitude of facades…
One last glimpse of natures delight,
The sun slips from my dead sight.
© Copyright

-Christina Worrell

— The End —