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FA12AMstorm Dec 2015
I know no ones perfect
But you keep making the same mistake
Aren't we insane

Cause your on my mind
While her nails are dragging down your back
And for some reason we think it won't turn out the same **** way that it always does

And eventually I confront you
And you turn the tables
And I go ahead and flip them
So you go back to her
And I drive out of this town

For some reason I always come back
Then you come home one night
And I know you're still intoxicated by her

With your hair messed up
And know you still taste her on your lips
And just started over again

I confront you
And you turn the tables
And I go ahead and flip them
So you go back to her
And I drive out of this town

This time I'm going on a road that can go anywhere
And I don't think I'm coming back
I hear my phone ring and it's you

You say you want me back
But I reply saying I'm staying away this time
After he yells and he screams he finally says you always come back and hangs up

But I'm already three hundred miles away
And I've never felt more free

I realize I don't have to confront you
And you don't have to turn the tables
I don't have to flip them
You can stay with her
And I'll keep driving to my next town
Dec 2015 · 205
You Promised
FA12AMstorm Dec 2015
You promised to not let me drown
And then you pushed me where my toes couldn't reach and the waves took lives

You promised to not let me burn
Then you laughed and watched as the fire consumed me and all I was

You promised to shelter me from the storm
Then you ran in fear when the storm took hold and stirred in my eyes

You promised to be my solid ground if my world shook
Then when it gave its first rumble of a warning
You ran like the coward I now know you are

You promised forever
I tried to catch your eye the next day
But all you did was walk away

You promised a lot of things
You lied
I got to thinking

Maybe it was just me
Then I realized:

Love is like water
I could have been your ocean

Fire is passion
Passion is what I live for

The storm is intense
And I hold one in my eyes

I am the earthquake that shakes
Leaving you with nothing to stand on

Forever wasn't supposed to be with you
Because I'm looking for a man
And you are simply a boy
Dec 2015 · 142
FA12AMstorm Dec 2015
I can, I will, I have written about anything
Everything is up for inspiration for a new story, poem, or song
But I want you to know that when I write about how you walked away
I didn't write with a voice of pain
You walked away and it was simple
Yes, I thought about how my life would be different without you
Yes, I realize it would have been a lot different
Yes, I realize you changed me
No, I don't think I'll ever forget you
No, I don't think I'll ever run out of ways to write our chapter
But that's what you have to realize:
You were only a chapter in my volume of a life
The sad thing is I don't think you ever read the chapters already written,
and yet I listened to every one you were willing to tell me
Maybe that's my fault though
I don't really tell people things about me
If you were trying to get me to miss you
Then you need to try a LOT harder
Because I don't think I've cried over you once
I don't plan on it either
Because as I said before, you leaving me was simple
It was the cut that you don't feel
The one that heals without you knowing it was there in the first place
FA12AMstorm Dec 2015
I sit awake at night
With my mind screaming No
My heart, the fool that it is, listens
So I stare at my ceiling
Waiting for SOMETHING to happen
Realizing only then
That the scream that had been in my head
Has now passed down to my lips
Where it waits to slip into the world
But I keep my mouth firmly shut
Unlike I am able to do with my mind
I still don't know what I want to yell for
Maybe because I so desperately want my voice to be heard
Or maybe because of one of the thousand other reasons I can't remember because I'm too tired to think at this moment
Dec 2015 · 187
Easy Come Easy Go
FA12AMstorm Dec 2015
I'd tell you who I am
If I thought you would care
I'd show you my flaws
If I thought you wouldn't tell
I'd give you my all
If I thought you'd do the same
I would put down my walls
If I thought you would be there for me
I would express to you my dreams
If I thought you would listen
I would tell you my passions and who I want to be
But I have been betrayed many times
I've given so many people a shot
And all they've ever done is pulled the trigger after I gave them the bullet

And that is why it's easy come easy go
I've before done this before
So don't you think I'll cry
I'll keep both my eyes dry
Because I'm done with you
And there's no way you can get me back
Dec 2015 · 1.7k
Collective Monster Belief
FA12AMstorm Dec 2015
I think everyone has that poem about them
The one where they believe they are monsters
Some people are either brave, or stupid, enough to tell them
And while some only have enough describing words for a three minute song
Mine has enough for the musical you can get a full nights sleep to
If you're not afraid of the nightmares that follow
Dec 2015 · 239
The Natural Disaster Is Me
FA12AMstorm Dec 2015
I'll scream till my throat is numb
And then I'll scream even louder
I'll keep going till its raw and it hurts again
Cause I can't take this any longer

Once again I feel worthless
Like the monster in me has awaken again
Everything my eyes set on turns to ashes
And I can't keep my eyes closed

I can't stop destroying everything
It comes so naturally
It's like the disasters that happen in this world:
The tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes

Every one with their beautiful uniqueness
Each one with the power to tear everything apart
Nov 2015 · 1.2k
The Crucible
FA12AMstorm Nov 2015
Congratulations your lies have run through this town
You have a plan to bring everyone down
And so far it's working

You've started your black mischief
You think you can't be stopped
But darling there are people who are getting on to your secrets

So dear Abigail Williams
You better watch your back
Cause when you cry out witch you'll be staring at one in the mirror

I understand you want the guy
The one who had you for couple of nights
But you also have to understand he has a wife

You have the whole court wrapped around your finger
But just remember it only takes one pull to unravel the whole thing
That's what your headed for

So dear Abigail Williams
You better watch your back
Cause when you cry out witch you'll be staring at one in the mirror

Now they found you out
Your already on the run
You better run faster or they'll come at your neck with a noose

This is what happens
When you mess with black magic
It doesn't end well

So dear Abigail Williams
You better watch your back
Cause when someone cries out witch
Your face is the one we'll remember
Nov 2015 · 163
Tell Me Once More
FA12AMstorm Nov 2015
Tell me once more
How I'm wrong
Say all the words you told me before
And how you don't see how they hurt me

Tell me once more
How I'm worthless
How I'll never make it farther
Than this street I'm on

Tell me again
Just know this time I'm not listening
I've spent all my time believing you
Look me in the eye and you'll know
I won't make that mistake again

Tell me once more
How I'm not beautiful
In your eyes
And I'll let you know how you're wrong

Tell me once more
How these scars define me
I'll have you know
That there's more to the story than you'll ever hear
Nov 2015 · 219
FA12AMstorm Nov 2015
I'm the kind of fire people don't even want to come close to, because they see a wildfire coming. I'm the danger left out of its cage, ready to strike at anything simply because I can. I'm the waters you drown in if you look into my eyes for too long. I'm the storm you run from even when it's still miles away because I don't leave survivors. I'm the mystery you can't solve because you're not looking close enough.
Nov 2015 · 657
The Type of Danger
FA12AMstorm Nov 2015
He carried about him a type of danger. The kind like fire. Where you don't know exactly where he's going next; predictably unpredictable. You know you shouldn't touch the flames because even standing three feet away you can still feel the heat, and yet it's almost like you can't bear to stay away. He had that kind of danger that you knew you shouldn't even be close enough to feel the heat, but for some reason you feel the aching need to feel the flames. He was the kind of danger that you think you would love to know, but in reality should never touch.
Nov 2015 · 205
I Am
FA12AMstorm Nov 2015
I am A
Rebel Heart
Intelligent Mind
Free Soul
Strong Body
Living Masterpiece
I am Not a Game
So don't even try to play me
Nov 2015 · 308
The Fire
FA12AMstorm Nov 2015
They say not to play with fire
because in the end it will always burn you
But I've danced with its flames
and been embraced by its heat

So, they lied to me
I've yet to be burned
For me, fire's danger is like a poem
I have to read again right after I've finished

It's wild and untamable
Dangerous and exciting
But at the same time
It's peaceful and sometimes it feels like home

Right now that's what I'm looking for:
A home
If this fire is what I think could feel like home
Then I'll take it

Over and over and over again
Oct 2015 · 270
FA12AMstorm Oct 2015
I really haven't been sleeping well
The pills never do any good
And lately I've been feeling like hell (feels like I've been left In a holding cell)
I've been feeling really misunderstood

And I don't think I can make it through this fire
I don't think my feet are tough enough to walk this ground
Feels like I've been livin life on a high wire
I've been waiting for you to come around

So God won't you help me
Will you be my melody
Won't you hear my plea
Please help me see that you're here for me

I sit up all night hopin
That I might survive tonight
So I blast my music up so loud
that i feel like Im On the ninth cloud

I'm tired of waiting for the week to end
So I can do nothing on the weekend
I don't know what to do
What I really need is you

So God won't you help me
Will you be my melody
Won't you hear my plea
Please help me see that you're here for me

I'm tired of not being heard
Feels like life's getting blurred
And my words are being slurred
This whole things completely absurd

I keep having to prove I'm right
When everyones trying to prove me wrong
So I end up just going along
And turn to the escape a song

So God won't you help me
Will you be my melody
Won't you hear my plea
Please help me see that you're here for me

I'm going into the mode of fight or flight
When in reality I'm being consumed by fright
I need to be alright
So I can finally get a good night
Oct 2015 · 287
Through The Battle
FA12AMstorm Oct 2015
They say I have to go through the battle before I get to the war. But everyday I go through a battlefield in my mind that I can never escape from. I feel it throwing spears of brokenness at my heart and grenades of lies and doubt in my mind. Land mines lay just atop my skin and fire beneath my feet. So please stop this onslaught of untrue words that, to me, feel like shots that continually aim for anywhere just to be able to rip my skin apart.
Oct 2015 · 397
Less Impressive
FA12AMstorm Oct 2015
I use less impressive words to say what's already been said before.
Oct 2015 · 294
Have You Ever?
FA12AMstorm Oct 2015
Have you ever been to the point where
the lightning looks like home
The rain keeps pulling you
to a place you don't know

The thunder demands your presence
and the wind screams your name
it's a place that seems safe
a place I can't get to

Have you ever felt the storm
Have you ever cried God's name
cause you know you don't belong here
and you need an escape

So you listen to the sounds around you
the show of the lightning
the beat of the rain
that sets the pace for life

The roar of the thunder bass
the winds sing out to you
its calming for now
while I wait here for You

Have you ever felt the storm
Have you ever cried God's name
cause you know you don't belong here
and you need a real home

The storm it surrounds you
His arms wrap around you
You've got to the point where you don't know what to do

So for now just feel the storm
Talk to God
cause He'll come for you
and take you where you belong
Oct 2015 · 220
FA12AMstorm Oct 2015
Never call anything in your relationship a game,
Unless your ready for it to be played.
Oct 2015 · 380
Up Loud
FA12AMstorm Oct 2015
Music up so loud
So I can ignore the crowd
Make me feel like I'm on the ninth cloud
I never want to come down

The night started out young
But it's slowly getting older
I'm slowly getting unstrung
This is my kind of high and I never want to be sober

The song is hitting every one of my strings
I'm understanding every beat
I wanna get lost In every melody
Make my headache go away
Oct 2015 · 163
FA12AMstorm Oct 2015
Time is like sand
You don't know it's gone
till it's out of your hand
Still we just live on

We watch all our moments
And think that it's ours
but moments belong in an hourglass
We're sitting here watching them pass
Oct 2015 · 219
Behind Me
FA12AMstorm Oct 2015
"You'll always look back and find me," he said with a smirk.
I turned around and said the words my lips had been dying to say for some time now, "I know. But the reason I'll be looking back at you and the places I've been is because I'll be making sure the people I'm with and the places I'm going look nothing like what's behind me."
His face fell as I turned away, I guess he realized I was right. I would say he broke my heart, except for the fact that it isn't true. The only thing he did was set it free.
Oct 2015 · 639
I'm Like
FA12AMstorm Oct 2015
Darling I'm like a broken record
you can go 'head and try to play me
but if you do your gonna run into some problems
I won't guarantee either of us will come out unharmed

I'm like your friends playlist on shuffle
you never know what your gonna get
You better be prepared
Cause even I don't know where I'm going

I'm like that all-of-a-sudden road-trip
you don't know where your going
as long as it's somewhere
who knows where the road will take us?

I'm like that unexpected storm
Insane and out of no where
Beautiful in my own way
and strong in every way

I'm like that one book
with all the perfect lines and replies
with an unexpected ending
and leaves you begging for the sequel

I'm like no one you've ever met before
I still don't know if that's good or bad
I guess we'll both have to trust me
Here we go, are you ready?
Oct 2015 · 220
Right Now
FA12AMstorm Oct 2015
I'm dying right now and you don't even notice
Like for you to even look at me I'd have to put up a notice
Right now I just want you to know this
I'm dying and I wish you would notice

How you've been sayin you love me it sounds like bogus
So what I need you to do right now is focus
Let me put you into a type of hypnosis
I swear it's no hocus pocus

Imagine one of the people you look up to
What if they were looking down on you
Like you couldn't ever compare to the person next to you
If this wasn't something you thought it was something you knew

But they denied constantly saying you're equal
They act like what they're doing isn't lethal
Like everything they say is peaceful
But in reality all your hearing now is how they're deceitful

This is you to me
Now are you getting a glimpse of what I want you to see?
I wish this wasn't how it had to be
Now I hope after you hear this you see and apologize cause that's key
Oct 2015 · 205
FA12AMstorm Oct 2015
I'd rather fight on my knees for what I believe to be true, than stand on my feet for nothing.
Oct 2015 · 802
That's how
FA12AMstorm Oct 2015
You have to run
Even if it brings you to your knees
You need to crawl
Because that's how you learn to fly
Oct 2015 · 173
You See Me
FA12AMstorm Oct 2015
You see me as weak
or you see me as strong.
The problem is that either way,
You're not seeing me.
You see the emotions I show,
Maybe even sometimes
the ones I try so desperately to hide.
You see the feelings,
Not the person.
The person is someone altogether.
Not what you think you see for a moment.

— The End —