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 Apr 2013 maggie
i am well rehearsed
in the art
of making my dad feel better.
on the days when he sits in his chair
his mustache drooping,
his hair seemingly greying before my eyes,
staring at the floor
i know how to make him
i'll contort my face into silly expressions
and wheeeddlleeee
and joke
until i tease that smile
out of him.
sometimes when he's unlocking the door
i'll hug him
just for no reason.
he needs
all the hugs he can get
mom robbed him
of four different sized hugs
that are due
every single day
but he gets
once a month
if he is lucky
he has four
child-shaped holes
in his heart
and one
mom-shaped one
i try
to squeeze them shut
with my arms.
 Apr 2013 maggie
Abraham Lincoln
Here, where the lonely hooting owl
Sends forth his midnight moans,
Fierce wolves shall o’er my carcase growl,
Or buzzards pick my bones.
No fellow-man shall learn my fate,
Or where my ashes lie;
Unless by beasts drawn round their bait,
Or by the ravens’ cry.
Yes! I’ve resolved the deed to do,
And this the place to do it:
This heart I’ll rush a dagger through,
Though I in hell should rue it!
Hell! What is hell to one like me
Who pleasures never know;
By friends consigned to misery,
By hope deserted too?
To ease me of this power to think,
That through my ***** raves,
I’ll headlong leap from hell’s high brink,
And wallow in its waves.
Though devils yell, and burning chains
May waken long regret;
Their frightful screams, and piercing pains,
Will help me to forget.
Yes! I’m prepared, through endless night,
To take that fiery berth!
Think not with tales of hell to fright
Me, who am ****’d on earth!
Sweet steel! come forth from our your sheath,
And glist’ning, speak your powers;
Rip up the organs of my breath,
And draw my blood in showers!
I strike! It quivers in that heart
Which drives me to this end;
I draw and kiss the ****** dart,
My last—my only friend!
 Apr 2013 maggie
Mercy B
Recently it's as though my mind, my body , but most of all the entirety my soul, are confined within a perpetual limbo, they're suffering, neglected and abused.

My thoughts are smashing into each other while fighting against one another, amidst a whirlwind within perfect storm, ripping at my emotions, which by themselves have been confused.

Beneath my skin there lies this undefinable rage, a monolithic knot of sadnness and fury with an insatiable hunger I can not stifle, so it just keeps growing.

With my eyes wide shut I lock away my voice and continue with my facade, in my stillness and silence a smile is worn, in hopes of no one knowing

A small part of me utters, in an almost breathless whisper, for help, boldly but softly I cry " hurry, i have lost myself again, please come and set me free".

But those whispers, they are drowned out and beaten down by the more dominate constraining force within, and it's motive......merely is to hide me.

I am wandering, meandering aimlessly around what once was the most familiar path I've ever traveled... my life

Unrestrained thoughts and memories that I tried to rid my mind of, in a awful frenzy race in... each one cutting like a knife.

There's an emptiness, a massive void is now spreading through out the place I would lock away the sadness, as it now is flowing free.

What a beautiful disaster it will make, when these sullen clips of my trouble mind are played for all the world to view and like a plague take over me.
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