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Your beauty


My world.

Wound it's way through your teeth,
Strangling my tongue,

Hold me, breathe me in.

Take one more bite
From my already haunted world.

Bring me horror,
Bring me beauty,
Give me all of you,
Right now.
i dunnnno
We went for a walk
Into town.
You told me a story
Just to pass the time.
I was quiet as I listened
While trying to figure out if this was just a dream.

We went for a walk
Into town.
You led us to different shops
But never stopped.
I smiled
Telling you about myself.

We went for a walk
Into town and back.
You finally stopped
And sat down in the park.
I sat next to you
But slightly apart.

We went for a walk
Into town and back.
You put your arm around me,
Pulling me closer.
I leaned against you
Trying to hide the motional war inside of me.

We went for a walk
Into town and back.
You leaned in for a kiss
Finding my lips, gently holding me tight.
I closed my eyes
As we disappeared in our own world.

We met up
All the time.
You held my hand
Silently promising your protection.
I told you my problems
Thinking I could lose myself with you.

We met up
All the time.
You would hold me tight
Seeming to never want to let go.
I opened up to you
Believing it would last.

We met up
All the time.
You were always there
Waiting just for me.
I saw a change in your eyes
But I didn’t say a word.

We slowly started to drift apart
Going our own separate ways.
You call every now and then
Asking me to meet up.
I sometimes give in and agree
Sometimes I listen to the confused mess that tells me to ignore you.

We slowly started to drift apart
Going our own separate ways.
You hurt me
Deep inside.
I wonder what
Was going through your head.

We slowly started to drift apart
Going our own separate ways.
You keep leading me
Never stopping.
I am still following you
When I should just let go.

We went for a walk
Into town and back.
We met up
All the time.
We slowly started to drift apart
Going our own separate ways.

Sometimes I wish
We were still together.
Sometimes I wish
You would just leave me alone.
Sometimes I wish
We had never met.

Sometimes I just wish…
 Jan 2013 Experimental Habits
Do you really
Blowing smoke into my face
In my pocket a razor blade
I run my finger against it
Pick anything
Anything you want

Cough Syrup
As if you weren't white trash enough

Walk in
You are calm and no one cares
Pick anything
Anything and walk out
You own it

Some lie to themselves
Pseudophilisophical teenage masturbations
As if shoving a couple cold beers into your boxer shorts
And downing a bottle of robo in the toy section of wal-mart
yeah bro, youv'e totally thrown a wrench into the gears of the corporate machine while we drink these cold cans of beer that were pressed against your *****

I wish I was alive for once
Then I wouldn't waste my time typing poems on my cellphone
While you finger your girlfriend on the couch
Sleeping on the floor is great for a while
You appreciate a safe place to sleep
Something different than the bus seats and train stations

I wish the universe didn't
Whose idea was this whole life thing anyway

Tomorrow you will wake up
And stealing DVDs from Best Buy will consume the day
I found a little bag of ****
And we are kings
Of a personnel universe
Your girlfriend
She still thinks I'm cool
Cause my General Education Diploma
I hate everything in my life
It's all breaking apart
The seams I have carefully sewn
I need to get out of here
I am tired of January
Appreciate each moment
Appreciate each moment
Because the tumor on my brain waits on nobody
I cant overcome the sense of meaninglessness
It's just the comedown
Cigarettes 1:12 a.m
1:13 a.m
Follow my noble eightfold path to oblivion
#1 go **** yourself
 Dec 2012 Experimental Habits
I am in love with fire. I want to cut the throats of kings. I want to drink dark red wine with strong-hearted women (if you sing to me/I will love you). No God or man would dare deny me. I am the master of my own  reality. I scream at the top of my lungs until my throat gives out. Men wish to be me and beg to hunt at my side. As for women though/a wise man would not boast to a rose. The fire burns within me and I fear no other than myself. Into dark nights I go singing and all evil I greet with a  laugh and a sharp knife.
laced with lovers lonely thoughts,
We prowl.

a handful of shadowed sinners
veiled by the illusions of sainthood,
We lie.

etiquette adapts to enchant.
laugh to lure, touch to trap,
We ******.

clothes clutter the carpet.
with the courtship climaxing,
We ****.

before the sun can show your shame,
We leave.
We look for Satan with the same intensity
that my mom and dad looked for God.

In retrospect
my parents were always pushing me to expand my consciousness
by huffing glue or gasoline
or chewing peyote buttons.
Simply because they'd done their time,
wasted their teen years
lolling in the muddy fields of Vermont
and the salt flats of Nevada,
naked except for rainbow face paints
and a thick coating of sweaty filth,
their heads festooned
with fifty pounds of fetid dreadlocks,
teeming with crab lice
and pretending to find enlightenment...
That does NOT mean I have to make the same mistake.

Sorry, Satan,
once again I've said the G-word.

Without breaking stride,
Leonard nods and points
to indicate the former deities of now-defunct cultures,
now warehoused in the underworld.
Among them: Benoth,
a god of the Babylonians;
an idol of the Philistines;
goddess of the Sidonians;
the god of the Hevites.

My suspicion
is that my parents treasure their sordid recollection
of episodes at Woodstock and Burning Man
not because those pastimes led to wisdom,
but because such folly
was inseparable from a period of their lives
when they were young
and unburdened by obligation;
they had free time, muscle tone,
and their futures still looked like a great, grand adventure.
both my mother and father had been free of social status
and therefore had nothing to lose by cavorting ****,
their swollen genitals smeared with muck.

because they had ingested drugs and flirted with brain damage,
they insisted I should do likewise.
I was forever opening my boxed lunch at school
to discover a cheese sandwich,
a carton of apple juice,
carrot sticks,
and a five-hundred-milligram Percocet.
Tucked within my Christmas stocking
--not that we celebrated Christmas--
would be three oranges,
a sugar mouse, a harmonica,
and quaaludes.
In my Easter basket
--not that we called the event Easter--
instead of jelly beans,
I'd find lumps of hashish.
Would that I could forget the scene at my twelfth birthday party
where I flailed at a piñata,
wielding a broomstick in front of my peers
and their respective
former-hippie, former-rasta,
former-anarchist throwback parents.
The moment the colorful papier-mâché burst,
instead of Tootsie Rolls or Hershey's Kisses,
everyone present
was showered with Vicodins,
Darvons, Percodans,
amyl nitrate ampoules,
LSD stamps,
and assorted barbiturates.
The now wealthy,
now-middle-aged parents
were ecstatic,
while my little friends and I couldn't help
but feel a tad bit cheated.

and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to understand
that very few twelve-year-olds
would actually enjoy attending
a clothing-optional birthday party.

Some of the most gruesome images in Hell
seem downright laughable
when compared to seeing an entire generation of adults
stripped **** and wrestling on the floor,
grasping and panting in frantic competition
for a scattered handful of codeine capsules.
This is a found poem. I found it in Chuck Palahniuk's ******.

Madison is the thirteen-year-old daughter of a movie star and billionaire who wakes up, dead, in Hell. She soon finds herself and her nearby cell mates, who make up an almost Breakfast Club of the ******-like group, journeying through Hell to discover just exactly why they've all ended up there.
Something is coming.
I can feel it on the wind
A change is upon us
A change is at hand
The storm is coming
I can feel it in the air
A great change is coming
You have to beware
I can feel it coming
People are getting
Caught in the storm
Caught in the first
Winds and rains
Anchor yourself
Keep yourself
Strong my friend
There is still
Along way to go
Before we are fully
Clear of the winds
And the rains
It has only
Just begun
We are in the
Midst of a new
Way of thinking
A new storm of
Ideas and thoughts
All colliding at once
Colliding and coalescing
Into one great mass
A mass of crazy mess
And energy that is
Driving us mad
With its insanity
People are getting
Lost in the mess
Lost in the storm
Lost to the dark
Allowing the
Insanity to take
Over their hearts
Yet there are some
Who are also reaching
Higher heights
New ways of thinking
New ways of loving
Creating higher
Connections with
Themselves and the Earth
Creating more open
And loving connections
With every one around
Spreading the love
And getting deeper
Flying higher
Than they ever
Have before
You must get
Yourself ready
The storm is upon us
The storm is here
The storm is now
We still have a long
Way for the storm to stop
But once it does
We will see a calm
A break in the storm
In the clouds like
We have never seen
A new light
A brand new
A stronger
Way of
Than we ever
Some people
Will inevitably
Get caught up
In the initial storm
Getting caught in
The mess and
The muck and mire
But if you can stay
Strong and survive
You will sail above
The storm
Flying into
Newer heights
Than you ever
Thought possible
What is true
What is wrong
What is right
Can be so hard
To distinguish
These days
What I do know
Is that all people
No matter how
Lost they are
No matter how
Far they have
Every one
Is connected
We are all
To each other
We are all
To the Earth
Of what
We are
All beautiful
In our own
We all
Have that
Spark in us
We just have
To accept
And find it
Even if the
World doesn't
See it all the time
Every one has
That light inside
We all have that
Healing light
Inside of us
We just have
To be willing
To understand
Every body is
Loved in their
Own way
Even when
You feel the
Most alone
There is always
Love and light
And healing
Just bubbling
Below the surface
You just have to
Be willing to look
No matter what
People might say
Our nature isn't evil
We aren't somehow
Tainted from birth
Doomed to live
In sin from the
Beginning only
To be saved
Only after
We accept God
We are born pure
Our true nature
Is of God
Our true nature
Tells us we are
We are
We have
A purpose
Our hearts
Know from
The beginning
We just have
To remember
We are stronger
More powerful
More whole and beautiful
Than we could ever
Hope or dream for
We just have to see it
What is true
Can be hard
To find when you
Live in a world
Full of illusions
And lies but
Even among
The lies and the
Illusions there is
Truth and beauty
To be found
Every where you
Look if you know
Where to find it
We all are connected
To all the truth
All the knowledge
All the strength
All the healing
That we could
Ever need here
On Earth if we
Know how to
Find it
The truth is in
Our hearts
Its sitting there
We just have to
Look and our
Hearts will
Lead the way
Teaching us
What is right
What is wrong
What is true
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