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Apr 2014 · 303
evphxric Apr 2014
I once had words spilling out of the ink of my pen
Spinning intricate tales of sorrow.
Words captivated readers
Made their heart swell.
All I have left is empty paper and a wordless mind
It's as if once the sorrow was taken,
My mind was too
Leaving me with nothing but empty happiness.
Mar 2014 · 290
evphxric Mar 2014
Our love was artificial
Never real-
At the time I was euphoric
I believed you were the love of my life.
How fickle I was
My eyes have opened
My heart has started to come alive
I am becoming whole
Mar 2014 · 181
evphxric Mar 2014
It's never ending,
This loss of control.
I can feel myself slipping
From everything I've ever known.
Who am I?
Who have I become?
Mar 2014 · 261
evphxric Mar 2014
I know not who I am
But I have been many things;
I want none of this anymore.
I wish to be someone greater
Someone who can change
Someone who can love
And be loved
Nov 2013 · 2.4k
evphxric Nov 2013
mind blossoming
orchids and lilies
ribs intertwining
sprouting winding tree branches
limbs folding
recreating their art  
old soul awakening
beginning a new life

— The End —