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Evil Undertow Jul 2015
Hand reaches in
Rips out intestines
Til theyre on the floor

Right arm
Limb thrown with intestines

Left arm
More blood
Tossed on pile

An axe maybe for the legs
Not working

Right leg
Right leg thrown with arms and intestines

Gleaming in my eye

Left leg
Axe again for fun?

Spraying blood

Cut out
Sharp knife

Pile of limbs and gore transported
Placed in hot tub
Filled with recent victimes gore and stumps

Bathing suit on
I'm fully submerged
Rise up to wipe eyes
Spit out a fountain
Sip martini
1.2k · Jul 2015
A Hippies Nightmare
Evil Undertow Jul 2015
The blaze raged on
all through the night
Until the early morn

And when i awoke
from my coma
All my *** was gone
803 · Jul 2015
Wake and Bake
Evil Undertow Jul 2015
The morning light ignites my brain
as i ignite my bowl

The only way that i can rise
and climb from slumbers hole

Through rain and rays i hear birds sing
Their notes dance in my head

But fog rolls in
On brain and whim
And potheads back to bed
663 · Jul 2015
I love satan
Evil Undertow Jul 2015
When i **** you
     It will be hard

But then again
    ****** always arouses me

The way my jagged blade
penetrates your throat

First you release your veins juices

Then i release mine

I can't wait til you get here

You are ******* dead
Fiction.  I'm not crazy   Or at least this personality isnt.  I just hope whoever wrote this poem doesnt come back.
643 · Aug 2015
Gretzky of All Gretzkys
Evil Undertow Aug 2015
I am the Gretzky of all Gretzkys
The ultimate air Jordan
As cool as Joe Montana
and as nuts as Lizzy Borden

A child of all four powers
with stealth and smarts and grace
With a stick and an ax
and a perfect pass
I'll dunk right in your face
512 · Jul 2015
Demon Mine
Evil Undertow Jul 2015
Deep deep red almost black eyes
Dark scaly gleaming skin
Jagged razor dripping grin
Slimy and infectious

Chizzled arms and torso
under a flexible scale exterior

Muscles rip
Talons with spiked knuckle speers

Eternal evil aura
Magnetic death surrounds him
******* life from hope
and crushing it all around him

He brings no mercy
Just agonizing pain
Mental and physical

There is no running
There is no hiding

He possesses the physical
speed and agility of a time warp
And the mental capacity to
encompass the universe
Though he needs niether

He knows your thoughts


He manipulates your thoughts


There is no battle to be won here

Just continued control and *******

He is my Master
And i am his servant

I am his Master
And he us my servant

The Demon is him
The Demon is me
489 · Aug 2015
Evil Undertow Aug 2015
Sleep now
Coal and diamonds will be my blanket
Crooks and sleeves my pillow
Dirt the scent that carresses my nose
Dusty winds my lullaby

One eye keeps watch
One eye stacks the z's
Palm nuzzles revolvers ****

The cold is my warmth
Outlaw is my creed

A hail of bullets will be my alarm clock
Your blood will press snooze

But eventualy
On the run in the desert will be my doom
485 · Jul 2015
Red Thumb
Evil Undertow Jul 2015
The sweet petals of the tulips are so beautiful this time of year
They way they glisten in the moonlight
Drenched in your blood as i bury your body in the garden
Spring flower fragrances
and rotting body parts gently caress the breeze
I breath in deeply
You remember nights like these for the rest of your life
Aprils showers give way to carefree summer nights
Nothing prettier than blood stained tulips beneath a full moon

I love midnight gardening
447 · Aug 2015
Bow To The Words
Evil Undertow Aug 2015
words are awesome
the sounds
the meaning
how some sounds seem to match the definition

the word just sounds sneaky

now that doesn't sound subtle at all

we poets owe everything to words
so honour them
cherish them

moulde them in subtly sly ways
or orchestrate them outrageously omnipotent overtures

whatever your little heart desires
respect their power
arrange them wisely
and sear them onto the hearts of the world
Evil Undertow Aug 2015
Electric nerves

He's about to talk to her
The woman he loves

Even though it is the deepest love he has ever felt
He's about to hear her voice for the first time

Create facebook account
even though  he despises face book

He has to
No long distance plan

So onto facebook

He finds his angel
Hi baby
He messages

Shy nerves invade in swarms of butterflies
This is the moment
He has chosen his first words carefully
The first words she will ever hear him say

I love you

He clicks on the phone icon


What the ****?

Crushed he realizes he needs to make some updates
New laptop is not so new

Aww baby i was so exited

So she makes me a video
and sends it to me so i can hear her voice

Having no idea what my first words would be
she melts my heart when i hear hers

I love you
she says

How many couples can say that the first words they ever heard
there partner say were i love you spoken with honesty

I think it's beautiful

So updates installed
Now you'll have to excuse me
I have to make a call
372 · Jul 2015
Dinner Plans
Evil Undertow Jul 2015
When i eat your heart
i will make you watch

Or at least your corpse will watch
You'll sit there across the table from me
in your prettiest dress and we'll have a civilized
dinner for once
309 · Jul 2015
Evil Undertow Jul 2015
Pulling back trigger
Releasing your brain matter
Releasing my smiles

— The End —