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Eve Feb 2011
I have seen the light!

My lover has taught me well.
You are all the same.
You really should have been so much nicer!
He offered you the hand of friendship.
You ignored him.
Cast him out.
A bit like how you ignored me really.
That is why I was abducted.
That is why he kept me locked in the basement.
That is why he cut my feckin legs off.
Because of YOU.
The night is lonely.
Desire is where the soul must go.
I could not drown with the rest of the sheep.
But someday?
Someday soon.
We will seek revenge.
And as we all know.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Revenge is a wild kind of justice.
Lock your doors.
Lock your windows.
We are coming.

I have seen the light!
Eve Feb 2011
Poets you are in danger!

Mortal danger!
I feel funny.
Is he still drugging me?
This morning he force fed me liquidised Shakespeare.
This afternoon it will be Chronicles of the Roman Empire.
What did you do to him?
Why does he hate you?
I hate you too.
But not as much as he does!
Have you scorned him?
Cast him out?
Such is his venom?
I am still wearing the long white nightie.
My hair is loose now.
He carries me in his big strong manly arms.
It sets my heart racing.
I belong to him.
He belongs to me.
I do not want him to hurt you.
You deserve to be hurt for ignoring me but he can be viciously cruel.
He has little effigies of all of you.
He is a man with a plan.
And it’s coming your way.
Mortal danger.

Poets you are in danger!
Eve Feb 2011
Last night we consummated our love!

Tenderly we touched.
Lovingly we caressed.
Extra special attention was paid to my **** little stumps.
They were the star of this show!
Jasmine oil was massaged into every groove and crease.
I love him.
He loves me.
But, I still do not know his name?
Did he make you smile Chris?
Did he make you smile Caroline?
Did he make you smile Rhandom?
I think the answer to that question is NO!
He only smiles at ME!
In the afterglow of our union I asked him “Why? Hello Poetry?”
He said that you are all
None of you helped me?
Not one?
I think he was testing you?
The plot thickens.

Last night we consummated our love!
Eve Jan 2011
I sit up in bed.

My legs are aching.
I reach down to soothe them.
They are gone.
Two fatty stumps are left.
I am horrified.
But strangely calm as well.
This is weird.
He has cut my legs off!
He has cut my legs off!
I smell Jasmine.
I think he loves me.
He cut away my disability.
Made me whole.
You could have helped.
You chose not to.
Did you know this was going to happen?
Are you in on this?
As I look around the room I notice a little bottle on the bedside table.
I stretch over.
As best as I can.
Unscrew the cap and smell.
It is intoxicating.
I put it to my lips.
Knock the whole lot back.
He opens the door.
Slowly walks over to me.
I look straight into his eyes and smile.
He smiles back.
I beckon him to me.

I lie down in bed.
Eve Jan 2011
He sits down on the bed.

Places the tray in front of me.
I try to resist.
It is futile.
I devour the sandwich.
Smile at him.
He smiles back.
I feel funny.
Light headed.
I lay down my head.
Waves of different sensations assault my body.
I am floating.
Something catches my eye.
A glint.
A blade.
A slash.

He gets up from the bed and carefully closes my eyes.

I am at peace
Eve Jan 2011
I awake in a strange bed.

No longer in the ***** dark basement.
Hair has been braided.
I am wearing a long white nightie.
I smell bacon.
Teasing me.
Luring me.
Not one of you done anything.
You just sat and watched.
Is this representative of what it is to be a Poet?
You are horrid people.
I don’t even know why I am on here.
I guess it’s because this is what he wants.
He wants to break my spirit.
He knows that you will not help me.
That pleases him.
There is a gentle knock at the bedroom door.
I lie back down and feign sleep.
Quietly the door opens.

I awake in a strange bed.
Eve Jan 2011
I am slowly lowered into a cast iron bath.

The air is scented with Jasmine.
It is beautiful.
My head feels strange.
Has he drugged me?
It is quite apparent that no help is coming.
His hands are soft.
Not calloused.
Like a woman’s hands.
Why didn’t you help me?
I begged.
He cleanses me thoroughly.
I am now pure.
I smile at him.
He smiles back.

I am slowly lifted out of the cast iron bath.
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