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Aug 2012 · 958
To Give A Sense
Evaldas Eseth Aug 2012
The dawn of her departure is nigh
And it seems like a good time for a set-up
A grotesque symbol of love
Unique ritual to be made

The road she's going to take
Will be decorated with his blood
And even a twitched cadaver
In red stained white

Even as his body coals
Hatred and love shall stay intertwined
Maybe could be prolonged.
Feb 2012 · 987
Evaldas Eseth Feb 2012
You youthful girl
my modest sister
your smile warms me
like a ruby red pearl

will you talk to me thrice,
will you spare me another minute
for I gather my  bravery slowly
to emphasize on your weakness
but not make use of you

If only could I
create you a smile
or a spark in the eyes
and share a piece of felicity

or will my gazes go unseen
leaving you rightfully free
perhaps just a fog
of these dreams
angeldust in a death scene
Feb 2011 · 720
A Tale After A Storm
Evaldas Eseth Feb 2011
A warm touch
A mild smell
So that I had
Much more to tell
A heavy book
A divine song
About a love lost
Not so long

A blink and a smile
A ray that purifies
Of the maiden superior to all
And any of my dreams
And even after the spell shattered
It's what I believe the most
A chain and a ghost

Trailing the past
Beneath the gates of forever
Separate destinies
Paths opposed
Could I bear watching you
Constantly, from behind
The flames of despair

I'll make a deal with the wind
I'll pay him very much
At least remotely
To feel again

Your warm touch
Oldie, lacks punctuation yet mayhaps
Feb 2011 · 665
Beyond What Dies
Evaldas Eseth Feb 2011
Step nearer to me,
Into our perfect circle,
Just breathe into me,
Spread your warmth and passion,
I'll bathe in it and drink your lips,
Feeding on our ecstasy ,
Switching the time off,
Unstoppable emotions shall take us
And bear our hearts together
Beyond the skies,
Where you and me and love
Never dies
Jan 2011 · 798
Evaldas Eseth Jan 2011
Open the door
Just to close it again,
Uncover your heart
And devour my dreams,
Ease me with understanding,
Listen, without demanding,
Play by, to test my value,
Risk-free, money back guarantee,
I bet my blood
On a roll of a dice,
Stubbornly hope and wishfully think,
To be the last
Man standing
Created 06 January 2011
Dec 2010 · 862
Evaldas Eseth Dec 2010
Keep lacking of something,
And watch it
Increasing in value

Same rule with you,
My pet, my asset,
The cornerstone

No chest of gold
Could rebuy you
From the clutches
Of devious freedom

Aeons of longing,
Distance in light years,
A thought of you —
Unstoppable, penetrating

And I keep saving,
Coin after coin,
Maybe someday,
I'll have just enough
Created 18 December 2010

Please note me if you find grammar errors.
Dec 2010 · 1.1k
Mirage - Holograph
Evaldas Eseth Dec 2010
Every passing minute,
Penetrates us with new implants,
Of dynamic stability,
Of anxious comfortability

Fixing until they're obsolete,
Machine flies in fleets,
Rust in our sterile neurons,
Symmetry causing deforms

An arcane glitch,
Until the illumination
Of our steel plated souls,
An untouchable virus,
Not alone but
Imaginary friends
Or personal nemeses,
Under the dust hides us

Fate lost its impact,
Before the very birth,
In self excusing motherboards

Entities of creation
Or accidental subelement relation,
Beings of chaos at unclarity,
No stalemate, always in action,
What's ever born of it,
Presumes towards destruction
Created 08 December 2010
Dec 2010 · 1.6k
Evaldas Eseth Dec 2010
Innocent face,
Glittering eyes
And a warm feminine smile

Sweet soft voice,
Milky skin,
Curves as of a new Ferrari

Seems like a harmless
Adorable creature,
You make your man so happy-crazy

But nowadays there are some,
Brave men to mention,
To uncover your true intentions

Once the prey is in sight,
Your claws are out,
Piercing its layers of defence

Invoking the deepest instincts,
Adept at unleashing chaos

Once your job is done,
You put your smile back,
Too bad it doesn't work now

What's your excuse,
Now what's left to lose,
Is your quaffed victim

You cry at fake and think,
Only wanted a life more interesting

Well there's nothing more fun,
Than to clean after your mess,
To glue the china pieces,
To become a beacon of distress
Created 02 December 2010
Nov 2010 · 571
Evaldas Eseth Nov 2010
From peaceful silence,
I'm watching you,
Your scattered black hair,
Your childish white eyes

Noticed my gaze,
You get filled by silly thoughts,
To start a havoc,
To ***** this phase

I'd rather you sit still
And guess how I feel,
Although doomed to miscalculate,
Not just mate,
But to be real

Don't separate your lips,
In attempt to make a sound,
I try my best,
For my thoughts to be loud

Keep your treasures,
Make them secrets,
Until you are assured,
That you'd like me as your guest

Stay silent,
Don't just "maybe",
Save yourself for me,
And be a lady
Created 24 November 2010
Nov 2010 · 769
In Greasy Feathers
Evaldas Eseth Nov 2010
Finding myself,
In the rays of wake,
As my room is filled,
With a supernal source of life

Rising from,
The shackles of rest,
Adapting once more,
To a familiar sight

Flooded up to my waist,
By a liquid mirror,
Glancing thoughtlessly,
Looking for a disease

But something in there,
Has quietly born,
She rose,
I looked at her,
A maid of mer

Left with no doubts,
I approve this beautiful bond,
Although shy and scared,
One heart we shared

Even myself,
Feeling new and refreshed,
I am only a fish,
I heard her say,
But of this I didn't care,
Ready to devote to her,
The rest of my days
Created 07 November 2010
Nov 2010 · 574
Ghost Of Echoes
Evaldas Eseth Nov 2010
A bell rings,
Announcing a pause of you,
While I pass these rooms through,
No matter to think

Closing my eyes,
Calming my senses,
Although everything here,
Is so tense

Paint runs through,
Long forgotten portraits,
A window clicks open,
And again in these rooms,
You move

Instead of a dress,
Ashes from the fireplace,
Caress you,
Leaving no trace

In our empire of symphony,
You float and spin,
You spill a smile,
Tasting a palette of agony

Our wicked celebration,
Not restricted by time,
Days of black and white,
In joy you are mine

Feeling aged,
I still follow you,
Thought without directions,
I'm but a lost fool
Created 01 November 2010
Oct 2010 · 808
Stop Land
Evaldas Eseth Oct 2010
Noises, constant struggle,
Ever ending silence,
Pressure robust, indelicate,
Colors touching my dried tongue

My shoes are now heavy,
Sun became an enemy,
This needling sand,
Burden which directs me

I do not stop upon the tombstones,
But I have read every inscription,
Many times,
Reading until the end

I deceive my sight,
With a mirage of a mirror,
With surface all sweaty,
Undusted, begging filth to disappear

Faithfully, I search for a familiar face,
And doubts are all your freckles,
Chewing on my arms,
Never was there a plan

Step by step,
I am being gradually consumed,
A perfected torture,
Every time and always,
A lesser piece left

Now do I crawl,
Or am I painting circles,
This sullen land,
Once your joy,
Now my lair.
Created 23 October 2010.
Oct 2010 · 965
Filthy Lust
Evaldas Eseth Oct 2010
You look so pretty,
Crippled and disabled,
The weight of worlds is heavy,
You were moving slowly,
When I whistled

Let me bathe in your pains,
It's not a proposal,
On your skin, all these stains,
I sack all these forms, too formal

You must see what's real,
My devilish obsessions,
My sweetest meal,
A partner in this ***** session

Because I can't say no,
To your fat, filth and dead cells,
A stubborn mole,
Who searches, what no mouth's telling
Created 23 October 2010.
Oct 2010 · 790
Evaldas Eseth Oct 2010
I take you by the hand,
Let's go and learn some new amends,
Let's lock ourselves in a tiny chamber,
I trust, you won't force me into danger,
Please stay calm, back to the wall,
While I remove your rags,
We won't need them at all,
I inspect all your members,
So petite and slender,
Please do so to me, as well,
And hand me the keys, keys to your soul,
I adore your sugary silence,
But your eyes are not calm and your lips,
They seek guidance,
Am I not taking care of you,
Both somewhat uneasy all the way through,
And why, oh girl, are you becoming so dewy,
Shall we end this now, in a hurry,
Before you go, just drop your wrath,
Cause love plus hate is an easy math,
Just hold my hand, one last short time,
As suffering, it's an old hobby of mine.
Created 07 October 2010.
Sep 2010 · 917
Memoires Of A Lava Lamp
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
Constant flow,
Diving in and away,
A short stay someplace new,

And then it feels,
Like the time is correct,
To change the old order,
Allow to unforget,
The most unfair ******

The right moon to pray,
To have my visions returned,
During the day, anyway,
Only my mask gets burnt

As if my words were heard,
I recall but one place,
Slice open the vein, in blood,
There's some of your taste

One cannot just agree,
That it was horrible,
It is never difficult,
We do what's impossible
Created 27 September 2010
Sep 2010 · 800
Boots And Nails And Loot
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
I light my cigarette,
I sit by the window,
The night greets me,
It is so peaceful and slow

I remember I'm not alone,
I hear you babbling pleasantries,
But I am wisdom in stone,
And your words are mild,
Like wind which is visiting seas

You are warming my bed,
And filling the room with your aroma,
I am soon to drop dead,
Into your sweet compelling coma

But as of now, I slice my thoughts,
Comparing all your clones,
I feel like I've never lost,
I forgot every louder moan

I clean a spot of ash,
I feel no more of that burden,
It's not my car that crashed,
I would have no excuse then

In this ecstatic state,
Something is filling me with heat,
Finishing touches are made,
I promise, I will wash my teeth.
Created 26 September 2010
Sep 2010 · 625
Journey 2
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
Shall I used it once more,
For my life to support,
See another day of cruelty coming,
From quartet of sides,
Inhale and amplify your might,
Or understand the ridiculousness,
Of what fulfills our sight,
Enjoy the single divinity you discovered,
Allowed it to cover your bones,
But as it's far from salvation,
Like zero to eternity,
Feeling free to take back a step of retreat,
Not that much you'll leave behind and beyond,
A small cloud will wet the earth,
Where it is the place for your residence,
But still a questioning streams to the void,
How to be...
Able to continue after all is lost in the dawn,
Pain-relieving and bust the stakes of madness,
Proud to cover the wounds and walk to the casket anyway|
An oldie.
Sep 2010 · 770
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
After death delayed fortune,
For the traveller of never-ending dunes,
For the old and dusty footwear,
Not given enough of certain care,
Barely standing against the furious winds,
He steps towards what abyss brings,
Confidence takes punches,
As pressure grows until seems endless,
Time when illusions take over,
Minds into chaos, not anymore sober,
Then the nomad relaxes,
Forsakes his planned actions,
Gives into the horror,
Takes the curse,
Embraces it with pleasure,
He's fed up with it,
But nobody's there to measure,
How much a man can take,
Is it time already to free him from disgrace?
An oldie.
Sep 2010 · 603
Visions From The Lifeless
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
You — lying on this surface,
Which does not exist and lost it's shape,
Absent as we should be,
Spending our ****** eternity,
Your dark hair all over nothingness,
Abyss which consumes and obsesses me,
As I search for an appropriate reason,
To touch and kiss what's left of my second Me,
Emotions through insanity,
They chain me and the future of my dreams remains obscure,
Why waste so much, when nothing's left,
But the whole creation is going nowhere,
Seeing this truth through your eyes closed,
Although never extracted, what you wished most,
This ethereal chain pulling me back,
As everyday's battle against myself,
And I can't tell,
Nor to force my words to gain their form,
Born to bear mistakes, bathe in pain,
Confusion is what I gain,
Got my eyes off of you,
Until I search my cold robe,
For some thing to destroy the last hope,
Wasting of nothing,
Creation of pain in the fake shadows of well-being,
Rather disappear like you now, in front of me,
Though untouchable and cannot set me free,
I stare at this cold skin,
Thought something stirred in me, within,
But the abyss got us both too deep,
It sets us free
An oldie
Sep 2010 · 827
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
Disturbed in my every step,
Made me feel like I was in debt,
Weight of this world seemed too great,
So I walk away and try to create,
A place to calm down, for me and the one,
But you brake the bounds and make it all gone

It makes my soul sick to hear your words,
As you worthlessly speak, only that you may afford,
In darkness, bearing death banners,
Such ****** and unholy,
I turned into you slowly,
This way you woke up a beast inside of me,
It looks through my eyes and sees most ****** dreams

My salvation has passed away,
Left my soul open but without a word to say,
Still I wasn't left all alone,
Inside me, a pale mistress called Hope,
She planted her roots in my mind,
Telling lies like to the ones who are blind,
Her essence was spilled inside of me,
But my blood seeks to be pure and free
An oldie.
Sep 2010 · 552
Always A Turn Left
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
You are the loveliest blossom,
I have ever seen,
I will pluck you off,
And keep to myself,
I am ready to surround,
You with my purest warmth,
As long as I'm close,
Solitude won't touch,
My goddess, the rose

And that's when I,
Start to negate time,
I fear no matter,
With you I remain,
Safe from disasters,
I believe in our fortitude,
And your lips become my food,
This love is my engine,
And the journey is never-ending

But then someday comes clarity,
At first I push it away,
With an imagined certainty,
It's like a curse,
Face into mud,
My eyes start to spray, stiff blood,
I watch you closely,
But I can't tell, if you're the same,
Or someone strange,
Stay put, she will say,
At the dawn of a modern day,
I foresee an inevitable change,
Angels turn into devils,
But they never come back, do they?
Created (?) September 2010
Sep 2010 · 606
Breakfast For Death
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
Death knocks at the door
Where my heart dwells and is ready to stop,
Painful malfunction,
A life at the hands of destruction,
Hope itself leaves the soul,
Body's turning into coal,
Harsh and slow perishing,
Awoken desperation ascending,
I'm the new explorer of obscurity
Delivered through dark insanity,
Thrown back to stand on my knees,
Begging my formal god, he sees,
But his justice shows wrath
And it knocks again, the death
An oldie.
Sep 2010 · 695
Pity Of A Victim
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
So I take your shadow,
Which decided to stay,
Constructed it into something I know,
These words, together we play,
And then myself can travel through,
My hundreds and our thousand moods,
We made it all, in a different parallel,
Other than our homeland hell,
Diving through foreign blood,
Touching the very core of each nerve,
Lasting for a short eternity,
Shared this momentous span,
Taking you down to something that controls me,
Pays off with negativity,
Which I consume, a daily drug,
Illuminated your naked salvation,
I am sorry
An oldie
Sep 2010 · 745
Delight In Black
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
Lively and fresh,
Driven by thrill,
Opening up,
My sensors of beauty,
Let me play again,
Stop the clocks,
And figure out how,
To delay the hungry void,
As I kiss your freckles,
And teach you nothing,
An instinct of fallacy,
I will turn around, but not yet,
Eat me whole with these eyes,
****** my blinding hollow,
Tear up the lies,
I already approved,
Unchain the nemesis,
I'll crawl around your legs.
Pure Unedited Madness
Minor change to the title made.
Created 21 September 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.1k
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
In my solitude I decided to,
Enter into trade with my dreams,
A single drop for a miraculous second,
Recall them naming it the end of every man,
Envious I ****** the light,
But for some my deed did not seem right,
Extending my shadows and finding them breath for me,
Each with his sin of endless greed,
Sanity speaks of evil,
But am I a part of it with my outsided wishes,
Hiding in forbidden depths,
Every face is unfriendly unless blank,
Painted lightly,
Disappearance through non-living,
A different thought had I,
Yet without my blood from darkness I won't rise
Created 23 April 2009
Sep 2010 · 776
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
With this word I freeze the water you explore,
Questioning if there was ever something more,
A mirror view of days filled with sin,
A single bond, unexpectedly thin,
Although mastered I the ice,
It's mild and disappears fast,
What's been taken from me,
What I radiate,
Fails to leave a scar in your heart deep,
And I set my goal silently,
Contact yet another element in it's ******.
Created 22 April 2009.
Sep 2010 · 835
Spasmus 1 (The Beginning)
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
Easily consumed thoughts,
Saving their squishy souls,
The machine is strict about understanding,
Abandoned resistance,
Shedding the inner anger,
In places non existent,
Increment an ability to gaze into black,
And create the ornament of passive violence,
I of the deleted and replaced,
Remembers the long gone,
An undisturbed cycle,
A timeline illusion,
Aching the pitiful containers of flesh,
And only he may know the name,
Of the Caller, of the stillborn savior.
Created 11 August 2010.
Sep 2010 · 1.3k
Spasmus 0 (The Initiation)
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
The whole and the apex of things,
In a curvy lane of made up events,
Secretly cheating on self and relevant slaves,
Trusting an artificial flow of sands,
Inverting and unfolding the tone of the Caller,
Which efforts are not blessed by hope,
Born and bred into an automated mechanism,
No chance of waking up or defeating the incorrect,
Raised questions are easily filled,
An eternally examined organism at its knees,
Fainted chaos into unreality,
Flush the shape of the caged race,
Trapped by their weakness,
Trust, truth, the inborn curse.
Created 11 August 2010.
Sep 2010 · 709
Spasmus (The Preparation)
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
He takes off the primal mask,
Destroys systematic bonds of slavery,
No more shallow needs,
No faked realities,
He's not burdened by meaningless humane tasks,
No leaping between humorous deeds,
First steps in deserted streets,
Mankind is still in its sleep,
Dream by dream their essence is taken away,
Cold glances at the plastic air,
Cellophane shutters and blurry thoughts all around,
No more disturbed by them he straightens his path,
No more fulfilling inhales,
And nothingness adds no taste,
Free of time and shrinking space,
Mind in its order,
And no more fear as illusions are aside,
Slaves and no gods but parasites,
Taking away not an atom from him,
He is a passing hollow,
With terminated feelings,
But all sense the power and presence,
No unnecessary words,
Obstructions all are now destroyed.
Created 11 August 2010.
Sep 2010 · 755
What Hides In Ashes
Evaldas Eseth Sep 2010
As it's softly lit,
And an inhale as a breath of life,
With sparks so free and liberal,
Towards its middle point,
Joy and discoveries to be made,
Regrets washed away,
Contemplating the outer spheres,
And many more theories,
Or is it just the town,
Hiding its simple stance,
Under the layers of rainbow,
Is it a progress or mere desperation,
Light in a gray sand,
For when it's over,
It's but trash,
Under others' footing,
With incredible tales,
Misunderstood and undeciphered
Created 20 September 2010

— The End —