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Eva Nein Mar 2014
I never lie
Not really
But that doesn't mean
I always tell the truth

There is more than
One way to lie
It always works
Hasn't failed me yet

There are half truths
Unrelated words
Purposeful ignorance
Being vague

What'd you do today?
(That you would care about)

Is your work done?
(Part of it anyway
It will be done)

I don't know what
You mean.
What are you
Talking about?

Was it okay with you?
(If you had asked
Before you did it)

I don't know.

Maybe I am always
To everyone
Maybe I don't really know
What the truth is

But my words create
They make people think
I am perfect

Not that it matters
I don't think
People ever really
Tell the truth

Hidden between lies
Even our very personalities
Change to suit
Those around us

There is a fear
Deep within us
Of telling the truth
Because we are all liars
Even if we don't know it.
Eva Nein Mar 2014
There once was a mother
Who told her baby fairy tales
And the child
Grew up believing them

Once upon a time
There was a small child
Who looked for fairies
And wanted a prince

A long time ago
There was an older girl
Who looked for elves
And wanted to be a hero

In a land far, far away
There was a young woman
Who searched for happiness
And was already a hero

You won't believe what happened
There was a woman
Who found happiness
And told stories to her children
Eva Nein Feb 2014
Am I an adult?
Or am I wise beyond my years?
Perhaps I just know too much.

Am I a friend?
Or a clever enemy in disguise?
Maybe I shouldn't be trusted.

Am I musician?
Or just someone who can learn?
I wonder if that's the truth.

Am I a child?
Or just stuck being judged by my age?
I could just look young.

Am I an artist?
Or do I just get bored easily?
Maybe I just copy things.

Am I pretty?
Or am I just good with makeup?
I hope I'm not just pretty.

Who am I?
I don't know.
Does anyone know?

I know who I pretend to be.
How happy and helpful
I always appear.

But is it really me?
Or is it just an illusion?
It's a good illusion.

Who I am is changing.
I am changing.
But that's okay.

Everyone changes.
Everyone pretends.
I could be anyone.
Eva Nein Feb 2014
Will you remember
Once I am gone
All that we have done
And all we have seen?

Will you cry
Remembering everything
I said to you
To make you smile?

Will you laugh
Thinking of all
Of those silly
Little stories we had?

Will you someday
Tell your children
About this one friend
You had forever?

Will you tell them
About the time
That we got lost
For hours?

Will you tell
Of how I used to
Hide behind you
When we met someone new?

Will you say
That it was such a shock
You never would have
Imagined it?

Will you remember
The good times we had?
All of the laughter
And the games?

Will you remember
All the times that I was there
When everyone else
Had somewhere else to be?

Will you tell your kids
That they would have
Had a godmother
That they never met?

Will you dream at night
Of my smile?
Or my stupid jokes
That always made you giggle?

Will you ever visit me?
Will you bring me
My favorite flowers,
White roses?

Will you try to forget me?
Everything I've done,
Or said,
Or laughed at?

Say that you will remember me.
That is all that I ask.
That is all I will ever ask of you.

Nothings going to happen
But you must,
You must promise
That you will remember me.
Eva Nein Feb 2014
By friends,
All pretending to care.

But no one gets it.
I don't play.
I don't dance.
I don't sing.
I'm not a toy.

Best friends,
Closest advisers,
All confused.

Why don't I
Go out?
Call someone?
Go to a party?
Talk to people?

Why should I?
It's not fun.
It's loud,

No one thinks
Like I do.
I don't like sports,
Or people being hurt,
And I hate attention.

They think I do this
To get back at them
Because I'm weird
Because I'm a loner
To be rebellious.

But that's not it.
I'm a stranger
To all of them.
I hide between the
Pages of books.

By myself
I am loud,

I am scared,
And lonely.

Yet they don't get it.
They make me
Go out,
Talk to people,
Have fun.

What is fun about
Being talked about,
Being overly polite,
Feeling the need to run,
And feeling like an outsider.

I would rather be
All alone
And complete.
Rather than surrounded
And lonely.
Eva Nein Feb 2014
I have lied to my parents:
"I'm fine."
"It was wonderful!"
"I slept well last night."
"No...nothing's wrong."

I have lied to my friends:
"I'm not tired."
"I am happy."
"You did great."
"It was no problem."

I've lied to myself:
"I feel great!"
"I'm not sad."
"I can do this."
"It was awesome!"

No one ever guesses:
"Me too."
"Thank you!"
"Well I feel amazing!"
"That's great. Let me tell you..."

But people lie to me too:
"You look great!"
"It was no trouble at all."
"No, you didn't stammer."
"I'm telling you, nothing's wrong."

Don't we all lie?
To stay sane,
To stay happy,
To deal with people,
To make others happy...

Maybe not all lies are bad.
But maybe,
Maybe they are.
Maybe the lies hurt.
Maybe we are kidding ourselves.

What if no one lied?
Even to stay sane,
Even to stay happy,
Even to deal with people,
Even to make others happy...

Is the truth really that bad?
To say:
"That wasn't good."
"No. I don't like you."
"I'm having nightmares."

I will admit now:
It won't be easy.
People might get hurt.
Friends may start fighting.
People might stop being friends.

But people would say things like:
"I'm scared."
"I'm jealous."
"I really like you."
"You are a wonderful person."

So people might
Fall in love,
Make friends,
Get help they need,
Discover something new.

If you could not lie
Would it be so bad?
What would you say?
Who would you say it to?
Eva Nein Feb 2014
I am a tiger who protects her friends.
I am a wind that never ends.
I am an idea that helps all.
I am a nurse who is always on call.
I am a book that has not ended.
I am a battlefield that can never be mended.
I am a clown for those I care about.
I am a map that shows the proper route.
I am a rainbow of color on a cloudy day.
I am a brick wall that will always stay.
I am original.
I am unique.
I am me.
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