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May 2014 · 908
Eesha & Thalia.
Eva Burke May 2014
Two girls,
With curls,
In ALL their hair,
I bet only them know where.
One has a fetish,
The other one is pettish.
They are perfect,
Only for each other,
All though they might **** each others mothers,
And or Eesha's brothers,
They are quite the lovers.
Pettish =Easily irratated or annoyed.
May 2014 · 1.2k
Eva Burke May 2014
Have you ever met someone so stupid you want to punch?
I have,
Everyday at lunch,
I hear her crunch on her food
from across the room,
Then I hear Alexa's BOOM BOOM BOOM.
This girl, you see,
Is not like you or me,
She is quite the *******,
She doensn't even know how to work a compass.
Anywho, I should be going,
And stop loathing ,
On a ******* name Lauren Joyce.
This is dedicated to Thalia Taffe because she really inspired me to write this.
May 2014 · 536
My Emotions
Eva Burke May 2014
Don't toy around with my emotions,
They're full of sadness and hateful potions.
All though you can only see a shallow layer of who I am,
To see the real side, take my hand,
I will lead you to a side,
Your eyes open wide.
Once you've seen that side of me,
There is no going back,
You stay with thee.
Forever ,eternity, infinity,
You will stay with me,
You will never again see the oceans,
This is all because you toyed with my emotions.
May 2014 · 371
Eva Burke May 2014
Eesha is mean.
Eesha is not clean.
Eesha treat me like a kid,
I wish I could get rid,
Of her,
Throw her body in a lake,
Oh how happy that would make,
May 2014 · 558
Mac And Cheese
Eva Burke May 2014
MAc AnD ChEeSe,
I lIkE to Eat MaCC NAd CHeSEE WITH my FeLLow,
iT mAkE em UrN YEllOw.
I lIke IT aS A s  nACK,
iT mAKes Me wACK.
May 2014 · 1.0k
Eva Burke May 2014
She's the one you see,
When you get up to ***,
Or to go get some tea,
She's the one you notice,
Just like a lotus,
Except she's from Jamaica,
Nicky probably wishes she was a part of his cejka,
I'm going to cut this short just for today,
I'll make a sequel and you will all yell HOORAY!!!!
If you haven't guessed,
I won't have you search the West,
I'll tell you who it's about,
It's bout a girl named Thalia,
Who is quite a dahlia,
To her bestest friend in the entire world EVA WOOT WOOT!!!!!
May 2014 · 1.3k
Eva Burke May 2014
When she walks in a room,
Shaking the floor,
No she she's not a florist or even some skanky *****,
She's just a kid,
Who's been forbid,
From talking to morbids,
Like Eesha or Thalia or Nicky.
I can guarantee you right now,
You'll never see her walk around with a hickey.
While I should get going,
I have a lawn that needs mowing,
So bye to all  of you,
Next time you hear the name Alexa, I'm sure you wont say "who?"
May 2014 · 905
Sam Steinman.
Eva Burke May 2014
There once was a *****,
Who had a cousin named Mitch,
And ate and ate and ate,
She ate so much,
She ate her clutch,
And pretty much everything else.
One day this girl,
Started to hurl,
And a problem did arise,
She puked and puked and soon she started to despise,
Herself and others, chickens and mothers,
Even her best friend Siena.
Years have past and turkeys don''t last long past Thanksgiving,
A ****, a *****, and quite a bore, how can she keep living?
Now you see, what a B---- she can really be,
This poems not about a lineman,
It's a about a horrible girl named Sam Steinman.
May 2014 · 293
Eva Burke May 2014
Im not Taylor Swift,
I can't just lift my problems away with a song,
I play a game called Beer Pong.
When the night is over,
I don't regret what I've done,
I go and count all the way to one.
I dedicate this to Lord Voldemort.. btw I just totally pulled this poem out of my ***.
May 2014 · 533
Eva Burke May 2014
Anna is a *****,
Anna is a witch,
Anna has no ****.
Special thanks to Thalia Taffe.

— The End —