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eva Dec 2013
there was a clock. tick, tock.

it's an endless ticking. consuming me. i can't write, i can't read, i can't sleep. tick, tock.

i hear her voice inside my head. sometimes she screams. tick, tock.

i can't stop thinking. poetry comes in short, five-syllabled lines, always there and never gone. tick, tock.

reverberating tones; beeps, hums and clicks. keyboard tapping, heavy breathing. tick, tock.

one day, it stopped.
it's going to be okay.

people cover me in a thick blanket of comforting words and tense remarks, biting at my skin and making imaginary bruises, tender to the touch.

i'm still here. i was never gone. my wings are taking me nowhere and my shoulder blades ache from the weight, but still they hold on.

i walk on the footpath of a smoke-filled congested road, always invisible but never unseen.

desire for something i don't know. but it's there. never gone
eva Nov 2013
I am just
Skin and bones
A fragile china bowl
That seems to be full of your favorite
All I ask of you
Is that you don't
Break me
eva Nov 2013
Like a restless little upbeat cabaret. But I disagree today.
Hilarious decapitated, degraded parts of the soul and body.
The left thumb and the right index, pieces of a lively jelly
consisted of dark and shiny old blood. Pieces from the railroad.

Comical anxiety in the late hours, vomiting
in the early. My euphoria when blood
drains and thickens. Blood's silent, never
violent, aesthetic, comical.

Amusing ****-faced, *** licking hypocrite-
selfless sons of ******* wanting to know
how I feel and what's up. Nothing's up
and everything's down, little deprived teens of a world where
only Coca-Cola matters. Amusing.

Entertaining nightmares, a head rolling into the sewer, a ******
dark finger bouncing after and the floating soul has come to say
"the dead can't testify and because I can't take an eye for an eye,
in the afterlife I'll haunt you till you die."

Sympathy is reserved for George Bush and empathy for the African children.
So don't wave it in my face, Coca-Cola teens. Pick up your pitchforks and hang me around the gallows pole.
Shoot concrete in my veins because today I'm lifeless just like my telephone. There's nothing to gain and I can't fight the pain.

That's why today I'm insane.
This was written for me back in 2011 by a guy whom I haven't spoken to since. I was digging through my old email inbox and found this. Don't know why he put it on my world of text page. Anyway, here it is. Pessimist of the year?
eva Sep 2013
i've never seen
a single thing
about you
that i haven't liked
eva Sep 2013
your eyes are dark as thunderclouds
and sometimes i feel like i could
into them.
they consume me
make me breathless
eva Sep 2013
drunk kisses in bars
smell of alcohol on your lips
taste of your last shot on your tongue
warm flesh from breathlessness
ruthless grabbing and groping
always wanting moremoremore
????????????i don't even know
eva Sep 2013
fingers brushing on skin
soft loving words echoed into ears
clumsy kisses planted onto lips
smell of your cologne rubbing off on bedsheets
warm flesh on my frail body
comforting sounds of your love
i need something like this right now
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