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 Aug 2013 Eunoic
Do not fall in love with people like me.
People who will woo you
With pretty words
And love songs
And made up dreams that they maybe had at 2am when they might have woken up and thought of your face before anything else.

Do not fall in love with us.
Because we are liars.
We say exactly to you
What we wish you would say to us.
And when you don't say those things
We close off
And say mean things
That ring with more sincerity
Than our descriptions
Of the made up dreams.

Do not take our pretty words
And tell them to yourself
Over and over.
To be completely honest,
We may or may not even mean them.

And most importantly
Do not expect us
To fall in love with you.
Because we won't.
We only take pleasure
In making you fall so hard for us
And our lies and false confessions
And empty promises.

We take no pleasure
In letting ourselves fall.
Because we believe
That all people are like us.

We believe
That nobody will be there
To catch us.
 Aug 2013 Eunoic
I never keep people around for long
And I think that's because
Nobody I've ever talked to
Has stayed up
All night with me
While I suffer from insomnia
And panic
And sadness

I've been told before
"I love you"
But nobody has ever seen me
When I'm curled up
With my head in my hands
Crying to myself
Because I know someday
I'm going to die

And while I've loved many people
I can't say
I've ever been in love

— The End —