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1.3k · Feb 2013
Tears Apart
Etti Bali Feb 2013
It was dark
the tear was lost
so it rolled down its path
Angels scorn it
the devils adorn it
It was a tear that tore me apart

The darkest sky
of a stormy night
when stars finish their parts
I cried for you, I craved for you
and a tear rolled down my eye
It was a tear that tore me apart

You were gone
with the moon's last glow
before the crack of dawn
Dusty shadows, washed away
by my dearest one
It was a tear that tore me apart

Many a year
loomed away
into a shadowed past
The eyes longed for you
they wished for you
and a tear rolled down my eye
It was a tear that tore me apart

My eyes dry up
when the tears freeze
in this cold autumn breeze
I think of you
and you give me warmth
and a tear rolls down my eye
It is the tear that tears me apart
1.2k · Feb 2013
Yours Truly
Etti Bali Feb 2013
She walked with me
Joined me in my laughter
Bowed with me in gratitude
Cried for the wanton desire

She romanced me
Torrid, exulting
She followed me
Slow, shadowy, bouncy too

My destiny
My birth-mate
The only one who never left my side
1.2k · Feb 2013
Etti Bali Feb 2013
Where the summer is reluctant to leave its throne
And the winter will leave no stone unturned
To claim its reign, to cast its spell  
Oh October, how i love your dwell
978 · Feb 2013
Is that so?
Etti Bali Feb 2013
You will never be innocent again,
because one that's lost is gone forever.

You will never be my child again,
because you know, you gave grown too fast.

You will never be a lover's song,
because broken chords never made a sound.

You will never come home,
because you have gone too, too far.
765 · Feb 2013
The Soul Observer
Etti Bali Feb 2013
I am a silent mourner,
At my [own] grave,
I watch all along,
As they take my body away.

The lover weeps  there,
Where my corpse lays,
His cries are dead,
And the tears, sinister.

I reach out my hands,
To embrace my lover,
In the comfort of his arms,
I shall die forever.

But oh! he sees me not,
His eyes have turned to stone,
For he sees no justice,
In being left alone.

I promised to be with him,
In life and in death,
And now, all I do is
Watch him rot in hell

Ah! look at the mother,
Who cut out her womb,
To bring me to this world,
Just to surrender me to doom.

I call out to my mother,
To be cradled in her arms,
The warmth of her being,
So close to my heart.

But oh! she hears me not,
She is numb as her child,
Who's being swallowed up,
By the unforgiving flames.

I am a weakened soul,
Weighed down by my sins,
The body is burned to cinders,
As the world comes to an end.

They put up my picture,
Up on the wall,
Though, its not my best,
But dad's favourite of all.

They will learn to live,soon
The way I am learning too,
I walk away in silence,
To the moon-lit moor.

But oh! what do I see,
A shadow coming my way,
The frame comes into picture,
As the moon lights my LOVER's face.

All we are left with,
Is plain loneliness,
We see the world go by,
As he hugs me with a kiss.
699 · Feb 2013
The Last Dance
Etti Bali Feb 2013
Saving the best for the last
Here we are, once again
For the last dance

Look into my eyes
As I hold your hand
Take me to the paradise
Beyond the weary stars

Dance with me, oh baby
Till the music lasts
Feel the love, oh baby
Till the magic lasts

Saving the best for the last
Here we are, once again
For the last dance

The music sounds so distant,
Lost and rushed
The bars are empty
The voices are hushed

The silence is screaming
Mercy! My Lord
Take me away
In the comfort of your arms

Saving the best for the last
Here we are, once again
For the last dance

The night is through
All the stars have gone
I am alone
As the last dance goes on

A shadow follows
And the shadow is YOU
A love echoes
And the LOVE is YOU

Saving the best for the last
Here we are, once again
For the last dance.

— The End —