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May 2011 · 908
Graduation Speech
Ethan Waranch May 2011
Hello and Welcome, parents and whomever else i think to mention.
Isn't it wonderful to be here for the graduation of the class of current year and school. Mention length and difficulty of time spent in school. Inside joke about a teacher that makes some students laugh. But seriously, mention pride you have in all your class mates. mention specific friends while lying about how you were friends with everyone. Corny joke, Pause for mild and forced laughter. Platitude. Platitude. Platitude. Overly long boring story. Obscure or overused quote. go specific school. Calmly sit down no longer having to worry about how much you were sweating.
May 2011 · 863
Uncapitalize i
Ethan Waranch May 2011
i am not going to capitalize i.
i don't deserve that honor.
No one deserves it.

i will also never cry.
In the world there are problems galore,
but i don't give a ****.

i don't even know why.
but sometimes it's easier to ignore.  
smart and politics don't seem to fit.
May 2011 · 674
Love Rhymes with Bitch
Ethan Waranch May 2011
How am  I supposed to let you know?
Perfect Rhymes and pretty eyes wont do it.
How can I tell you  I want you so?
Any attempt at anything will be ****.
This is not my opinion or some creation,
This is a sad fact of the world girl.
Because I'm free/weird i secure no elation.
This just keeps me in a perpetual whirl.
So whatever, you wont be mine.
You know what, that is fine.
'*** love rhymes with ***** anyway.
Ethan Waranch May 2011
Haikus are so great.
I can tersely say my thoughts.
For no one to read.

Do you even care.
No one will ever listen.
So i will shut up
May 2011 · 527
Drinking Haiku
Ethan Waranch May 2011
Grab me a bottle.
Drink to forget everything.
At least it's something.
May 2011 · 436
Ethan Waranch May 2011
Thinking about you,
I decided sleep was bad.
'*** yaint in my dreams.
May 2011 · 441
Haiku for you
Ethan Waranch May 2011
A little haiku.
I wrote this one just for you.
It is what I do.
May 2011 · 484
Letter Haiku
Ethan Waranch May 2011
A Q is a line.
A U is a dumb person.  
Letters are funny.

— The End —