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Dec 2013 · 801
I love you
Ethan Kreman Dec 2013
Everytime I see your face my heart skips a beat

Your lips so soft and sweet

I long to cradle you in my arms, to hold you while you weep

Trade your heart with mine, it is yours to keep

How I wish I could fix you up and make you whole

If my misery equaled your happiness it would be my goal

Soon the song of a blade will be the only answer I seek

To dream of you forever, in my lonely sleep.
Oct 2013 · 792
Ethan Kreman Oct 2013
The unmoving crow
Sitting in the dark
Letting the wind blow
Eyes aglow like a burning fire
He rises ever higher
Crows gather around him
Eyes filled to the brim
The unearthly Scarecrow
With stick legs
His scyth begs, for blood
A ****** of crows follows him
Whereever he goes
Never slows
He stalks you
There is nothing you can do
Fiddles is after you.
Here he comes...
Oct 2013 · 504
Twisted detsiwT
Ethan Kreman Oct 2013
Roses are red violets are like blue
I have a sick twisted mind how bout you?
What made me this way ? Made part of no whole
The truth is i dont even know
They worrie about me I tell them im fine
I just have I sick twisted mind
No one can fix me
I live in my world which is not very pleasant
Oct 2013 · 594
The Devils Hand
Ethan Kreman Oct 2013
I'll shake the devils hand. It may land me in a pit, but I'm fine with that ****. Yeah, any way to get big is acceptable right? Even if you start a fight? Wrong. I've been working so long, just to be heard. And it is absurd how much yelling and screaming I have to do just so you look at me. And what is it you see? Nothing. You see another rebellious teenage, acting out. Well I won't pout. I'll shout some more! I have no score to settle. I'll bang my head to this metal. And I'll pump my fist. But don't break my wrist, it is my weapon, my tool, and I;m no fool. Without it I am nothing. I am that nothing that you see before you. So what do you do? You snap it like it is nothing. Broken at the wrist, I twist and turn in an agony unknown to most. Because what is a poet without his words? Like birds with no wings. You see in a shade of grey, were as I see in a prism! Rainbows flow through the world, some bright and vibrant, others dark and dreary. And I grow so weary of seeing the dark. I live in this dark, cold, empty room. And soon I'll see the sun.
Ethan Kreman Oct 2013
What's this what's this there's targets everywhere
What's this what's this there's screaming in the air
I can't believe my eyes, I must be dreaming
Wake up Altair, this isn't fair

What's this..

They're all throwing tomahawks, instead of throwing heads.
They're slitting throats with a blade that's in their wrists now they are dead!
All the people dead, I can't believe my eyes.
I'm so surprised Altair's the only one that had survived...
What's this?
Oct 2013 · 468
My rage
Ethan Kreman Oct 2013
I want to evicerate you
I want to desecrate you
I want to tear you limb from ******* limb
I want to make sure you never ******* see daylight again

I want to watch the light leave your eyes
I want to be your ultimate demise
I want you to die by my hand
I want to fill your insides with sand

I want to break open your face with a frying pan
I want to gut you like only Freddy Krueger can
I want you to feel my pain
*******, **** stain
May 2013 · 447
Tears to Fill a River
Ethan Kreman May 2013
When you're crying and crying
you can't make a sound
tears just keep falling, falling down
down your face, silently, endlessly, ceaselessly
there's nothing you can do to stifle your tears
you sit there locked inside your head writhing for some absolve.
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
Ethan Kreman Apr 2013
I'm sitting in this cold dark house
Stifling my tears, quiet as a mouse
I'm stuck here, locked inside my own head
Remembering all those things you said
Now I'm all too ****** up
Beyond complete repair
I'm a timebomb ready to blow up
Running my fingers through, ripping out my hair
All that's left is this empty shell
Maybe I'll live maybe I'll die who can tell
Hide me away atop this shelf
Maybe I might just **** myself
Apr 2013 · 291
Screaming Silence
Ethan Kreman Apr 2013
So relaxed I couldn’t disturb
Makes me think how did I get her
She makes me so happy
I hope I can make her too
Ill cry when she leaves
And die a lot inside
But that’s how life is right?
Just another thing to hide
But it’s the best for her
And it’s what she needs
So I’ll take this pain
And send it below
Her happiness is worth my sorrow
So I must let her go
One day I will find her again
And this thought keeps me alive
For if I lose her forever
That will be the day that I die
Apr 2013 · 422
The path
Ethan Kreman Apr 2013
I walk this life,
With endless strife,
No sense of direction,
Loss of affection.
My knees are down,
Upon the ground,
Hands pulling hair,
Is there anything fair?
I met her one day,
had no courage to say,
for her I would fight,
to make everything right.
I gave her my voice,
and she had a choice,
to take me over him,
and live life on a whim.
I knew before she chose,
Within my heart I froze,
I'll never be the same,
In life's little game.
Now I walk,
The night, I stalk,
Soul full of desire
And nothing to fuel the fire.
Apr 2013 · 504
Seeing Red
Ethan Kreman Apr 2013
As my heart explodes with hate
I can no longer halt, no longer abate
This unremitting desire
To tie you up and throw you on a fire
Your eyes, your voice, your soul divide
Could eventually lead me to suicide
I hate you more than Rednecks hate blacks
I just wish you would swallow some tacks
This anger fills me to the top
Will this shaking ever stop?
If I owned even a half of an acre
The last thing you’d see is this bullet leave this chamber
But I don’t and woe betide
I am not fit for populicide
Apr 2013 · 632
Ethan Kreman Apr 2013
Some call it crazy
Some say it’s sick
But I think it’s freedom
The pain is fierce but quick
Some say that it’s a sin
Just a little to risque
But it helps release the pain
That I go through every day
The blade is sharp and cold
As it runs across my skin
Leaving me to ponder
And decide how deep I cut in
The icy chill running down my spine
Makes me feel at ease
I no longer feel like a coward
******* up on everything with every breath I breathe
But some days I want to stop
Feeling like everything's wrong
Trying to let go of the blade
Sometimes I can but not for long
It’s like I'm addicted to the pain
The feeling taking refuge in my veins
Leaving me feeling confused and alone
Wiping at the streaked tears that seem to be stained
Burned into my skin forever
Becoming a part that I cannot escape
Sometimes I just want to hurt all over
To scream at the top of my lungs until they break
I want to escape from my sadness
It’s taking over me
Why can’t I just rest
Why won’t it let me be
I just want to be free
Apr 2013 · 431
Spots of Red on the Surface
Ethan Kreman Apr 2013
Dark red
Trickles down his arm
A special little secret
Known as self harm
Fiery red
Anger Builds up deep inside
He's got to let these feelings out
But to who can he confide
Dark silver
Blade Is the one that he trusts
The one that he turns to
When life becomes too much
Long white
To cover his pain
Hide his relief
Hide the cuts again
Apr 2013 · 2.0k
My Subliminal Suicide
Ethan Kreman Apr 2013
An underlying sense of counting down –
A rhythm deep: enteric thuds –
Each another year to fret and frown
About, wading in the claggy muds
Of trial – to here, the blackened life.
A glint of blade had caught a baggy eye,
Sparking thoughts to jump the fence.
Could I grasp the handle – was I shy
Of what I had to do and hence remain
Enshrined in overwhelming strife?
The metal winked at me again
To beg the possibility
Of halting once and all the pain
To relish an eternity
Of rested shoulders,
Peace of mind;
So here, my wrist
For ‘quick and kind.’

— The End —