Totally let go.
Do not even hold on to life.
Stop and be completely still.
See and feel your heart beating with out your effort.
See and feel your lungs breathing with out your effort.
Realize that you are not bound to this body-mind by your own effort.
Give up all believes.
Totally let go to the moment.
You are aware of the whole moment.
You are aware of your breath, of your heart beat.
You are aware of what surrounds you.
You are aware of every-thing as far as your eyes can see.
You are aware of the thoughts going in and out of your mind.
You are aware of this whole moment.
You are awareness itself.
Nothing can touch you.
Nothing can hurt you.
You can not be destroyed.
Neither can you be created.
You simply are , and you have always been.
You are the eternal awareness.
You have experienced the whole existence, and now you experience the human.
You are the invisible and silent awareness that is bound to the human body.
This experience of being a human is to learn something new.
Do not carry believes with you.
Do not carry lies.
Be a total witness of this experience.
Take with you, your own understanding.
Watch your breath real closely.
Go deeply into the flow of your in and out breath.
Who breathes?
Who sees the breathing?
Surrender all efforts and let the breath happen on its own.
Watch thoughts come in and out of your mind.
How do the thoughts come in and out?
Who brings thoughts to the mind?
Who sees thoughts appear and disappear in the mind?
Give very close attention to your heart beat.
Are you the one who keeps the heart beating?
Are you the one who makes the lungs bring air in and out of your system?
How is the heart beating and how are the lungs breathing?
And who is aware of these two independent happenings?
Are you in control of the heart-beat?
Try to understand, this life is not your will.
This life will one day end.
This life is just a teaching.
To make you aware of eternity.
Look deeply into an animals eyes, who do you see, can you see yourself?
Can you feel yourself?
Can you see if thoughts appear in your mind to say something about the animal?
Look very deeply and very openly into an animals eyes.
Can you see the awareness that they are?
Can you see how alert they are of everything in the moment?
Can you see that they are awareness experiencing itself threw the animal body?
Can you see the limitations that the animal body contains?
Are they capable of high intelligence?
Look deeply into their eyes, any sign of them thinking ? or just being?
Animals do not carry a mind.
Animals do not carry memory nor the past.
Animals carry no believes, no knowledge.
Animals carry awareness and total trust.
They do not worry about what tomorrow may bring.
They only do the moment.
They are only concerned with the present moment.
They carry no fear and no doubt.
They carry no reminders and no duties, they are totally free.
What human being is totally free?
What human being knows real peace?
What human being is not worried about what the future may bring?
What human being carries no doubt of where this life is taking you?
What human being carries no past ?
What human being is in total awareness and love of the present moment?
What human being is exploring this life with an open mind and with an open heart?
What human being takes time to fully see the totality of another human being?
What human being takes time to fully see the totality of themselves?
What human being has the will to know life on their own?
What human being has the courage to not believe anything others say, and listen closely to his/her inner-voice that is so heavily and harshly pushed away ?
And what human being is brave enough to have the whole world against him/her,
just to Be and express the simple and real truth that is deeply inside his/her heart?