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Esmé van Aerden May 2013
If I were to die,

which I will,

one day,

I would like to pass in a 
forest of
trees and 

For surely it is 

curious and 
for a life to

where so many

Esmé van Aerden May 2013
One night I fell asleep in your arms,
you held me the whole night through.
And in the morning the sun woke me,
So I snuggled up to your comforting body,
feeling careless and warm.
One night I fell asleep with the moon
to hold me the whole night through.
In the morning, the sun had woken me,
And I snuggled up to the sheets,
feeling careful and cold
for you had left me
broken and bruised.
Esmé van Aerden May 2013
He was the boy who listened to the kooks
and wore scarves for fun
and hummed as he walked
and smiled at the birds
and went home
with prayers for death on his lips.
Esmé van Aerden May 2013
What a lovely feeling it must be to wake up next to someone who you madly, crazily, ridiculously love and for them to feel the same way about you.
What a lovely feeling it must be to wake up next to someone, and see the sun shining through the blinds, forming little roads on their bare back, the dust lazily dancing around them effortlessly.
What a lovely feeling it must be to wake up next to someone you grow old with, and to feel the same love you did when you were wild, naïve youth.

— The End —