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Esme Stumborg Dec 2013
Sometimes I can feel nothing at all
Except the time washing over me
Taunting me with its assurance
Taunting me with its infinity
Making a fool of me
And I find it strange
To be anything at all.
Esme Stumborg Dec 2013
You crept into the fissures of my brain
And you tidied the dustiest corners of my mind.
You got through the cracks of my fears,
Around the rifts in my trepidations
And on top of my deepest enigmas.
You reached down into the crevices of my doubts
And relieved me of their burdens.
But since you've left
I have started to gather dust again.
My crevices have started to fill up
And again I am weighted down with their might.
Esme Stumborg Dec 2013
If you dusted my heart for fingerprints
You'd find they're all yours
If you searched my whole body for clues
You'd find the imprint of your hands on my hips
The scent of your skin in my lungs
The sound of your voice in my ears
You'd find the reflection of your eyes in mine
The warmth of your body still in my mind
And the folds of your skin under my nails
Esme Stumborg Dec 2013
I tried to write a poem about love
But I just wrote your name
Over and over and over again.
Because that's what it is to me
Your handwriting
Your smell
The gap between your teeth
Esme Stumborg Dec 2013
The world gives
And the world takes
The world breaks
And the world creates
Of this we were given you
Of this you were taken too
Esme Stumborg Dec 2013
You're like a cold cup of coffee
Or a bouquet of wilted flowers
Perhaps a rusted bike
Someone once cared about you-
Until you were forgotten

Until your milk was separated
Your petals had drooped
Your wheels no longer turned
The absence of love is evident in your entire being.
Esme Stumborg Dec 2013
They say "forget him"
But I can't
Because while he thought he was stroking my hair
He was really smoothing out the wrinkles in my soul
When he whispered in my ear
It got carved into my skull
And when he touched the most hidden parts of my body
He got access to the hidden parts of my being
How simple it would have been to just give him my skin
It can be mended with stitches and a band-aid
But I gave him my entirety
And only time can heal that
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