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Apr 2016 · 628
for rent but never for sale
weirdlittlealien Apr 2016
last Tuesday you left me flowers on my doorstep,
but i was still running down the stairs
when you had walked back through the gate;
you kicked down the sign as you passed -
the one with the chipped wood and peeling paint

i must admit i ripped up the petals,
he loves me, he loves me not
i watched them fall to the ground then wither and curl
now the sign you never read is nailed back up;
for rent but never for sale
Mar 2016 · 701
empty pages
weirdlittlealien Mar 2016
you walked through my mind countless times
and your name brushed my lips more than i can remember

but your footsteps never left prints on the pathways in my heart
and the seeds you planted in my lungs never grew into trees

you were an empty page that i could still read
and you told me to fill it
*but you left before i could speak
Mar 2016 · 324
weirdlittlealien Mar 2016
i send my eleven wishes out to you
open the catch and force it through

throw the pennies down the line
to the new fortune
weirdlittlealien Feb 2016
i could tell you were in love** because you started showing up more often and I could tell you were in love because you sat in a different seat then you usually did and i could tell you were in love by the way you bit your lip for a moment before reminding yourself to stop and I could tell you were in love because you entered the room with the most bashful smile on your face and your hands were shaking a little bit and there was a tint of pink on your cheeks and I could tell you were in love because you started to change yourself; the way you dressed, the way you did your hair- and i couldn't understand why you were trying to change something that was already so perfect to begin with and I could tell you were in love by the way you spoke about love like you understood it so well, you spoke about it while looking across the room at someone with your pupils dilated and this was love as i had never seen before and I could tell you were in love but just not with me
Jan 2016 · 328
weirdlittlealien Jan 2016
you're so dull
but in such an artistic way
your black soul, blue face
sparkle with so much brightness

i dont understand
why you don't see what i do
Jan 2016 · 409
bruises hurt too
weirdlittlealien Jan 2016
you say you're "sorry"
but then, there you are
doing the same things again.
and see, this is why i
mustn't trust you, even if i wish i could
because i'm scared
that the next time you say
you're "sorry"
the bruise that you've left me with
won't be able to fade

you say that you're sorry.
but you don't know much it hurts
and you know, i am sorry too.
but 'sorry' is just a word
weirdlittlealien Jan 2016
Sometimes i'd let the wind catch my hair
and reach out a hand to
touch the street lamps as they
flashed past
and sometimes i'd lean back against the leather
seat in silence  
but it was always the same smile
that you gave me as we got out

Sometimes we'd lie and let the small
countless grains fall through
out fingers and try not to
think that it was the minutes
that we had left
and sometimes we'd dive beneath
the waves and get lost
in the foam and resurface
with flowers in our hair
but it was always the same light
that shone in your eyes
either way

Sometimes we'd wake up covered in the
soft blankets and the yellow light
seeping through the breeze and
the gaps in our intwined fingers
and sometimes we'd wake on the polished floor
surrounded by faceless bodies,
crushed bottles and flashing lights,
and it would be the streamers
the got lost in my hair, not your fingers,
but it was always the same words
you said to me as you
opened bleary eyes

And sometimes i think you never change because
this is all you ever wanted in all your
dizziest daydreams
but Sometimes i think i was wasting my time
believing that this wasn't your
worst nightmare and that it
was because your new
words are whispered in
someone else's ear
Jan 2016 · 517
weirdlittlealien Jan 2016
i was going through old papers
and i found things i had scrawled
ages ago, now.
endless lines about you, you, you.
but now, looking through the messy words,
i can't even remember
who you are anymore
Dec 2015 · 645
weirdlittlealien Dec 2015
you assume that you radiate
when you walk down the halls with them
begging at your feet
but, darling, you seem to have forgotten
can never compete with
Dec 2015 · 607
weirdlittlealien Dec 2015
you think that you can get to me,
hurt me
with your sideways looks;
half glances
and carrying whispers
maybe you can
and maybe sometimes
i will go home with red eyes
and swollen cheeks

but you can't continue watering
dead flowers
and so in time when i have
come home and
condemned you to the ends of the earth
i will remember that there
is still someone who cares about me
enough to talk about
nothing and everything for hours
as we lie
on the cold metal slabs of the
veranda roof
and to waste their 11:11 wishes
on me
and although they might not have
the prettiest of faces,
their heart is oh so much bigger
and warmer than yours
will ever be
and the way they make others smile
so much that their
cheeks ache
is so much more beautiful
than the brightest star
and their soul is embroidered
in intricate patterns
with the fine white stitching
that the sun has turned the
warmest yellow
and yours hasn't even sewn
with the darkest of
black threads
and so then the sun will never even
be able to turn them
a lighter shade of

and for that i pity you,
that your heart is darker than
the oldest and loneliest tombstone
in a forgotten graveyard

and when we're floating on our
yellow strings
we will watch you blunder
in the darkness
feeling around unseeing for
the blunt needle
with the short black thread
barely attached
so you might stitch yourself
back up
but its already rolled away
to the furthest corner
and is now being covered in layer upon layer
of dust
and when you look up from your
wishing well
hoping that someone will choose you as their
11:11 wish
so that you will be able to sew your
way out
of your cold and forgotten well
but you wait and wait
in vein
and i feel sorry for you
for you have no one who
cares enough
to thread your needle
for you
and cover your heart in
yellow stitching
or close their eyes even for the shortest
and wish on your star
which was never shining very brightly
in the first place.
weirdlittlealien Nov 2015
for a while she missed you. she would walk
through the corridors
with her head bowed over her endless scrolls
of meaningless words
and at lunchtimes she would disappear, but you
wouldn't even notice
when she returned with tear tracks glowing
on her swollen cheeks.
and sometimes you would catch her eye but never
notice how red they were
or how she would let her hair fall over her face when
she looked away.

And then, slowly,
she stopped greeting you with a smile
in the mornings.
she stopped glancing up from her books
to catch your eye.
and when you had your arm slung
around someone else
she didn't frown like before but
smiled and carried on
and you notice how  she used to
be black and white
but now whenever she laughs with
her head thrown back, she
shines with colour.
and when she leans her head on someone
else's shoulder
and gives them a smile in the mornings that
used to be for you
you regret only seeing her as a dull star
that you hardly noticed
when she saw you as the brightest galaxy
that lit up her universe
but now to her you're just another piece of plain sky
in the jigsaw puzzel
of her life, and he is now the one who makes her world
brighter than the biggest star
and you regret letting someone go so easily,  
when they saw you in
such a light that no one would ever see you
in again
weirdlittlealien Nov 2015
i had a dream about you last night;

we made out and you
said you loved me
Nov 2015 · 383
all the heads turn
weirdlittlealien Nov 2015
when we walk in
in the fur boots
all the heads turn; give us the looks
that make us cringe

the photos made the cover
all plastic lip gloss smiles
all the heads turn; give us the looks
that make us rise up higher
Nov 2015 · 267
love is no game
weirdlittlealien Nov 2015
and it was all fun and games
until we fell in love
Nov 2015 · 272
chasing smoke
weirdlittlealien Nov 2015
it's just hide and seek.
you slipped away; now i spend
my lifetime searching.
Nov 2015 · 297
miss me?
weirdlittlealien Nov 2015
sometimes when i think i miss you
i watch the old leaves fall
but the pictures line the front pages
the light in your eyes has changed
we used to talk for hours
but now i run out of things to say
and sometimes when i think i miss you
i realise i don't at all
Nov 2015 · 562
Isn't fortune worth it all?
weirdlittlealien Nov 2015
Money, glitter, stardom, fame
Welcome to the glamour game
Paparazzi, magazines
Life is never what it seems
Lipstick, hairspray, Jimmy Choos
Faking smiles, downing *****
They prop you up to watch you fall
But isn't fortune worth it all?
Nov 2015 · 510
the things i'll never say
weirdlittlealien Nov 2015
i can see you across the rows of heads
and you're laughing with your
own head thrown back
still off from last nights *****

and it kinda scares me
how much i want to be sitting
across the room with you
Nov 2015 · 392
Error # 413
weirdlittlealien Nov 2015
some mornings were made of dirt and some were coated in ash; it all depended on who counted the creases in the sheets slinking over the other's body & waiting for a frost to kiss the window pane. ERROR: IDIOSYNCRASIES DO NOT EQUAL HAPPINESS.

he told you your hair was like fire when you were in bed together but he didn't specify whether it was when you were on top or tucked beside him  so you cut it short and called yourself a fairy. ERROR: HE LIKED HIS FINGERS AS TANGLED AS HIS THOUGHTS

you always hung back behind him to watch the way his eyes would scan a room and his body would graze the corners of other sharp edges of skin because body heat always took your breath away. ERROR: YOU WERE NEVER THE FIRST THING HIS EYES WERE DRAWN TO.

but, oh god, there were so many colours everywhere he took you that you forgot how it felt to be drowned out at midnight and to be touched by only ice. ERROR: THE CEMENT STILL BLOODIED YOUR KNEES BEFORE SUNRISE.

you'd gotten so used to loosing your senses & drinking in the light, when he finally stopped paying attention you put yourself back together with yellow stitching. ERROR: HE'D ALREADY TOUCHED THE SUN. ( error 404: love requested cannot be found.)
Nov 2015 · 332
don't think I've forgotten
weirdlittlealien Nov 2015
you walk around with your held high
and your laugh ringing out
clear and fake
don't think i don't notice.

the guilt's shadow is in your eyes
and you hide behind the smile mask
stretched and forced
don't think i believe it.

but when you write your lines
and your mask falls away
shattered and broken
you know this is what you deserve
chapped and ageing
don't think I've forgotten
(what you did to me)
Nov 2015 · 283
weirdlittlealien Nov 2015
your dark eyes are bloodshot
you chapped lips are cold
your thin cheeks are pale
but your smile is still gold
Oct 2015 · 353
weirdlittlealien Oct 2015
They sip the juice of old fruits
And smoke the leaves of old plants.
They press lips to show love
And lift fingers to show hate.
They pity the suicidal
Even when they are killing themselves.
Humans are such funny, little
Ambitious creatures.
Sep 2015 · 356
i remember
weirdlittlealien Sep 2015
I remember running:
Running blindly through a field of flowers,
Small and delicate, like tiny golden tears,
Too high for me to see, unless
I stood on the small brown fence
Rough under your fingertips,
Messy and crumbling with age,
Like the oldest tombstone in
A graveyard.

I remember driving:
Driving through the small tight streets
With the brown stone walls;
Superior, always on guard.
Breathing on the cold window pane
Just to keep it clear
Watching the yellow streetlights flash by
Distant and sparkling like the stars on a
Clear night.

I remember the ocean:
Cold and grey, reassuringly brushing the
Cliff edges but crashing down on the
Plain sandstone beaches,
The foam leaping up and separating
Like the clouds gathering before the first
Summer storm.

I remember the mornings:
Waiting, impatient, just
Like the ocean, right before
A hurricane.

I remember the moon
In the middle of summer
Sitting on its velvet throne,
Hiding behind the clouds.
Standing by the water, watching
The reflection glistening
And the shadows dance and come
To life.

And I remember sitting
On the thatched barn rooftop,
Waiting for myself to start to miss home.
But all I could remember was the
Confusion of summer,
The blinding ocean, the business of
The old, worn out city
And the nagging feeling that it
Was wrong.
Aug 2015 · 950
Invisible crown
weirdlittlealien Aug 2015
Don't let your head fall forwards
I don't want to let them hear the sound
Of your crown falling.
The crown that they will pick up
And wear like it's their own,
Until it's their turn to let the crown fall.

The crown that should have been yours.

— The End —