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Jul 2019 · 150
Left alone
Ernesto Flores Jul 2019
But it’s not about that, is it.
It’s about being happy, happy with yourself.
Being able to recognize the reflection on the mirror.
Loving your children for being a part of you.
But the fog, and the haze, and the voices in your head, get in the way.
Making you feel inadequate, they bring up the past, leaving no room for the future.
Oh what I would give for peace, for an uncluttered mind.
Should be easy, you say.
There is mindfulness, there is yoga, another language perhaps.
Oh, GOD, yes, GOD. The almighty who made the heavens and the earth.
Who created me, who wants me to worship him, who wants me to praise his name.
But that’s where it stops, I can’t go on, because blasphemy.
Afraid to call him out, punishment, death.
So back to square one, laying on my bed, trying to find the answer in my head.
Day by day, the thoughts go on, and the answer always is.
I’m always left alone.
Cluttered thoughts
Jul 2019 · 162
Still fighting
Ernesto Flores Jul 2019
You pledged your love for me,
I pledged my love for you,
you gave me all you had,
I gave you more than that.

The more I fought,
The more you gave,
You gave me all,
I took even more.

You were by my side,
I was there for you,
I fought with you,
You gave me all.

You finally gave up,
I fought you more,
You finally left,
I fight myself.
Jun 2014 · 382
Ernesto Flores Jun 2014
I thought life would be grand,
Happy and fun,
Careless wondering,
From life to life.

I hoped for a wife,
For kids,
And a house,
Was I surprised by the feelings they brought.

Life did me wrong,
Too much to bite,
Too much to handle for a man my size.

I wish I could escape,
Run away from it all,
But am tied to it, kids, wife and all.
Apr 2013 · 380
Knowing You
Ernesto Flores Apr 2013
Hey you,
Look at me,
Let me see,
What you hide,
Within you.

I see the pain.
I see the sorrow,
From years past,
Eating away,
At your beautiful soul.

Let me in,
Open up,
Let me see,
How I can help,
How I can make it go away.

The pain is great,
I know,
I see ,
But I can help,
Let me help.
Apr 2013 · 545
Ernesto Flores Apr 2013
The birds fly across a blackened sky,
Cold humid air encloses our bodies as we watch,
We try to comprehend the spectacle, trying to attach a meaning,
Incapable, we have each other, is that what matters?
We hold hands, warm, clammy, tears roll down his face.

They talk about the meaning, the birds.
What have they done, he thinks a vision maybe,
A premonition, tears, sweat, as he struggles.

He tries to break free, as they stand on the cliff,
She wont let go, the birds were bad,
She holds tight, he looks into her eyes, confused,
The birds he says, almost screaming, didn't she see them,
Doesn't she know, the tears come,
She holds tighter, he struggles, what is she doing.

He then sees,
The birds are coming back, what for?
The pain, the sorrow,
The tears subside, he calms, he breathes, did she know?
Only birds.
Apr 2013 · 457
Ernesto Flores Apr 2013
Your eyes, blue as the deepest water of the ocean,
Pull me in, make me think, of what they've seen,
and where they've been,
Pain, sorrow, joy, and grace, they've seen it all,
in one embrace.

Your *******, waiting to be touched, caressed,
draw me in,
Beautiful mounds of flesh,
meant for nurturing, sustaining life,
They excite me beyond remarks,
to feel them in my hands, I would love.

The moist place between your legs,
giver of life, now of ***, love,
Pleasure can be, such a simple thing,
but when it comes to you,
pleasure is so extraordinarily big.

Love is a feeling I cherish,
when am with you.

— The End —