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Apr 2014 · 388
It's been awhile.
Erin Tommas Apr 2014
It's been a while since I've felt your touch.
I'm not sure if you remember.
I am going crazy;
And everyone seems to know but you.
Mar 2014 · 856
Missing You
Erin Tommas Mar 2014
It consumes me
A feeling of utmost loneliness.
My feet can't touch the ground
My hands can't grasp reality.
I need to feel you
I long to hear your thoughts in my ear.
The way your strong hands glide across the guitar strings.
The lovely melody that is your voice.
I never knew a world so wonderful and bright
Than the world I shared with you..
So good, so right.
Mar 2014 · 380
After Shocks
Erin Tommas Mar 2014
The after shock is setting in, like the ferociousness of an ocean
Tearing me down again and again
Mar 2014 · 538
Bottle of Pills
Erin Tommas Mar 2014
Bottle of pills to cure my depression.
Bottle of pills to take away the sadness.
Bottle of pills to take me high.
Bottle of pills to give me sanity.
Bottle of pills to take my life.
Mar 2014 · 461
Erin (Out of reach)
Erin Tommas Mar 2014
There's this girl I know
She thirsts for knowledge and endless seas.
She hides beneath the shade
Never really revealing who she is.

She cares more about other people's happiness
Than she ever will about her own.
When she loves, god, when she loves..
She will shower you in a sea of warmth.

As much as she will love you, she will have a cold side too.
She has the tundra in her,
She has the sun in her,
But she also has this world stopping hurricane.

She will feel every emotion, but magnified.
She will love with every fiber she has.
When she hurts it will tear her apart.
So if you ever get a chance to love her, you have to really love her.

She has the power to move mountains,
But she also has the power to put everything in ruins.
It is in ruins now,
She is out of reach.

Erin is me.
Mar 2014 · 300
This Time of Night
Erin Tommas Mar 2014
This time of night you would be wrapped around me
and I around you.
I go to sleep alone yet I still feel your presence in this too empty bed.
I drift and I drift but never into full slumber.
How can one slumber when they can't feel their other?

I feel you and I smell you everywhere I go.
I cannot move a muscle because if I won't feel it
I find myself wondering if it is the same for you.
I never wanted this, it was just you.
You wanted me, you loved me.
But still I lie here, because of your decision.

You don't want me, you don't love me, anymore.
Feb 2014 · 587
Erin Tommas Feb 2014
I'm sitting here.

I have 17 extra strength tylenol.
I am 95 lbs of skin and bone.
For the last week I have thought about this,
This moment that I could be free.
That man took the last of my worth with him,
When he slammed me to the ground.
There is nothing left inside of me.
My heart isn't beating for me anymore.
It is beating for this foreign presence.
I see his his dark shadow when I close my eyes.
I can't walk anywhere and hear the footsteps behind me.
I am tired of fighting.
I am giving up.
I have 17 extra strength tylenol.
And I am ready to swallow.
Feb 2014 · 594
That Night.
Erin Tommas Feb 2014
Tonight I was hit by a man I do not know
Now I am truly left with nowhere to go
I can't quite wrap myself into comfort
I can't quite make myself feel anything
All I feel is my cheekbone swelling
I hope that no one can tell
This didn't happen tonight like the poem says. This happened 4 days ago.
Feb 2014 · 326
3 am.
Erin Tommas Feb 2014
Hello, 3 am, we meet again.

We cross paths way too much. 3 am & you are the same.

& while I can't hate you, I hate 3 am.
Because it's 3 am and I am cold & alone.

It's 3 am & you're not here.
Jan 2014 · 560
The Darkness.
Erin Tommas Jan 2014
The Darkness.

I feel it creeping up on me.
It makes me feel alive
It makes me feel so free.
I welcome it with open arms
I feel the wrath envelop my entire body.

The comfort I feel inside my dark mind
Makes me happy
Takes me home.
Won't you let me bring you into..

The Darkness.
Jan 2014 · 332
Erin Tommas Jan 2014
It's late, calm & silent
I feel at peace while I feel so broken
I am strong I have always known
But you took that away, you left me burned

Picking up pieces that haven't been found
Running in circles becoming more distant
I am lost but I will stand tall
I will be fine, I will be fine
Dec 2013 · 452
No Name
Erin Tommas Dec 2013
What is life when you really step back?
Just a bunch of crowds waiting for the crack.
I guess for you the silence became different;
Like we were floating in a separate current.

I try so hard to find the hate;
Somehow I find that goes against fate.
Remember the warmth you found in me?
I've found that everything isn't so free.

I often feel like the flattered fool;
Drowning inside this bottomless pool.
Trying to find safety upon the shore,
When did I become a bore?

I desperately wish I could go back;
To save ourselves from this skipping track.
They say that everything happens for a reason;
But for now I choose to believe in treason.

— The End —