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1.7k · Jun 2013
The Piano
Erin-Mai Jun 2013
In all the silence a piano shall be heard from the upstairs room,
A beautiful girl that came out one day of her mums womb,
Growing up was hard,
Being away so long,
No more father no more brother,
Just a mum and a couple dogs,
First she lived out of state,
Never did she hesitate,
Now with the fear of living here,
She made a lot of wrong doings and mistakes,
Learning from the past,
As she sat and watched the hour glass,
Learning everyday how the states can be so bad,
Different people, different places, different ways of doing things,
In every single place was the same familiar face,
T'was a face in the reflections,
Of buildings big and tall,
By the rivers edge, deep or shallow,
Wide or narrow,
This reflection helped her to stand tall,
But the one thing this reflection did was help her to never fall,
Everytime in the reflection,
She saw her mums face,
It told her to be proud, and stand her ground, and to never let things get her down, even if she felt out of place,
Even when the rivers were dry and the buildings collapsed,
She remembers that day from her past,
The one song that she played for her poppet; yes it was her only friend, a doll, back as a child before she grew up tall,
She played her piano so beautifully, Then one day she stopped...
The pain and sorrow from the fear caused her to lose all at all costs,
Friends were there to show they cared, but she grew stubborn and couldn't see,
Past all the hurt and all the pain,
Past all the anguished misery,
Locked in a room behind a door,
Soft tears had wet the bed,
Days went on and weeks went by,
With the same thoughts stuck in her head,
"I have no friends, and nobody cares, why am I living in this stupid place, my mum only nags that I do so wrong, that I need to grow up and get my own place, for what cause i'm losing a race?"
As those tears hit the bed,
With the thoughts stuck in her head,
Her phone was ringing off the hook,
But she never even glanced,
Didn't even give one look,
It was all the people calling her, for all the days in a week,
She kept on sobbing and her heart was throbbing as she was in so much hurt and pain,
But all the friends calling her saying
"Don't give up just yet, for you have so much more to gain, keep your head held high and stand your ground, do not lose this race, show the others that you can win even in this evil place, stay positive and keep your smile, for it will be all you are worth, do everything you can for us to never leave this earth!"
She walked to her piano,
Took a seat and played her mums favorite song,
It brought back all the memories of how she was to grow tall and strong!
672 · Jul 2013
Erin-Mai Jul 2013
Take your baggage please
I have enough of my own
So leave me alone
654 · Jun 2013
The Kiss
Erin-Mai Jun 2013
And there they were
Face to face
Examining each other
Trying to read their minds
Blinking to cause distraction
But it's too intense.
They stop for a moment
Not realizing that something is about to happen
And then...
It happens.
The expected.
The ultimate satisfaction
A kiss,
On their ****** lips
They don't know what they're doing
An awkward silence fills the room
But it happens again..
A kiss.
The gateway drug to ***,
Some may say.
Others say it's just a way of showing affection
Some say people abuse the kiss
But in the end,
It's nothing special.
Just two awkward lips colliding together,
Until they get it right..
526 · Jun 2013
The Wolves
Erin-Mai Jun 2013
They stalk
They talk
They hunt
They fight
Dominance takes over
And one is left dead.
Left on the dirt
And the dead grass
To be prayed on my birds,
And they eventually just rot away
Until nothing is left.
468 · Jun 2013
Because I miss you.
Erin-Mai Jun 2013
Siblings are the best
You can beat them
Make them cry
Tickle them to death
Their laughter is enough
Is what I find
I'll be seeing him soon
My big brother
My soldier
My protector
He taught me how to tie my shoes
He taught me how to not give a ****
Yes. The best thing he ever taught me
We've been through a lot
The last few years
Not as close as we used to be
But I know he loves me
And that's enough
For my
467 · Jun 2013
For you, Mum
Erin-Mai Jun 2013
I know I haven't been all you wanted
Haven't fulfilled your dreams
I'm still wandering around figuring out what I want
As I am still in my teens
Hopefully in the next few years
I can make you proud of me
It's all I ever really want to do
Be successful just like you
One day I will get there
And I will be proud too
Of myself that is
As for you
I've always been and always will be
Looking up to you
You've done so much in all your life
It's crazy thinking of what you do
I brag about you everyday to my friends and other random people
They say I have a lot to accomplish
I tell them i know
You're smart and beautiful
Wise and protective (though you really don't need to worry!)
I can never find the words to say
How much I love and appreciate you
And I know i don't say it enough
And it may hurt you
But just know I'm here and always will be
If you need to vent or cry or talk
I have ears, eyes and shoulders
They can help you too
Just remember when I make a stupid decision
Or do something you don't like or want me to do
I'm still learning
And I will learn from you.
You're the one that's always been here
Even after I come home drunk
That night I don't remember
But you do
I thank you for being there for me
And not being too mad
Though I understand why you would've been
I have come to realize
Life is what you make it
So I'm gonna go and do those things
But that's just me.
I will be fine
Though I'm sorry if I hurt you
With the stupid things I've done
These past few months have been tough
With the mistakes I've made
You know what I'm talking about
I'm sorry I didn't listen
You weren't the only one trying to help
I was narrow minded and wanted to save someone that I couldn't
It was just too late when I realized that..
I'm writing this just so you know
And that you don't ever forget
I'm thankful I have a mum like you
To get me through all of my days
Love you.
441 · Jun 2013
Erin-Mai Jun 2013
"You're ugly" he said
"You're fat" she said
"No one likes you" they said
"No boy is every gonna think you're pretty"

Who are you to judge
I did nothing
Nothing wrong to you people.
You are the ugly ones here
Go look at your reflection in the mirror
And tell me you're not embarrassed
With what you see..
417 · Jul 2013
Its perfect
Erin-Mai Jul 2013
Words can't explain
How I feel for you
So bright and new
In the mornings
Waking up to your
Sleepy hairy face
Go shave, I said
Make me coffee, he says

It's the little things in life
What we do for each other
I'll never understand

But I guess that's love.
225 · Jun 2013
Erin-Mai Jun 2013
Staring at the nights sky
I wonder why
I think of you..

— The End —