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Mar 2016 · 345
Erin Burgess Mar 2016
My brain cannot move an inch without bumping into some piece of you
I’ll stop what I’m doing for a second
And I’ll think about what it would be like if you were still mine
And what you are doing
But I quickly push those thoughts away
Because why think about something that only brings pain?
My love, you are the most exquisite form of self destruction
Mar 2016 · 278
Sea of you
Erin Burgess Mar 2016
I don't know how to not miss you
You became such a huge part of me
Even parts of me remind me of you
I see you everywhere
It seems that you have taken up a permanent residence in my head
What once was my heart,
Is now just a sea of thoughts about you
Mar 2016 · 254
Erin Burgess Mar 2016
I never fully realized
what it meant to hurt
until I wanted you to such a great extent
only to have no other choice
but to convince myself that I didn’t

— The End —