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 Jun 2013 Erika W
ryan pemberton
imagine you and I,
our tangled flesh.
first arms, than hands,
legs within legs
upon feet.

a collage of
textural comfort.
security and beauty.

now imagine again.
minus your body.
my fingers through
his orange hair,
mouth agape.

let me tell you:
you're missing
when I press my body
into his
I can feel it crushing you.
 Jun 2013 Erika W
Kristina Daye
A tear
that rolls down my cheek
A moment
that gets lost in time
So many words
that will never be spoken
So many dreams
that will never be given life
but surrounded by many
but crying inside
the night begins to dress the earth
as i kneel beside the windowsill
watching the stars, the only part
of the world left unchanged.

and i listen to you breathe,
your sighs soft like an autumn day.
the nape of your neck curves
like a crane dusted with wanderlust,
its wings unfolded toward the moon.

the way your legs tangle
around your idea of a perfect girl
makes me sink to the floor,
draping my arms around my legs.
i stare down at my kneecaps,
one an oval, the other a full moon –
you would’ve called this imperfection.

but i kneel beside the windowsill
searching for train tracks and
airplanes that’ll lead you home
because even though you tore me apart,
i need to know that when i set you free
you’ll be going someplace better.

and the moon will sigh at the sight
of two not-quite lovers parting, but
i forgive you.

i forgive you for
dreaming of prettier green eyes
and softer skin and
telling me i would never be good enough.

because after i stitch myself back together
i’ll be strong enough to move the stars
closer to the windowsill with my eyes
and stop the effluvia of tears
that’ll pour from my soul every time
i think of you,
march 2010.
 May 2013 Erika W
Liz Murray
The frustration you get
When you wake up in the middle of the night
And can't fall back to sleep.

You look at the clock,
It'll soon be time to get up.
But then you realize
It's not even near that time.

It's like the sun knows when you're awake and,
Just to be a ******,
Takes its time coming up.

So you lie there...
Trying to get some rest.
You squirm and change positions,
But still...
Nothing happens.

You begin to think about
Your life,
Your future,
The world,

Then, all the bad thoughts become worse.
You think...
Maybe something might happen,
Or something may already have happened.

You try harder to fall asleep,
But you can't stop.
Can't stop thinking.
And you feel...
And you can do nothing
to stop all the horrible thoughts from coming through.

Then you're at the stage where now,
Your thoughts aren't coming in patterns anymore.
They scatter...
Like a nebula.

So you lie there.
You've given up.
You feel hopeless...
Like no one could ever help you.
So you just wait...
Wait for everything to be over.
Addicted to my wicked dreams
Where everything's not as it seems
All these things in my head
Wondering why you haven't left me for dead
Just like Romeo and Juliet,
This love is as tragic as it gets
Star-crossed lovers
Who only care when they're under covers
And when you sit alone at night and feel empty,
I know you feel pain and resent me
It's contradicting, what you do to me
Make me think you care
Then just flee
I wonder how you go so easily upon this
All I wanted,
Was your k i s **s

— The End —