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Nov 2012 · 3.0k
Twinkling Twilight
Erika Leilani Nov 2012
I saw a sight of simple beauty, on a night when I was moody,
Sitting there with a hint of what I’ll see.
When I saw something shining, in the sky like a silver lining,
The clouds opened up like Moses parting the Red Sea.
Little by little the soft white crystals covered the ground like debris,
Fluffs of cotton, pure and not yet rotten floating down towards me.

Staring up at the sky with a twinkle in my eye
I thought of the magic that was being set free.
I felt like my soul was lacking until I heard the cracking
Of my own face, smiling with glee.
I saw one small angel land on my knee
Then it melted into the rest of me.

I got up and lurched, from where I was perched
And went strolling along the new found sea.
Finding no fault in the world that was lost
I enjoyed the scene with revelry.
I started to skip with merriment and glee
Thinking about the wonders that were waiting for me.

My bones feeling chilled, and my heart fully filled
I floated to my door, watching the dancing trees
Swaying to the sayings
That were being whispered by the spirits of the bees.
Silently I turned and mouthed the words to the breeze
Stay no longer and leave from me.
Nov 2012 · 912
The Trees
Erika Leilani Nov 2012
The trees in my
Will soon bloom with
Flowers and

Giving shade to
Those who want
Giving homes to those
need it

When the season
Everything does

And then I can rest
In the shadow
Of my tall green
And think
Nov 2012 · 685
Erika Leilani Nov 2012
The emerald grass isn’t there
With it I lay in the bright aqua sky
My mind freezes in the pause
Hoping to live where
I can see the sun in the horizon
Nov 2012 · 1.3k
Erika Leilani Nov 2012
Crunch with emphasis
Boots hit dirt and crackle goes
The sounds of autumn
Nov 2012 · 1.3k
Nature's Delights
Erika Leilani Nov 2012
My heart whistles a song complete with glee
When I hear the lovely Sun come risen,
The delicate buzzing of nature’s bee
Flitting through whispering woods a given.
Soaring high above the tops, brushing back
Winds of time and worlds alike chiming flat.
Blasting through peace of mind, the sound of quacks
Do seem to be heard from below the gnats.
    Hinting that there is more to touch and have
The beetles of spots swarm to a log
That rots with an age so old and concave
It hardly holds up the weight of a frog.
Our time with nature is fleating fast so
Give it one last glance and then we must go.
Nov 2012 · 552
Erika Leilani Nov 2012
H                                    i                   g                  t                          l


Yo  u se e it    
Ig  ht l
                ShadoW s      

and            hi         itlhg      (de)                

   Dark -Thgil- ness

is                        reveяsed                         no
thing       but


Nov 2012 · 1.2k
Erika Leilani Nov 2012
Well, wonders of wonders, these strange words delight
Bringing fear and desire to the heart;
Manipulating reality to please our own plight
And assemble a new work of art

— The End —