You say you're crazy
Well, I'm crazier
I'm absolutely insane
For being with someone like you.
You're crazy because you don't know what God is
You're crazy because you don't believe your dreams can come true
You're crazy because you're afraid of your thoughts
Because what you're thinking makes your life and I've told you that a million times
I'm crazy because I have no idea who you are.
Yet I love every inch of you.
How can anyone else know who you are?
Enter my mind, my spirit is waiting.
If you could read my thoughts, boy would I be scared.
I'd be scared you will not be able to understand my passion.
How I am giving you everything I have.
And you want me to talk more.
I want to speak with my eyes, my mouth, my hands.
Don't make me make sounds that have no meaning in another world.
I want you to feel my love through my energy.
Notice how our hearts beat at the same time.
You say you're crazy
Well I'm crazier
Because in this moment
Kissing you is all I can think of.