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2.3k · Nov 2012
Knowledge's Sake
Eric Vasquez Nov 2012
Am I a vicious reader,
or do I simply love to look
studious, a scholar amidst animals
out of tune to written words?

Do I wish to taste of the stuff of stars
to know their substance
or to show to others
I have their colors on my tongue?

I fear I sit among volumes,
filmed in dirt just like their authors,
calling for them to read me their works
only to tell others I’ve spoken with a ghost.

Were I alone among these stacks,
desolate from life for good,
would I become a scholar,
or eat the books for food?
1.6k · Nov 2012
A Mix Tape's Message
Eric Vasquez Nov 2012
These words were found
Not just bouncing on my tongue
But snug in my heart, next to the love
Your presence has sung.

From midnight choirs
To daytime showers
I sing these phrases, these tunes,
And the bearing fruits
Are golden memories of you.

I should be praying to end world hunger
Or some sort of lasting world peace,
But only one song of mine rings
From me on my knees:

              Lord, guide me to her, for she
            Is the only vision these eyes open to see
916 · Jan 2013
Zealously Indifferent
Eric Vasquez Jan 2013
I say to you,
Life flitters from the clasps of snoozy men
Who wish to feel comfort alone
And clings to they who feel in their bones
The slow decay to an inevitable end.

I tell you,
Those who invite the sweet drips of the heart
As well as its sour,
Live for days in the senseless man’s hour.

For though these heartfuls hold a burden
While fancying pleasure, free of strife,
They ask their hearts to pump them alive
Knowing full well the pangs of sorrow
May course in their veins by noon tomorrow.
887 · Jan 2013
A Goodbye from Earth
Eric Vasquez Jan 2013
Look faithfully on, spirit to be ascended!
Resist your longing for me, you have been mended
away from treaties made through gritted teeth and black eyes
Toward that place where the moon
Leaves her seat in the sky,
Turning the oceans’ water to glass
To guide you herself through Heaven’s pass.
855 · Jan 2013
A Lovely Fume
Eric Vasquez Jan 2013
Somewhere in there
is a ghost of you I once loved.
A ghost whose wisps are still floating around somewhere inside me.
You aren’t that girl I loved anymore,
that girl had a cuter laugh.
Those who still bring up your name around me talk about a girl
whose name was a string of letters that had flesh and heart
and one hell of a smile.
Now it’s just ink and curls, dots and swirls.
You aren’t her anymore, which is a good thing,
because if you were, that wisp that still sits on the back porch of my heart
would grab enough strength to leak into my brain and slip by any rational thought
that’d tell me not to call you. Not that I still have your number,
But that wisp would scoop through memories until it found it
and force it into waking thought.
I’d call you,
and that wisp would turn into a thick smog,
billowing clouds and bulbous puffs
Sitting on every nerve
and gaining density until it settled thick,
so every view and breathy word
would remind me of you.
It’d become a lovely fume,
Stitching together old cracks in my heart you made,
and convince me you didn’t.
I would not feel stupid about losing my breath
when I’d hear your voice on the other end,
and I would not give a **** that I’d be ruining years of seperation
because I remembered a wisp sits  on the back porch of my heart
that reminded me of the girl I used to love.
Eric Vasquez Dec 2012
Whether shaken from scalps of clouds or sewn from water and chill,
These drops of frost have allowed for thoughts frozen in me still.
Clipped in form unlike the others, these bits of ice are shaven off the sky
And fall in suit only to the current with which it flies.

Yet these spurs, however unique or golden in design
Lose their beauty in a moment’s time.
Fluttering alone, they are constructed shards of glass
But among the thousands the first is as good as the last.

Pluck one out, hold it before your face
And peer at it close to admire the shape
Watch as its sparkle sputters and fades
And melts away without a trace.
Just so, the flakes of time in a close way do fall
And I, grasping one out to admire cannot hope to see them all.
624 · Dec 2012
(Silly) Too Much Hair
Eric Vasquez Dec 2012
I think I have too much hair
At least more than enough to share
A happy trail that looks more like a field
shaved once but with cuts that haven’t healed.

I find bugs caught in the tangle
A leg lifted up, I can see them dangle.
They wait, maybe death by bug spray,
I didn’t know bugs knew how to pray.
i'm no murderer, but just to be clear
so you can see my angle
Those bugs have lived  since I loosed them from my ankle.
544 · Jan 2013
You Are Alive!
Eric Vasquez Jan 2013
Stir yourself awake,
be sensible of the intake of breaths.
Those breaths propel you up from rest when tangles try to pull you back under.
Feel the weakness in your knees while you wobble in the shower?
Do you feel the drowse cracking from your bones,
rippling feeling through your nerves?
It means you're alive.

— The End —