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You are not broken.
That term describes shattered glass
That term describes electronics that don’t work.
It doesn’t describe humans.
It doesn’t describe feelings.
It is not an excuse for anger, and spite.
It is not an excuse for raised voices and tears.
Stop searching for sorrow because that’s all you know.
Search for a light in the sky.
Follow it.
Search for companionship in humanity.
Accompany it.
Search for love in hate.
Remember it.
The sadness you feel is not permanent.
Depression is not a way of life.
It is your responsibility to find strength in dusty corners and foggy windows.
You are not empty.
You are filled with organs that work just perfectly for the sole purpose of giving you another day.
Do not take that for granted.
Do not wallow in anger because this is hard.
Do not give up.
You are worth much more than that knife in your hand
You are worth much more than that noose around your neck.
This universe is large
But you are not small
Rid your vocabulary of excuses
Start speaking the language of heartbeats and galaxies
Because they are important
As are you.
You are not broken.
You are not empty.
You are not the sum of two syllable words.
You are a heart. Filled to the brim.
If only you'd learn how to use it.
The sky was your modern miracle
Simply because you were in it
Defying the laws of everything
You went against physics
You went against society
With a cape proudly adorning your shoulders
You did the impossible
Gravity became your vanquished enemy
And you didn’t look down.
But by tying responsibilities to your ankles
The World managed to weigh you down
Telling you to get your head out of the clouds
You haven’t taken to the sky since then
Now a suit is all that adorns your shoulders
And the duties of manhood keep your eyes on the Earth
And out of the Heavens

But hopefully someday when the wind blows just right
You’ll drag that old cape from your closet
The one everyone told you not to wear
Letting your feet drift from beneath you
You’ll become lighter than air
And leaving all responsibilities behind you
You’ll remember how to fly
 Feb 2013 Eric Reiter
I think
I'm in love.

I don't mean
the romantic kind.

I'm in friend love.

Does that make sense?

I feel disjointed.
I feel out of place.

I'm in friend love.
I'm in love with the idea
of being friends.

Does that make
a little sense?

I absolutely
want to be friends
with someone.

This makes more
A little?

I still feel
out of sorts.

Does this make sense?
Maybe more so?

I'm in friend love.
In love with the idea of
being someone's friend.

This makes more sense.

Something is
pushing me.
To be friends with

I think
I'm in love.
But not romantically.

 Feb 2013 Eric Reiter
why not
 Feb 2013 Eric Reiter
I try to feel
I try to feel

I try so hard.

I hide
the pain
I hide
the hurt

I hide it all.

I can't do it.
It hurts.
I can't hide it.
The pain.

I know I should be
I know I should be

I know I should.

I push it away.
The pain.
I push it away.
The hurt.

What do I do?
What should I say?
What can I do?

I cannot ask for
I cannot ask for

I just can't.

Doing this?
Writing this?
It's not a plea.
This is a form
of expression.

I can express
how I feel.
I can express
what I feel.

Out there?
In the real world?
It is not

People talk over
People walk over

I do not
I do not

Why can't I?
Why couldn't I?

I do not understand;
the pain that I feel.
I try to comprehend,
but that doesn't help.

I try to live
in blissful

Ignorance of
my past.
Ignorance of
my life.

If I can make myself
If I can make myself

Does that make it
less real?
Does that make it

The pain is here.
The hurt is here.

doesn't stop it.
will never stop it.

I will fight it.
I will try to win.

admitting it happened.
knowing it was real.

I can work past.
The pain.
I can work past.
The hurt.

I can.
I will.
Why not?
 Feb 2013 Eric Reiter
Sara Renner
Noises are amplified.
Blood runs cold.
Voice catches and hides away.
Heartbeats race.
I can't breathe. I can't let it take over. I'm not okay.

Can't be touched.
Don't let them see you cry.
No, I'm fine.
That's a lie. I'm not fine. It's taking control.
I give up. I give in.
I could swim in my tears.

What do I love? I have to remember.
I know I have a place to run.
I know I have arms to hold me.
I know I have people for me.
I know that I will be okay.
I am okay.
 Feb 2013 Eric Reiter
Sara Renner
I like cats.
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