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I look back on days when I didn’t care about anything
And each moment was an opportunity for adventure
I saw beauty in everything
Childhood was a wonderful thing
Now I stand on the line between being boy and man
The child in me fights to survive
And you draw the man out of me
While I struggle to grasp what remains of my childhood
I watch it dwindle away every time I’m with you
I am dying to know
If the way your fingers swept through mine
Was simply an accident
Or if you meant something by it
Is the way I catch you staring at me
Something I make up in my head
Because I want you to be staring at me
I sit here waiting for you to say something
Well why don’t I?
I am nervous
I am shy
I am just a simple guy
Could you love me?
I ‘ll never know unless I try
Move past my insecurities
Build up some confidence
And let my feelings float freely
Because every time we separate
And I still call you ‘just a friend’
It kills me
Staring out into the solar system
The illuminated banner scattered across the black sky
Heavenly bodies so numerous
I can’t begin to name them all
So bewildered I sit and wonder
Why these worlds so far away
Fade in and out of existence
To my unaided vision
Yet I’m comforted to know
That even in the furthest reaches
Of the most unknown parts of the universe
There are lights to guide the way
Crimson beats
Against alabaster bars
With a life song
Of joy and blue skies
Of grief and thunder
But never flying from the cage
Sings without ceasing
Until death knocks
And with silver key and gentle hand
Removes it from its house
On the cold rocks
Crimson waits
It sings again
We had to write a riddle poem for my Linguistics final.
Can you guess that answer?
Today is a day
To start moving,

Turn on the engine.

To keep running,

Mechanical smoothness
Or click clanking jolts
Of shuddered operation.

Activity, ACTION!,

S l o w e d production, jam>^\med parts.
Restart or shut down...

r.....l......r......l........r..........  ­ |_            

Going somewhere?
Happy, how to be
Challenging, it will seem
Twisting and turning, roads will keep
Faith and love are the keys
Inventors of the past
Curators of the future
Writers, speakers, dreamers,
Teachers of great potential.

They have read, written,
Shared the bountiful food of wonder
-Unable to be conceived-
Only partially decoded

Who are we
To take the reigns of such magicians?
To think innovative thoughts,
To uncover precious words
hidden by the legendary dust of rustic times,
To transform, evolve,
bend the titanium frames
constructed by gifted architects,
To be new
Defiant, different
Right or wrong?
What is...
A question
Language of unknowns
Fear and doubt clash
Learn, grow, move, act, live
Keep going
I'm surrounded by darkness,
though I am not
afraid, scared.
What is darkness, but an overwhelming
entity, or Deep pit?

Have you ever fallen into darkness?
Just fell back, you and your chair:
You tipped just a little too far,
and time  s     l      o         w              e                     d
to microseconds

      r              ail
... A  ms     fl    ing...
(a look of a frightful grimace on your face)
Almost an embarrassed feeling
of a certainty of what is about to come.

Unfortunately, you have predicted wrongly,
for you just keep falling, slipping into unknowns.
It is dark down there,
but you've seen darker.

The shock of the experience creates a false shimmer
of light, only created by your mind.
--Powerful tool, horrible weapon--

The feeling of falling
...A rough relationship with gravity...
What did we deserve to always be pushed down?

                        ­        e
                       ­   i
Your heart                your soul wants to join.



A fun journey,
a fateful amusement park ride...
. . .
.  .  .                    
.   .   .
.     .     .                                                              

Where is the bottom?
IS there


Will rustic sPeaRs of IroN
anxiously await your company?
... Hundreds of hungry,
slimed slithering creatures...
Maybe a chilled, satisfying pool
of mysterious liquid...
Scalding lava, coals, fire...
Precious stones, minerals, dull and jagged rocks...
Flat concrete, can that be possible?

Have others fallen in this spot,
not a hole, but a space
in time?

Creatures, life, does it thrive
                                                                ­                                                                 ­                               there,

Or just the suspected death?

Blunt wonders of the locations of
heaven                , perhaps they've got them switched around?

You think, but are simultaneously amazed
by your concentration...
Mind racing, or rather, f
                     ­                        n
                                  ­         g

                                           Your mind is creating
                                            an imaginative world
while that world is           shocking, stimulating, and probing
your mind.

You've arrived!

welcome to the darkness
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