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 Jan 2015 Erianna Hill
Myles Web
& it's conventional to say that her eyes convey a message that only I can portray.. & as often as she strays, she finds a way to stay. & and the inconsistency of the consistency places me in a daze that implements her always getting her way. But it works you see; because... She, is love.. & she gets her way, but never gets away & that alone allows me to breathe day to day. & it's like the emolument from my heart covers the debts left by my past, & as I pray that it lasts it's revealed to me to adore what it presented & forget what was had. & that's where the ball is dropped, & time is stopped.. Catch the ball, then start the clock. You prevented the fall; she is love... & if she was a portrait constructed by my hands, I'd be more satisfied off the natural high of inhaling the possible existence of the lovely resemblance that the trance alone would be more than enough for me to get by. But you see, she is love.. & her pure laugh is powerful enough to trigger mine. & I've yet to understand.. I mean I'm a man, yet I find myself being a fan of love.. & I can't fathom it simply because I can't stand the scar left by the cut.. Or the thought process of being willing to jump in front of a bus just to prove that the pointless pain somehow is related to the amount of love... But it makes as much sense as you want it to. Because seriously, SHE IS LOVE. She could say "Jump!" & I'd say "How high?" but only out of respect of course.. Great one.... But you see I'd also be the first one there to wipe her eyes as she cries.. & find her answers as she comes up with "Why's?" She's an ocean of "what if's" & promises. She's a sky of dreams. She's a shoulder. She's a crutch. She's an ear. She made me dodge the ordinary... She is love. & when my heart beats for her, it doesn't play a song. There's no rhythm. It's an inconsistent, orthodox beat that we vibe too. & only we vibe too.. Only we.. There's no them in we. Only we understand us. So for us to exist, we is a must. & the only potential bust perhaps is an error in trust or a bucket of lust. But the thrill & the rush always seem to weigh too much. But never get in the way too much. They actually weigh just enough. She is love... & all we want is love's confusing joy & it's odd that I am controlled by an intangible object that treats me like a toy.. But she is love, & love is she. So the justification of the situation relies solely on how I allow love to love me. Or more so how I love love & how I love she. When I talk to myself about her I grin; senselessly & blatantly my cheeks rise forcing my eyes to become smaller. Genuine happiness is the end result of her merely entering my mind. Imagine the effect when I'm in her presence. But you don't get it.. Well I mean, you won't get it.. Because she is just as unexplainable as she ubiquitous.. She is love. & she's all I need. A cleanser to the air I breathe, a beautifier to the things I see, & an enhancer to the wisdom I eat. She is love. & she's just as lovely as is she honest. Indescribable. & I love that it's not always easy to finds words to describe her. There aren't enough.
 Jan 2015 Erianna Hill
Myles Web
Today, I went hiking
I saw trees bending over backwards as they laughed at each other
I saw rocks and boulders press their noses up against each other
I saw currents chasing one another, & then running out of breath
I watched clouds collide and leaves make huddles
& I watched the creatures of the air slice through the fog
& there it was
The beauty of being able to hear silence
& I remember thinking: "Why can I hear silence?"
The absence of sound but sound is what I hear especially when I'm not there & you're not here because I'm halfway deaf but my thoughts are so ******* loud & it's so convenient that there, isn't near to here
Forgive me for getting off topic,
Where was I?
Oh yeah..
The silence.
I heard the silence.
There were echoes to it
& a melody when the wind blew through it
& I tried my best to harmonize with it but it got really loud so I figured it didn't want me too...
What else is there to do besides sit here & become increasingly frustrated that you mock me everytime you open your mind; you remind me that you're one of a kind and I fall inlove with every line because I know it was crafted as if God personally set aside a time for you to paint the words you rehearsed, sharing a verse never heard & reflecting the lost chapter of Proverbs that just so happened to be recovered from the angelic wings of heaven's favorite bird
******, I'll never be as good as you
Okay, seriously.. I've gotta stop getting off topic
I watched it
Oh you should've seen it... The way the rain mocked the leaves
& the way I kept seeing your face in the water, which was just portraying a reflection of the clouds. I looked toward the ground & still saw you in the sky. That's how I know you're gonna fly & conquer & sore & that there are absolutely no limits to what God has in store because that told me that even when you look down you will merely see the lights of the town peaking through the gaps of the clouds
My God, why is this silence so loud?
I sat down & I promise that December forest floor was so much colder than my winter thoughts
Yesterday I went hiking
& even in the midst of the ear piercing silence,
I could only hear your voice
 Jan 2015 Erianna Hill
Myles Web
I watched the planets fall, all of them. One by one..
Dropped, dropped, dropped
Dropped, dropped, dropped,
Yet there you stood, on the surface
Giving the moon a reason not to give up as it held its own with the competition of the stars
I watched the tides try to drown out the portraits of the night,
Even isolated from time, the speckles that were fallen specks from God's eyes shine bright
Bright enough to find those planets in the darkness of space
Even as they continued to
Drop, drop, drop
Drop, drop, drop
All of these breathtaking creations of God own this space with no gravity
Even in the midst of the trillion wonders of the furthest sky
I can't take my eyes off of you
Effortlessly, you captivate constellations
You slow down shooting stars
& the moons gather around to worship you as if the universe has deemed you theirs
I just gaze
You blew me a kiss
It caught fire & somehow found its way to me
I've yet to put it out
I watch every move you make
& study anything that rolls off of your lips
The new trend is to make you laugh & watch you cause an eclipse
The Sun & Moon usually get really upset with each other about who you like more
I laugh simply because I know it's me
I'm sorry...
I *hope it's me
But who am I, or more so who would I be?
To compose such audacity to declare that the one thing that keeps the universe flowing is the same creation that God would allow to give her heart to me
Yeah right
I might as well catch up with the planets
Dropping, dropping, dropping
Dropping, dropping, dropping
I catch your attention
& you,
You catch me
I was enjoying the thrill of falling
Even as we dance on the Big Dipper
We swim with Piscis Astrinus
& in our spare time we fly with Volans
We shoot down any doubt that may exist with Sagittarius
& we embrace the adoration from all of God's paintings that exist in the night sky
Your eyes
God, those innocent eyes
They see my soul in the same light that the ecliptic pierces though the zodiac stem groupings
All this space & I can't stay away from you
Even in the midst of the trillion wonders of the furthest sky
I can't take my eyes off of you
I breathe deeply and often as if your love is my oxygen and I know I'm never running out
I watched our fears fall, all of them. One by one.
Drop, drop, drop
Drop, drop, drop

— The End —