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2.0k · Mar 2014
Erali Miller Mar 2014
Whenever I'm drowning,
I look to you to be my lifeguard.
But instead of jumping in,
you remind me that I can swim.
930 · Jul 2014
Erali Miller Jul 2014
It's the middle of the night,
and I forget who I am.
Laying next to you,
you beautiful creature.

The bed we share an enchanted forest,
you the most brilliant of all those inhabiting it.

So I push my little nose up against your arm.
I push my little nose there against your perfection.
There I find a gentle reminder that I'm beautiful too.

You, this love, have allowed me into your forest.
Which must mean, I'm pretty magical too.
762 · Mar 2014
Of Strawberries
Erali Miller Mar 2014
All the times I try to write about you,
the only thing I can think of is your golden curls,
and how they can't be put into words.
Oh, and how they smell of strawberries.
700 · Aug 2014
Snake Bites
Erali Miller Aug 2014
The snake bites on your lip,
Didn't seem to poison you
but me instead.

I thought I could lay with you,
and feel nothing.
Then I felt your hands on my bare skin.
Then you put your arm around me
while two friends looked on.

I started to listen to your dreams,

I began to trust that it would still be around,
but I fell without you catching me.

That's when I realized the poison had seeped in.
Your bite marks left something to run through my veins.
Little did I know it would be the death of me
when it felt as smooth as red wine.
665 · Mar 2014
Erali Miller Mar 2014
Sometimes I feel so lonely,
I just sink into the bed and bring the covers around,
fabricated an embrace.
613 · Mar 2014
Believe Me
Erali Miller Mar 2014
I swear I could love you,
if you gave me reasons to think
it wouldn't all be for nothing.
379 · Mar 2014
Erali Miller Mar 2014
You get used to be the center of attention,
and then you turn into a wallflower.
363 · Mar 2014
Pretty Too
Erali Miller Mar 2014
I'm not a guitar player,
I don't have long hair,
I'm not a singer,
I don't have roots,
I'm not her.

She reminds me what I'm not,
what I don't have.

You're supposed to remind me what I am,
what I do have.


"She's gorgeous but you're pretty too"
332 · Mar 2014
Erali Miller Mar 2014
What I find just hilarious,
is that now we are as cold to each other,
as the air was on our first date.
February 4th
310 · Mar 2014
Just a little bit...
Erali Miller Mar 2014
It only hurt when it was her.
I've seen you kiss a million girls.
You've seen me kiss a million girls.
But with her...
My heart cracked a bit.
307 · Mar 2014
Then Again
Erali Miller Mar 2014
I kissed his lips,
I felt nothing.
For I had fallen in love with another.
In that moment, I knew there was nothing to be done.
There was no saving what we once had.
It was gone, and something else had taken its place.
Someone else had taken his place.

I said goodbye to the old and embraced the new.

I loved the new, with all my heart.
I treated him and what we had with tenderness,
All that love required to grow, to stay.
But even with all the freedom,
that we had between us.
What we had also became old,
he became old.
Then one day,
I kissed his lips.
I felt nothing.
224 · Mar 2014
You don't.
Erali Miller Mar 2014
Whenever I think of us,
I always end up remembering,
that you don't.
206 · Mar 2014
Erali Miller Mar 2014
One day I realized that I could not find my heart,
and I couldn't quite remember where I left it.
I started to panic,
but then remembered that,
everyone I had ever loved
had been gentle with my heart.
I was the reckless one,
the one who had left it behind so many times.

— The End —