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I can't do this anymore
I've got to stop loving you.
I can't be this sad anymore
I've got to stop loving you
I can't pretend to smile anymore
I've got to story loving you.
I can't pretend like I'm joking anymore
I've got to stop loving you.
I can't act like I don't care anymore
I've got to stop loving you
I can't want to make love to you anymore
I've got to stop loving you.
I can't get excited and be let down anymore
I've got to stop loving you.
I can't want you to love me anymore
Ive got to stop loving you.
I can't love you anymore
I've got to stop loving you.
I can't write sweet poems about you anymore
I've got to stop loving you.
 Jan 2013 epoppante
Dot Callari
Sacred vows broken
Two are to blame
What once was so beautiful, has now turned to shame
All that we hoped for has now turned to dust, and with it has gone our hearts and our trust
All words are silent, there's nothing to say
We care not the season, the time, or the day
All hopes are faded, we don't really care
Was it all worth it?
Our carefree affair
I've always wanted to be
Maybe even by a
Knight in shining armor or a
Handsome Prince in disguise.
But here I am,
Curled around
My bruised and bleeding soul.
The tower walls
Are impossibly high
Carefully built by
My own broken hands
So that
No adventurer, however brave
No knight, however bold
No prince, however cunning
Can scale the thorn cover heights
And wake me.
My breath,
Slow and even.
My heart,
Scarred and beaten.
My soul,
Locked and sleeping.
Slumber on
Sweet sweet, sleeper,
For no one will
Wake you when
Is over.
Though my body doesn’t yet know your body

And my mind can’t claim a grasp on yours,

I miss you.

A funny thing it is.

After so long spent missing another’s touch,

You come around.

You come around suddenly and it’s your lips I miss.

It’s your hand mine reaches for,

It’s your eyes mine look for,

it is your presence I ache for.
I wish I could put into words exactly what I need from you.  I would tell you how I need someone to hold me, not all the time, but when I feel like I am being swept away by the currents that are life.  I would tell you that when I’m angry I just need you to wrap your arms around me until I can breathe again.  I would tell you that I need you, every second of every day.  I’m not saying that you have to be there with me.  I just need to know that you are there.  I need to know that you love me.  But, most of all I would tell you, I would shout at the top of my lungs, that I need you.  I just need you.  Everything else is inconsequential, it doesn’t matter. I just need you, always.
I want strings.

I want knots and twists and countless intertwining strands.

I want to get completely and utterly tangled in you, in us.

I want your lips and your hands and your body, I want you.

I want passion and emotion and heartache.

I want cuddling and arguments and moments that take my breath away.

I want to care about you more than I care about myself.

I want to fall in love with you.

But I must ask, can I?

— The End —