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eponym1 Mar 2012
I shall dance into heaven,
With angels by my side
Ever and ever
I shall dance.

With that most final work
The heart may cease
But eternity begins.

Should sorrow creep from me?
No, I say.
For life broke me
Long before my own hand did.

Let me on my journey now
For gods call
And one step I take towards rapture.

What now is my most ardent desire?

I wish to be forgotten
Like a fallen leaf
The memory of wish
Is to be nothing but trampled upon.
eponym1 Nov 2011
I danced ‘til 3am today
Until the witching hour
Then the gods cried
The sky came alive and
It broke right open for me.

I danced right in
Danced among the stars
Danced with the devil I did
To his pleasing beat,
And his seductive sin
Dancing with the devil I did.

And he held my thoughts
He held my pain
He held me tight;
Held the world away
And arm in arm, we whirled -
We danced the night away
eponym1 Aug 2010
I walked along the road,

In days it seemed quite cold

Leaves crunched beneath my feet

Here death will not complete

Its journey I will ponder

In life I will but wander.

Sleep is close to death, I say

In sleep so still I lay

Because death doesn’t stop for me

In life I live, I see.
eponym1 Mar 2012
Away, Away,
For fortune's folly
In times of sorrow
I turned to you
You had me cry
You had me die
And pushed me towards
One drinking poison
I did not partake -
Only for one whimsy's sake
And now I sit awake,
In a psyche of misery
Poison to take
One weary death to make
eponym1 Aug 2010
I lived in immortality.

Death did not touch me.

Despite the world of pain

Death seemed nothing but inane.

My tears of hurt were lame

I lived in a life of the same

It’s not but nothing I feel

But life allows me to deal

Death is just a game

Leaving me not dead, but maimed

I cried a tear of joy

In life it seems quite coy
eponym1 Aug 2010
Love and pain cannot be controlled

They exist beyond the confines of the soul

If I feel not love I feel not pain

I’m dead inside – my heart is lame

One wonders how the two extremes

Are tied so tight

For love is pain, and

Pain is love

Existing emotions from above
eponym1 Aug 2010
I marched and found the moon today
They say it was past seven
It was ****** dark to me
All I could see was heaven

I took a shore
The beat rolled fast
The waves came crashing in
Night exploded, the moon imploded
Still I could see but heaven
eponym1 Sep 2010
The being of sorrow -
like the beat of a drum
rhythmic, and consistent
sorrow is best felt,
not thought.
eponym1 Aug 2010
Make haste I say, come here

For lighting I am wary

The storms grow fast and heavy

Thunder booms in themes so merry

God watches every soul

In tears I can’t control

In happiness I do pray

Until that weary day
eponym1 Jul 2010
Today I took a life
Feeling nothing worldly but strife
I cried a tear of pain
Never happiness would I deign
Tomorrow is nothing but sun
But I will be all but done
My life is naught but fear
Crying tear after tear
eponym1 Aug 2010
Today I took a life

Feeling nothing worldly but strife

I cried a tear of pain

Never happiness would I deign

Tomorrow is nothing but sun

But I will be all but done

My life is naught but fear

Crying tear after tear
eponym1 Nov 2011
Humming white noise
In equally white rooms
Words run together
Before doors open

— The End —