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307 · Mar 2014
EP Mason Mar 2014
nights are best spent
melting into my bed
feeling waves crash over me
being pulled down to the depths of the sea
in the thin air
when the blankets feel like waves

and I can't see beyond this roof but-
I know there are stars above me
that knowing doesn't much frustrate me
I wish this world didn't have such a-
hold over me

I wish I could
drown in the sea
not my bed
it would be a far more honest way to die
I'd rather be ripped apart in a tide
black out under sheets
© Erin Mason 2014
306 · May 2015
EP Mason May 2015
they'll fall asleep without me
they'll still dream without me
they'll be fine without me
the world will turn
without me
300 · Jan 2014
Time has harmed me
EP Mason Jan 2014
Time has harmed me
but the leaves stood by me
and the wind will never cut my skin

Time has harmed me
but they didn't stand by me
and I will never fall in love again
© Erin Mason 2014
272 · Oct 2013
Mix tape for no one
EP Mason Oct 2013
I can't play this to you
I'd cry
you'd turn away
or wonder why I cared
or was so hesitant
to give you a tape
with my heart inside
and the words in the tracklist
and lyrics in songs
which show you the melodies of love
that you'll never return
© Erin Mason 2013
267 · May 2014
EP Mason May 2014
If I could only
                       write about
                ­                                       else
© Erin Mason 2014
261 · Nov 2013
the end
EP Mason Nov 2013
I've wasted my time on you
it was never meant to be
for I am your puddle
and you are my sea
© Erin Mason 2013
247 · Dec 2013
EP Mason Dec 2013
You're sat right beside me
and I'm writing a poem about you
and you haven't even noticed

© Erin Mason 2013
241 · Nov 2013
thought tide
EP Mason Nov 2013
How love is difficult
Only part of me functions at a time
When you’re with me
I can speak with my mouth
But I cannot use my brain
And when you’re away
My brain ticks into overdrive
Thinking of your hand grasping mine
But although everything I wish to say to you overwhelms me inside
My mouth can never seem to tell you
© Erin Mason 2013

— The End —