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233 · Aug 2014
Enyè McRae Aug 2014
I don't wanna say anything stupid
Because that's just not what I'm use to
I don't wanna over think my thoughts and get lost
Drawing up blanks
I just wanna express a feeling that hasn't manifested itself yet
But surely it will come into fruition
Not counting the days because I was taught that good things come to those who wait
And the almighty said in his word never be anxious always best to be patient
So I'm patiently waiting
as I collect my feelings
I'm reeling I'm excited use to be a realist but now im optimistic
For his hands his eyes his kisses
Such a blessing gods gift..ted
If his touch was explained in lyrics
Lyrically scripted
He would be calligraphy or hieroglyphics
Can't stop smiling I'll admit it I'm smitten by what god has given
Patiently anticipating for our beautiful story to be written with a never-ending ending.
213 · Aug 2014
Enyè McRae Aug 2014
When I close my eyes, the clouds break, I feel the water pour down my chest, as I inhale, and gasp for my breath. A silence of solitude streams thru, with my thoughts scattered around you, in a room with light, darkness explores it, every corner of the room it takes it place, shadowing that prior smile on your face, dated back many moons ago, with a bitter taste you reach for that gun, pretty voice unheard, beautiful music unsung, your tears reverse back to your eyes, everything is now bright, forever more the sun you're okay,,,from now on things will be alright.

— The End —