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Enrique Bautista Aug 2015
It was as though fate had forsaken me,
cursed me for all eternity.
But it was my burden to bear.
Mine alone; a misfortune beyond compare
Enrique Bautista Aug 2015
Waking up without a purpose was the usual thing to do,
To find whatever whenever, something that may not even be true.
Lost in an endless loop, I embraced all that came my way.
Without a sense of direction, I just let the waves take me away.

Sleeping for the uncertain was the usual thing to do,
To dwell in the depths of my dreams, was all I have gotten into.
Alone in my mind, I let my thoughts consume me.
Without a sense of time, I let all things happen be.

Nowhere to go, I questioned my existence,
No one to ask, I longed for its significance.
Enrique Bautista Aug 2015
What does one need to become wise,
To marvel truth’s nature with his eyes?
Does he require to roll a pair of dice,
Or simply get up from mistakes and countless tries?
Some people say wisdom comes with age, while others say wisdom is a natural gift to some selected people.
Enrique Bautista Aug 2015
There is a truth amongst a cloud of lies,
Hidden purposely, deliberately, somewhere in the skies.
Cloaked, unfathomable, in the most eerie disguise,
It is deemed to be the most valuable prize.

— The End —