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Nadine Caruana Aug 2014
We had years marked full of innocence, full of childish dreams.  Often at times in the middle of night I’m hit with a wave of nostalgia, I can touch it with my fingertips and depict a full scene in my head when we were young, still creating stories, constructing our future and how we’d be under the same roof with a rustic atmosphere bound to it.  I remember how we would often grow teary eyed and angry when we went a day without speaking words to each other or how our communication was lost to the business of young students, and how we’d be so content seeing one another again.

But now too often I think of the past and look back with a heavy amount of misery, bound to it the voice of love you spoke to me with promises tied in, of how we would live with one another, how we loved one another.  

But that was all before our demons had caught hold of us and molded us into adults, had twisted our future into impossibilities and worries, had drained the innocence out of our pores and had us lose our heads to time and labor.  As the years rolled on by, we had started to forget each other, to forget the secrets we shared and the language we created for one another – we had forgotten what it was truly like to be sordidly in love.

I look back on it now, and how we had grown estranged; and yet we both realize it, we both realize that the purity that dwelt within our hearts has diminished, that you had become a pure adult and I had followed soon after.  Often you tell me how exhausted you are, how you wish life would grab hold of you and knot your final breath, how it would deafen you from the happiness you once had.

Often I tell you how I can barely feel anything between us, how the demon perched upon is has far more presence than our childhood dreams, and how, in the end, the fingertips we once held together, are now far more separate than tip of the sky and the depth of the ocean.
I haven't written in a very long time, a year to be exact.  This is mainly because during that year I had been inspired by you and you only, and now that we have grown, that we have been strangled by adulthood, I can no longer write.  I can no longer do anything.
Nadine Caruana Dec 2013
Apollo's lyre, though honest and true,
Had lay weak to his wrists, and then the god who
Brimming with passion, pride and well,
Dionysos had asked him, "Apollo, pray tell--
"why does sadness, hold you?" and so,
With a weak smile did Apollo show;
At the sight of his lover, his chords, he played,
Until the beauty shuddered with ecstasy then fade.
In such Awe, Did Dionysos hold,
His brother, his friend, and to his lover, told;
"I will never abandon thee, so tell:
Why for a moment, your muse had fell?"
Apollo shook his head, fingers tracing the male
And he spoke such honesty, without a moment's fail:
"No grace has pressed me to create such essence:
"Music's beauty is only truly played, with your presence."

- N.C
Nadine Caruana Feb 2011
That constant rhythm played in his mind,
fingers drummed against the fragmented matter of childhood.
He'd find himself in the arms of one, with what their nimble fingers,
their constant questions, their thirst for companionship.

He had lost himself long ago, trapped behind the walls of secrecy,
The world won't turn to look at him now, his mere hand is stained with crime.
He can't remember the last time he had called himself a man,
Thought like a man, ate like one, thirsted for passions like one.

His cold stare remains unmoved, hiding the battle that quivers in his veins,
Every so often his lips are licked, demeanor utmost calculated, predator by nature, created none other by perfection, your 'God'.
His knuckles are worn to bone, crushing the wrist of youth,
His ribs perforate through flesh, hiding the shatter.

One boy, following his shadow, altered an event,
within his eyes trembled a single cure, no more.
Trapped was he under his lover's harm,
but devoted he remained, and hid against his bone.

Sometimes the boy would watch him sleep, and question why his eyes were so worn in slumber.
Sometimes the man would watch him sleep, and try to seek comfort in a youth he'd never gained nor aspired to.

Knotted in limb, questionable in intention, they tear at each others skin,
Hoping for some answer to every fault they bear.
Now the only song he'll ever play to him, lies within the rhythm of the rain; unheard.

- N.C
written for a -----
Nadine Caruana Aug 2010
I'm watching the trees shudder under a gentle gale;
Birds chirp, swerve hop line from line.
This day you were born,
A single small pink hand raised!
Lips parted no longer suppressing a wail.

Now come of age you're still beside me.
Your hand has outgrown mine and now -
you take steps -  crawling like infancy across a battleground,
Your eyes are shut now; you are safe and sound.

- N.C.
Nadine Caruana Aug 2010
My thoughts were a bundle,
My thoughts were unresolved,
My body had been my friend
And I was in conflict with thought.

But now as I lose control
Over motion and pose,
My thoughts have become my only hope;
They spoke with me in prose.

- N.C.
Nadine Caruana Aug 2010
A lost specie of youth
Her hands calloused before birth
She became a withering dream
Destined to be played by a propagandist's tongue.

Child round her thigh
Her veins still cry for justice
In the form of New York's
Impure snow.

Blood shot and restless
Torn and corrupt
Young and yet old
Fixed yet disrupt

She'll walk amongst the streets
Chameleon by emotion
She'll wear a carved smile
She'll respond: "I'm fine."

- **N.C
Nadine Caruana Aug 2010
And say you were to look at
The delicate robin now
In the brisk of winter, casting endless song
waiting for the rain to turn to cotton.
A child would see more than its red breast,
more than the petite black coals for eyes.
Within its beating feet and wisp of a tail
It will create a story, ranging between its family, its pass times and its meals

But what about now? The countless grey in your hair,
You may merely see it as an animal, you may barely see it at all or know of its existence.
Now your voice only speaks in monotonous hisses; of finances, stability and the latter.
God forbid, your own son speaks of such a bird, for you'll merely roll your eyes, clasp his wrist and say:
"There is none, let's move."

- N.C.
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