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Feb 2018 · 133
Elisa Charles Jr Feb 2018
It's empty,
But you appeared and I felt my heart beat fast and slowly at the same time.
When was the last time I felt it?
It was with you years ago.
You told me you're with someone
It's empty.
Nov 2017 · 217
Long time ago
Elisa Charles Jr Nov 2017
I saw you today
I felt you today
I understood a lot of things today
I remembered when we were happy
Well, it was just today.
Sep 2017 · 160
Elisa Charles Jr Sep 2017
You're in a bad day and you think
' No problem, tomorrow is another day '
You're in another bad day and you think
' No problem, tomorrow is another day '
Sep 2017 · 226
Elisa Charles Jr Sep 2017
It's hard to say and easy to feel.
You don't have anyone to talk
You don't have anyone to talk about your day
You don't have anyone to talk about ****
And when you have, they appear to  judge.
It's hard to say and easy to feel.
Aug 2017 · 229
Elisa Charles Jr Aug 2017
I thought that it doesn't exist.
When you met someone and she smiles
but you don't see it in her mouth, you see it in her eyes.
I thought that it doesn't exist.
Until I meet you yesterday and understand the real meaning
when people talk about smile with eyes.
Jun 2017 · 183
Elisa Charles Jr Jun 2017
Just want someone to talk
Just want someone to talk simple things at the end of the day
Just want someone to talk
Just want someone
Just want
Jun 2017 · 174
Elisa Charles Jr Jun 2017
It's over
Time by time
It's over.
I really don't know
I just know
It's over
Jan 2017 · 284
Elisa Charles Jr Jan 2017
It's strange
You wake up and feel
You can't stop smiling
You can't stop laughing
Your heart can't stop beating
Yes we now the name of this
This... It's alive inside of you.
Dec 2016 · 215
Elisa Charles Jr Dec 2016
Just wanted someone
To hear
To feel
To smile
To comemorate with me  
Something amazing when it happen.
Like today...
Nov 2016 · 236
Elisa Charles Jr Nov 2016
I don't remember when was the last time I felt this
Just wake up and smile
Jun 2016 · 181
Elisa Charles Jr Jun 2016
You're not bad
No, you're not!
But what's the problem?
Why they don't see the same way as you?
It's not something to blame yourself
It's just something to make they think different

Don't worry
You're clear even being stupid again.
Mar 2016 · 233
Elisa Charles Jr Mar 2016
Always the same
You let her stay
You think she won't play
You just want once in life this person make the difference
And then?
Always the same
Game over again
Feb 2016 · 300
Lost frequencies
Elisa Charles Jr Feb 2016
Is it strange ? Isn't it?
Always asking
Always wondering what's going on
And what about the other side?
Why you need to forget the first person ?
Why you need to feel like if it breaks you'll break together ?
I wouldn't like to feel this things
Feb 2016 · 198
Elisa Charles Jr Feb 2016

miss you.
Jan 2016 · 234
Elisa Charles Jr Jan 2016
Last night I dreamed about you
I dreamed you needed me.
I'll always ask why you're still here.
But it's like my teacher said " there is no answer for some questions ".
Jan 2016 · 568
Elisa Charles Jr Jan 2016
Do you know?
Do you really know what I want?
It's a time machine.
So I could change that second I let you scape.
Jan 2016 · 327
Elisa Charles Jr Jan 2016
Days go by and I don't even think about you..
But there's one day that I remember everything.
I don't know where you are
I don't know what you are doing
I just know that I won't see you anymore.
I just know I can't forget you
In days like this I just know I want you.
Here. With me.
Jan 2016 · 226
Elisa Charles Jr Jan 2016
Start again
It's strange when you can 'erase' your mind and your heart.
You don't feel anything
You don't think about anything
And the most importantly...
Who were those people?
Those moments?
Who were that person?
That smile?
It's gone.
Dec 2015 · 563
Elisa Charles Jr Dec 2015
I think it's over. why?
It's not the first time.
But I can feel it's the last one.
last one that I see your smile
last one  that I see your eyes
last one that I smile when I think about you.
Sep 2015 · 230
Elisa Charles Jr Sep 2015
Sometimes wind will be your best friend
Sometimes the sound of waves will be your best friend
Sometimes the movement of plants will be your best friend
Sometimes sky will be your best friend
Sometimes stars will be your best friend
SILENCE will be your best friend. Always.
Sep 2015 · 284
s t o p
Elisa Charles Jr Sep 2015
stop worrying
stop hearing those people
stop listening those things
Sep 2015 · 271
Elisa Charles Jr Sep 2015
Nothing else
Sep 2015 · 483
Elisa Charles Jr Sep 2015
Again I can't sleep
Again I can't stop thinking about that night
Again I can't wake up without remember your smile
Again I can't look at sky without remember your eyes  
Again I can't
Sep 2015 · 217
Elisa Charles Jr Sep 2015
We'll be luck if we ever see the sun.
Sep 2015 · 305
Good day
Elisa Charles Jr Sep 2015
When you don't see anything to remember
When you don't listen anything to remember
It's a good day
When you don't remember.
Sep 2015 · 229
Elisa Charles Jr Sep 2015
' why are you laughing? Are you talking to her? '
I don't know her anymore.
Sep 2015 · 214
Elisa Charles Jr Sep 2015
The worst is yet to come.
Sep 2015 · 236
Love alone
Elisa Charles Jr Sep 2015
Here, again.
Until when?
Sep 2015 · 218
Elisa Charles Jr Sep 2015
' Can I come back? '
Good times.

— The End —