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Oct 2014 · 599
Love Made Me Stronger
Endia Chardea Oct 2014
7 years
Feels like 7 days
Everything you want to remember
Everything you want to lose
Not all memories come back
And niether do days
there were good days and bad days
Time won and time waste
Time slow and time haste
There was love won
And love lost
Sacrifies with and without a cost
Things gained and things lost
But in the most
The world never stops
It stands up
Sits down
Turns around
And then hops
All the clothes that you wore on a special day
Never mattered anyway
The books mattered a lot
Hope gos a long way
Faith even longer
The power that my mother had
Made me even stronger
So don't be mad or have sorrow
If I'm not here tomorrow
Because love made me stronger
if you use this please give me credit
hope you enjoy
Oct 2014 · 479
Shooting Stars
Endia Chardea Oct 2014
Everyone loves to wish on a folling star
but what about the star
If you do recieve your wish
What happens to the star
The star is falling
So why wish on it
It already has bad fate
For goodness sake
It falling out of place
How is is suppose to grate your wish
If it can not grate its own
It own wish to stay in the sky
To not have to say good bye
To the stars still up there
but to late
It down here
That poor falling star
And with the person you are
You hope it will grate you something
Even though that star has nothing
i saw a falling star once and i was wondering how it was suppose to grate you wishes hope you like the story
Oct 2014 · 642
Endia Chardea Oct 2014
Laugh because you smile
Smile because you laugh
Laugh like no one is listening
Smile like no one is watching
Love like you will recieve a gift
Give everyday like Christmas
Forgive like you were never hurt
Sing like the angels
Be an angel to someone
Be a geany and grant wishes
More than three, a life supply
Fall love like you've never fallen
And when you fall
Get back uplike you;ve never fallen
Smile like you'be never grined
Laugh like its you first time
Wake up with the birds
You have no time to waste
Only waste time when time wants it
And that is never
Pet a lion ad see if it he bites
Eat an apple to see if it is spoiled
Do extra and the extreme
Be you and not me
Fly with the angels and birds
Swera never
Promise nothing
Speak out, say something
Move around, don't be still
Listen to music, then make your own
Sit quite and grow strong
Live life, don't moan
Pain stays and pain goes
Pictures last long
Letters even longer
Add dates to keep count
This world is tricky on days
Mondays feel like Tuesdays
And Tuesdays feel like Thursdays
You don't have to have a reason
Not for every thing
Sometimes its better to do what you feel
And not what you mean
And don't be mean
There isno reason to
For God loves you
And so not stare
Or give that glare
Someone could get hurt
Or already is
For you know nothing of that person
Compared to what God knows
That person could have it all
Awrds lined up on the walls
With no family or friends
Or even worse
No religion
So laugh alot
It helps, alot
Smile because it means your alive
Frown to much and you could die
Count you blessings
If you can count that high
And pray up toward the sky
Were the moon and staes look down
They se everything
Things you can and can not see
Some things that neither please them
Nor me
Be happy you're not dead
Not yet
Smile often so God feels appreciated
"Love all" the Bible states it
Live wiht o regrets, but one
The one where you  regreted something that made you have fun
Thats right, that is in life
you have fun when you laugh
When you smile
Take a picture, worth while
Keep going every mile
Take a shot here and there
Yea, they hurt, but its a great worth
You think about what you could lose
Or, what you lost, if to late
So if everything is at stake
Be happy
Be clam
Sit down
Stay quite
Make sound
And love all around
is you use this please give me credit  Endia Dees
Sep 2014 · 3.7k
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Do not try to put sprinkles on a doughnut
If the doughnut does not want sprinkles
Find a doughnut that wants sprinkles
And give them to him
Sep 2014 · 501
A butterfly
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
A butterfly can not fly with the world on its wings
That is why a butterfly has no worries
Sep 2014 · 297
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Time is everyone's best enemy
Sep 2014 · 398
I did right
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
No more dark
because there is light
Always bright
Because I did right
I wrote in a notebook
Never had a fight
Did some bad things at night
But that's alright
I got into the gate
On my due date
And once I walked in
All my hate
Was erased
Because all there is
Is light
Because I did right
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
Eye to Eye
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Your black
And I'm white
You're mean
And I'm nice
You want dark
I want light
I'm morning
You're night
You say go left
I say go right
When you are wrong
I'm right
You spice things up
I put it down
I am quite
You're making sound
When you scream
I sigh
We just don't see eye to eye
Sep 2014 · 4.0k
Taco Tummy
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
There were two boys
Who were eatting tacos
One said
"I can eat more tacos than you"
The other said
"You wish"
And there it stat
They kept eatting
And eatting
Until their stomachs hurt
Sep 2014 · 2.0k
The Black cows
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
The Black cows are trapped
They try to leave but
Is what they get
They try to leave at night
When they are harder to sight
But if they do not leave quickly
Another beating

No where to run
And no where to hide
They are stuck in this bind
The Black cows
Were brought down
But not now

When those White keepers
Let free the Black cows
The Black cows were free
And the white keepers were going down

The Black cows ran over them
They came to show them what they were missing
What they had been keeping
Back for so many years
Everything the Black cows did
Brought them to tears
of joy and
Was worth cheers
Sep 2014 · 551
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
What is simple
And hard
Waking everyday
To pick up my head and fight
Every day is a new start
To fly
Or to fall hard
Every day is a day
For the bullet to be bitten
But all I am doing is sitting
Watching the clock
Just ticking
In a classroom quite sickening
Ready to leave this dump
Quite quickly
Because this is a school
That is stuck in the middle
Of the grades,quite simple
I am leaving this place
Right on the nickel
Stay young kids
Stay simple
Because once you get to where i am
There is no turning back
Your life has changed before your eyes
You are older now
What a GREAT surprise
Of what you have realized
Sep 2014 · 230
Dark Now Light
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Nothing good can last
That is why
It is black
So dark
Without any light
Every day and  night
Nothing bright
No light
Every night

Until he came

Nothing bad can last
That is why
It is white
So bright
With so much light
Every day and night
Everything so bright
So much light
Every night
Sep 2014 · 326
Danger Loves Me
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
He loves to chase me
He loves to follow me
He loves to play games
And his favorite is humiliation

Like tripping and falling
Stumbling and pain  

Oh the pain
It must be his favorite game
No matter what game
It has to have pain
Or its not his game
And the pain has to stay
It can't just go away
It has to stay

But yes
Danger loves me
And how do I know
Danger told me so

Danger loves me
And I hate Danger
But Danger loves me
Nothing i can do
Danger loves me
Sep 2014 · 292
Hopeful Hands
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
You can not hold something
Slippery with slippery hands
But you can hold something
With hopeful hands
Sep 2014 · 392
The Devil
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
The Devil can't get a life
He can only take yours

                      -Pastor Rev.  Dees
Sep 2014 · 336
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Be careful
What you wish for
It just may come true
And be careful for what you say
Because it may no happen today
But you could lose what you had
And gain very little
Sep 2014 · 275
The sky is very far
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
The sky is very far from down here
On the ground
But when i climb over
And many many heads
It is not far from where i stand
Sep 2014 · 214
Clear , Nice
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
But not clear
But not nice
Sep 2014 · 234
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Anyone can point out
Someones flaws
But it takes a real person
To point out
Their beauty
Sep 2014 · 229
Every star
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Every star in the sky has a glistening moment
Sep 2014 · 312
Why i do not hurt anyone
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Everyone wants to know
Why i do not
Hurt anyone
And this is because
O the "Ten Commandments"
1 says "Thou shall not ****"
Which means if i do all of my real anger
Out from my short past
That will most likely happen
2 another says
"Thou shall not comment suicide"
Which I probably
Most likely
Do also if i chose the wrong fight
And 3
Who cares what they say
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
---If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees
---Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead
---the best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them
Sep 2014 · 210
Anyone Anything
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Anyone can do any thing
Everyone can do Everything
Some one can do something
No one can do nothing
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
I am bad
But i could be worse
I am smart
But i could be smarter
I am stupid
But i could be stupider
I am me
But i could be someone else
Yes i do know that stupider is not a word but i thought it would be cute to add
Sep 2014 · 212
Why go so fast
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Why go so fast
When you get there
You have to keep going
Sep 2014 · 300
Fastest Person
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
The world is not won by the fast person
Sep 2014 · 302
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Wake up
There is always some one there to
Sep 2014 · 346
Welcome Saturday
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
I don't have a lot of patience
I don't have a lot of energy
If you stop keeping me waiting
You might not become my enemy
But I've been waiting
Monday through Friday
Waking up with a headache
Talking about waking up
For 5 days
Not seeing the light of your face
So when you come around
I'm so happy to say
Welcome Saturday
Sep 2014 · 222
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Less people
Less problems
More people
More problems
Some people
Some problems
I can deal with that
Sep 2014 · 503
The Fault in our stars
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
---"Life comes from life. Life begets life.Life begets life"
---"Our fearlessness shall be our secret weapon"
---"God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference
---"I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up"
Sep 2014 · 341
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Life never settles
Once it all looks good
Just wait
Life never settles
Sep 2014 · 238
Some people
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Some people "roll"
Some people -me- "rumble"
I can not "roll" anymore
Just "rumble"
I have made to many
Dents in myself to "roll"
But i think that
As many times I have
I will soon knock all
Of the bad
And start all over
Sep 2014 · 266
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Everyone fails
But not everyone succeeds
Everyone falls
But not everyone gets back up
Sep 2014 · 230
A wanting finger
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Nothing has ever been touched
Without a wanting finger
Sep 2014 · 290
All Night Nightmare
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Roses are my enemies
They deceive me
Trees look like knifes
The sky is not that nice
I have been there
More than twice
The grass looks like
A swamp i keep falling in
Keep falling in
And all the people:
They hate me like unwanted grapes
They throw me out
To the street
And cars run over me
But they don't hurt
It is the ground
It spins me all around
Till a whorl-pool appears
It makes a hole
The hole ha knifes
Holding myself
For my life
I scream and yell
But no one hears a thing
So I am killed
And i die
But it is not over yet
I have not defeated the
but i am a
So i wake up
And my all night nightmare
Is over
Till tonight
When it starts over
Sep 2014 · 337
Lesson Learned
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Don't ever lean on a twig
Or even worse
A flower
Sep 2014 · 319
Other side
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
I walk to my enemies
Run to my goal
You will see me
ON the other side of the hole
Sep 2014 · 235
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
When no one is around
What do you do?
When everyone shoots you down
What do you do?
When everyone hates you
What do you do?
When everyone is screaming
What do you do?
When people want things from you
What do you do?
When people keep going
What do you do?
When everyone falls
What do you do?
Sep 2014 · 223
I Tell
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
I tell my secret to a leaf
And ask him not to tell
But when the wind blows
He tells it to another leaf
And that leaf does the same
The same
The same
The same
Until one leaf
Tells it to a branch
And that branch does the same
The same
The same
The same
Until one branch
Tells the tree
And the tree does the same
The same
The same
The same
The whole entire forest
Knew about my secret
All because one leaf
Sep 2014 · 761
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Tear made of pain
From feeling so much of it
No one trys to help
Because no one understands
Your locked up
Your stuck
In all your sadness
No one wants to be a witness
Because no one ever cares
You beg ,plead , and cried
But no one dares
To help
The helpless
Sep 2014 · 1.4k
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Ever since you were small
You wanted to be at the top
But you must not have known
That at the top
Everyone is a watch
Because once you fall
So do the ones below
And we all fall
Like Dominoes
Sep 2014 · 242
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
If there were no dreams
There would not be
Any beams
Of smiles on our faces
We would be miserable
On a daily basis
Sep 2014 · 328
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
He was big and brown
With huge teeth
I promise
I saw him
Or is it them
He had three heads
and he walked up to my bed
I sat up
And screamed
And that is when you came in  
And he disappeared
I am not am not  lieing
I am just tired  
Because i could not sleep
And you say
count sheep
I say
I would
If i could
But he keeps staring
And it is king of
Sep 2014 · 245
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
Create something new
something that has never been seen
something clean and lean
to work as a team
Start all over
when the job is done
to make it even better that the last one
Sep 2014 · 781
To create a camp
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
To create a camp
for the homeless
but who will pay for it
the money for lights
or air
or the building
some people just can't have every thing
Sep 2014 · 315
To Bring More Money
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
To bring in more money
But won't there be more steeling
And you can't please every one
But you can try  
But other than that
And this is a fact
Everyone wants more
But no one gives back
Sep 2014 · 193
From? #2
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
I am here for you
I see every thing
I am more than the your two eyes can view
You wish you could touch me
and some times you love to see me
I will always be here for you
For i know all the things you do
I will never say by
Sep 2014 · 193
From? #1
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
I will change colors do to your mood
I will stand tall over you
But i will not move out of your way
I can touch the sky
You can look left
And look right
I will be there
No matter what
I can shade you from
That big bright thing
And i love it when you sing

Sep 2014 · 355
Come Alive
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
I come alive
and then die
at the same time
at night
but in the morning
the sun comes poring
no more snoring
because it is morning
no more night
because i am alive
Sep 2014 · 207
No one sees
Endia Chardea Sep 2014
No one sees
The same thing
Because everyone sees
No one sees the same as me
Because I see a
Different way
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