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Apr 2014 · 466
keep the music alive
EmmaH Apr 2014
Love is not a call and response song

the refrain is not memorable

Love is a burst of cacophonous notes

that when put together in the right manner

make a beautiful composition

No two pieces are the same,

melodies are unrecognizable

and the song will never stay

all efforts to write down every note

are made in vein,

for the beauty,

and power

is in the improvisation

in the existence of mistakes

The places to grow and be

as wild as the voice

and mind will allow

No composer can interpret the things

you've told them of this music

or comprehend the words

but having fleeting bursts of the tune

is enough ,

to keep the music alive
7/28/1930- 4/29/2014 in memory of my grammy
EmmaH Jan 2011
Two of us
going nowhere
in a box
on a wheel
crammed in
waiting to go

we chat
about nothing
I can remember

coming to the end
we realize our
mutual enjoyment

you give me your name
I slip it into my pocket
anxious to see you
though we have not parted

from my pocket
from my memory

only me , ****
2nd of the "series" ,  might not be too great as I am simultaneously listening to Green Day a la Rock Band (babysitting)
Dec 2010 · 760
the two of you
EmmaH Dec 2010
like black charcoal smudges that turn soft
the two of you blend together
he is the romantic
not attacking you with love
but knowing when you need it
his vintage porsche in the shop
but he'll go home on the train
to work the grave shift
just to be with you
to make cookies with you
to see "the family"
and you are the girl
every art school boy noticed
the magenta, blorange, and
jet black
who somehow calms in his presence
it amazes me but I welcome it
and he is welcome too
i approve
sometimes I want to write a poem, and I did. Can't decide whether to give it to the people (well person)  it's about or if it's too ******. Plus , I don't think they appreciate poetry. What do you think?
Dec 2010 · 1.7k
EmmaH Dec 2010
is drinking not one but three mugs of ghiradelli hot cocoa
is putting  the heat on 73 degrees
is thinking on tuesday about friday
is hitting the snooze button yet again
is getting a full eight hours of sleep
is turning red while sledding
is staying up on hello poetry
is not thinking about the "should haves"
winter insipiration
Dec 2010 · 670
Dream One
EmmaH Dec 2010
I saw you
in my dream last night

we were sitting one seat away
from the end of the row
I carefully sat next to you
I looked at your book
I complimented you ,
the book was in german

you smiled at me
your short black hair
and bits of stubble around your jawline

that was all
but I loved it
and I want you back
It may not really be a "poem" persay but i need a place to put my dreams
Dec 2010 · 717
confused emotions
EmmaH Dec 2010
If you don’t stop running with that gang
The gallows is at the end of the road for you
Traveling boy
His courage to live depended on how successful
It was hidden from his consciousness
They had never held up a white man before

His family
He knew they were suffering
It maddened him
He did not have a wider choice of action

Alien white world
They get a chance to do everything
They don’t let us do nothing
White folks
Nothing ever happens
Quit thinking about it
Every time I think of em’ I feel em’
It was a game and all white people knew how to play it

Pensive, brooding, amusement

Of life
Intense desire
Moment s of anger
I don’t give a ****

His interest was caught
He leaned forward

A sense of excitement about his new job
His body hungered for keen sensation
Just keep laughing

Just keep laughing
Trying to defeat or gratify powerful impulses
In a world he feared

Why did he come to take this ******* job?

confused emotions.
this poem was created mostly with quotes from the book Native Son by Richard Wright
Dec 2010 · 852
a new friend
EmmaH Dec 2010
you've always been
to make friends
a social butterfly
but about you latest one,
I must question you , Why?

the more time you spend together
the more it ***** you in

you don't give a ****
that you've confessed
but I still have an shred of hope
that you'll give up that b.s.

I won't rat you out
make the decision on your own
yet so far deep affection is all you've shown

put down the malboro
that dreaded cigarette

i know you love attention
but its the cause of this dissention

please stop this terrible affection
while I tried to rhyme and this is what came out of it...
May 2010 · 822
EmmaH May 2010
too much thinking
no time for onself
fun? what does that mean

you should see a counselor
too long
waste of time
shut up
and get it

too many
shut them

do what you are
look where that
got us

don't dwell on the
or the
Mar 2010 · 564
One Hundred and Four
EmmaH Mar 2010
~Not great, filled with teenage angst, but everyone has to start somewhere.

— The End —