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Emma Whittle Apr 2017
A suicidal girl falls in love,
She knows she is loved.  She does not find that blood lust from her scarred
wrists.  She feels a pulling in her gut, A feeling called happiness.
She believes she loves him, she believes he loves her. She has stopped
slitting her wrists, She is happy, She has a reason to live.
She has a reason to fight. To stay alive.
But what happens when that person

Emma Whittle Apr 2017
How much will it take
for you to become happy?
How much will it take for you
to become high?
When will you find the person
to give you that high?
Where will he be?
How much will it cost you?
How long will you sleep?
How many dreams will you have?
How much will you pay?
Because after all, he doesn't sell drugs.

He sells dreams
Emma Whittle Apr 2017
She pop the cap, looking down at the cobalt blue ovals
Thinking, dreaming of how high they’ll let her fly
She tips out of the orange container into her shaking hand,
Knowing they will make her happy.
“Happy little pills” she thought when a grin appeared upon her solemn face
She tips her head back and tosses the pills in her mouth, takes her water and washes them down.
“More” was the only thought on her mind. She popped so many pills, over and over again.
She finally lay down to rest, hoping it would be her last time falling asleep.
She took a shaky breath and opened her eyes, she felt horrible.  She looked around and heard her mother walking in. Her mother took one look at her and called 911.
She looked up at her mother and took in a shaky breath and whispered “i’m sorry”
Her eyes glossed over and that was that.
She was
Emma Whittle Apr 2017
Running from thoughts.
From actions.
From people.
From your mind.
Why do we run? why not stand and fight?
If you fight, you risk death.  If you run, you know you will die. You know you will beat your mind.
Emma Whittle Apr 2017
Time something we all have, something that creates us, something that makes us disappear.  Something that creates despair, creates joy.
Creates pain. It can give us everything all at once,
and then nothing.
It creates perfection and pain,
happiness and hell,
greatness and grief.
In the end time will take us all, take what we love, what we treasure in life.
Time is sorrow, time is the sun, lightens up our paths, leaves us in darkness but always comes back.
Time is life. Life is time.
Emma Whittle Apr 2017
What is fate? A person in the sky dying for two to meet? Some being asking for two people to get close asking, begging, for the two to love, for their sorrows to be put together and create joy, to create love? Is fate just an excuse to create love? Is fate made up to give the hopeless hope? To let them become content with themselves? Or is it to turn us against us, something to destroy love?
Emma Whittle Apr 2017
I feel you watching me, all day, all night. Always watching.
Getting closer and closer
Creeping up behind me, in public, alone
We are one. I am
You are

— The End —