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 Oct 2013 Emma Jane
she loved to read books
books of every kind

she would spend hours sitting in a corner of her tiny room
cuddled up in blankets,
drinking green tea
and reading book after book

she longed to escape into their world,
to run free through the shire
to become a princess and run away with her prince on a shining white horse
to use magic spells
and defeat the evil the ran its course through the tangled vines of the world

she longed to live in a world were the good always won
because in her own storybook
you could not begin to fathom how how wrong that was

so through the rain and wind she continued to read
until she grew old and got lost in her stories
and was never found again
 Sep 2013 Emma Jane
it's hard to crack a
coconut while
sitting under the
in order to understand
the fundamentals of a
broken heart
you've got to know the
secrets of the soul


99% of human beings
are enchanted
and to lick the moon
you don't always have to
travel to mars.

Now wait.
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